A big catch up – July: A month of visitors

August 1, 2019

It seems I am not the only one who thinks the year is disappearing before my very eyes. I mean where on earth did July just go to? Here we are in August – HOW? How I ask you! I mean just the other day I was asked to put in our order for 2020 Diaries and that was the limit. Did I really just type 2020.

Ok so last time we chatted – which was ages ago – I discussed the fact that I was going to become “consistent” with this whole blogging thing. And we all know I have been saying that since I started the blog back in 2014. I guess I have been consistent at being inconsistent – so: tick.

What has been happening? SO MUCH!!!! I have so much to catch you up on. So go and grab yourself a cuppa and settle in because I think this is going to be a long one my friends.

The last post I wrote was all about Clancy’s birthday but so much happened in July it is all a bit of a jumble in my head. We had so many visitors. I love visitors and they were all fabulous but boy it was busy. It was like a motel, one lot of guests checked out and the new ones checked in. They were all amazing guests though I must say because they even washed the sheets etc before leaving and made up the cottage ready for the next lot. They are welcome back anytime.

Our first lot of visitors were of course DD & Rex (my Mum and Dad). It was so great to have them stay for a couple of weeks. They live down in Mudgee in NSW and come up every year around this time. We don’t get to see them much so their yearly visit is treasured.

Although they have declared this is the last time they will ever drive over our disgraceful road. I am thinking perhaps we need this sign…

Of course it was also school holidays and so fantastic to have the boys home, Clancy absolutely loves having his brothers back to fight with. Look at this one – my oldest boy Tom is now taller than me at 14. Isn’t he just so handsome. That boy is such a hard worker, he isn’t happy unless he has a job to do – just like his father – always working!

We managed to sneak in a cheeky little night out camping which was fun.

I mean nothing beats a campfire, right? We even took the camp oven out and marshmallows of course. I got to test out my new Chardy Pink swag – apparently Mr Chardy ordered this for me for Christmas but forgot about it… so I just got it. Too funny.

When the holidays were over it was time for the long drive back to town to drop the boys at the airport. We got about 100km along the dirt road when I realised I had forgotten my wallet. Bugger (I may have said something a little harsher than that). I have never done that before. I always have my list of things to remember but clearly this time I skimped on the essentials.

I may not have had my wallet but I didn’t forget the rattle gun and that honey joy slice I made for the boys to take back to school. Lucky Mum and Dad were in town camped up in their luxury caravan as I had already planned to crash the night on their floor. Turns out you can do town without a wallet – especially if you have a cashed up son. I had to get a loan.

Mrs Savvy B was at the airport with her boys and it was pretty sad. We pulled ourselves together, waved them off and went for lunch together.

Harry left a little something for me to remember him by. Now I think of him every time I have a coffee. That kid is crazy.

The same week we dropped the boys at the airport Clancy and I turned around and headed back in for The Great Moscow Circus. He had never been to a circus before so I thought I would be a good Mum and take him. We camped on DD & Rexy’s caravan floor again which was fun – just making the most of seeing them before they left the area. Clancy loved the circus too.

We took our visitors on a few adventures, I always enjoy getting out and about when we have people come to stay – otherwise I do tend to get stuck in a rut doing the same thing day in and day out.

There were bbq’s and a fair amount of wine consumed (I had to take one for the team!)…

One lot of visitors were actually some lovely ladies who I met at my very first blogging conference back in 2014. I didn’t know a single person there but they took me under their wing and we have been friends ever since.

Suzanne & Merril (and John) are an absolute hoot, we had such fun together. I was worried they were going to be bored stiff but they slotted right in. We hung out cooking up a storm in the kitchen. They showed up with so much food it wasn’t funny and cooked lots. They had a great time. I was sad to see them go.

In between all the visitors we had our favourite Outback Plumber – Stretch here. We always love to see his smiling face and that man can and will fix anything. This time he put a water softener on my kitchen to help save my dishwasher and urn from our dreadful bore water. Why do we call him stretch? Because his is so tall – and has feakishly big hands…

Ok, so now if you don’t mind I am off to get my head around the fact that it is August and there is A LOT happening in August. I think there will be lots of contractors about doing various jobs – new yards, new buildings, new tanks… cattle to truck off the place and so much more. Oh and just for shits and giggles I am trying to fit a cheeky little hike over at Trek West in with some gorgeous friends from Brisbane (the Wild Spark gang if you will). I am feeling slightly anxious thinking of it all but the show must go on and we will survive. First world problems right?

So how is the year looking for you? Crazy busy? I said it at the beginning and I will say it again – HOW IS IT AUGUST ALREADY? Ok my friends… lets do this. Have a wonderful day.


  1. Bron

    Always a good read to catch up on your news from up there! (I am in Melbourne..) Great photos as well. I was envious of you all in t-shirts too – earlier in the week it was a big fat Zero here! Keep up the great work with your blog, I really do enjoy it . 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Thanks Bron, lovely to hear from you. The weather has cooled down again up here and we have the air con on heat at the moment. Have a fabulous weekend. x


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