A big catch up & the Long Life Cream disaster

February 8, 2018

You know that feeling of overwhelm, where you need to do something but it has been so long and now it seems so big that you just don’t know where to start?  No, just me???  Well that is how I feel about my blog at the moment.  It has been so long since my last blog post (gosh, sound like I am in confession doesn’t it) and I have so much to tell you that I just don’t know where to start.

So today I thought I would just start.  Say hi and give you a bit of an update on what’s been going down in Chardy town. There is so much to tell you.

For one there is our holiday.  I will be doing a massive update on that – we literally drove half way around Australia with the 3 kids and it was actually fun.  These holiday updates will be more for my records but it will be fun sharing them with you guys too.

One thing I have realised since starting this blog is that it is like a diary.  So great to be able to go back and read about different things we have done over the years, the birthday parties, each school year, watching the kids grow.  It has turned out to be really valuable on a personal level and I didn’t even think about this when starting the blog.  I just thought – wouldn’t it be fun to overshare my life with everyone.  ha ha ha ha.  But it has become so much more.

I also held a Miss Chardy Event in Brisbane while we were down there, so stay tuned for a blog post on that one.  It was such fun.  25 fabulous women!  I can’t wait to tell you all about it.

Now can we also just discuss a Facebook post I put up the other day regarding Devondale long life cream.  It had been brought to my attention that this cream had apparently been discontinued.  Well I didn’t believe it…. surely not.  It is a staple in my store and we use it nearly every day.  It is also the only of it’s kind on the supermarket shelves.  A little 200ml tetra pack of goodness.  Pauls used to also make a UHT cream but they stopped making it years ago so this left us with one option – Devondale.  Now it seems it is true… Devondale really have stopped making this fabulous product.

So of course I did what anyone obsessed with social media would do, I took it straight to Facebook.  I knew many of my friends would be up in arms about this but I didn’t realise just how much Australia loves this long life cream.

Clancy is especially concerned about what he is going to do once our out of date supply runs out…

HOLY COW… the response has been out of control.  Turns out people are very passionate about their Devondale long life cream because that one little post has, to date, reached over 240,000 people and been shared over 1,400 times.  I guess you could say it has gone Viral.  LONG LIFE CREAM … gone viral!!!  Who’d have thought.

So many comments… over 1,300 of them all saying the exact same thing…

“This is a staple in our pantry, always have about 6 cartons on hand”
“We love this stuff, use it everyday”
“How are we going to make our potato bakes now, it’s just not the same with fresh cream”
“I have been trying to find this the last couple of times I have been to the shop and haven’t been able to”
“We live hundreds of km’s from town and buy a couple of boxes at a time”

There have even been comments by people who didn’t even know it existed saying “I didn’t even know you could get long life cream, but now I really want some”.  Even a lady in the USA said that she would love to be able to get something like that over there.

Oh it has been crazy my friends.  So I thought I had best do a little research into what has happened.  I have sent Devondale a lengthy email, but haven’t heard back from them, so I will phone them today.  Of course I have googled the whole situation and from a few comments on my post it is now evident that the UHT Factory at Edith down in Tasmania shut down in November.  It has been sold to a Taiwan company – Dutch Mill.

Now I could go on about the dairy farmers and shortage of milk/cream and the fact that the dairy farmers are probably, most certainly not getting paid properly but I feel like I would be talking out my arse and not able to give you all the facts, so I will leave that up to someone who really knows what they are talking about.  Are you a dairy farmer?  Could you perhaps give us some cold hard facts?  Please share them in the comments section below.  Australia needs to be informed.  And did I mention we are very passionate about our long life cream?

So, I don’t really hold a lot of hope for our little 200ml cartons of cream but surely this can’t be the end.  It is a national disaster… won’t someone think of the remote people.

Ok, so I am off now to Google “how do you produce long life cream” so I can set up my own factory.  Surely there is a tutorial on You Tube or something.

Ok hit me with all of your information.  
Tell me everything you know about this cream disaster.  
Are you a diary farmer?  
Is Murray Goulburn/Devondale going broke?
What about our UHT Milk??




  1. Louise

    Go Miss Chardy!! No wonder I can’t find any. I only live a couple of streets away from Woolies but always had some in the pantry it was just so handy to have. Good luck.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh it is such a worry… dairy shortage in general.

      • fandomnerd66

        Hi Miss Chardy , I have also noticed that Liddels long life LACTOSE FREE cream has disappeared , at the same time as Devondale, from all the big supermarkets. I am desperate for this to return as with my Lactose intolerance I don’t use cream often , but its excellent to have it on hand. I have been buying the fresh Zymil cream but have been throwing it out almost every fortnight, costly.My husband used to use Devondale for his coffee but now uses Liddels. PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD.

        Thank you Kelly , Hastings Victoria.

        • Miss Chardy

          I really thought the Liddels was still available, I can’t believe it has gone too. Crazy!!!

  2. Kimberley Wilson

    I know it certainly isn’t the same and I am all for bringing back the UHT cream but if anyone like us is in need of something then Carnation is making a non refrigeratable cream. It definitely isn’t the same but works well in cooking. I can not give testimony to its ability to be whipped or the difference in taste in things like scones with jam and cream but it works in potato bake and the like. Will post photo on FB for you.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Kimberley. I saw your photo on Facebook. Have never even taken notice of this product in the shops. Thanks.

  3. Carmel

    Hi Miss Chardy, I live on a farm and always have tins of Nestle Reduced Fat Cream on hand! I love it can be used for cooking and had it on pancakes, pudding etc too! It’s great, might be a good alternative if Devondale is gone…..

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Carmel, thanks for that, I will check it out.

  4. woodlandsonbrunyMarlene Schmidt

    We live on a farm on Bruny Island off the coast of Tasmania. This Devondale long life cream was always in my cupboard. We only go to Hobart once every ten days or so and fresh cream is problematic. So disaster!! Can we start a ‘” Bring back our cream” campaign? They closed the factory in Tasmania because they say they had to rationalise their business and make fewer items! This is an item lots of remotely located people love.

    • Miss Chardy

      Such a same isn’t it.

  5. Stuart

    We also live a long way from the shops and usually get there once a month. I have not been able to buy this cream for some time but the Liddell brand UHT lactose free cream is still available, although now in limited supply due to Devendale’s decision. This cream is not as good but we will have to make do. I have used in deserts for good results but it tends to separate when heated. I used to make sour cream from the devondale UHT cream by adding some white vinegar and lemon juice.

    • Miss Chardy

      There seems to be other creams available that we will all have to try… Carnation and Nestle.

  6. Annette

    Ive been on the tracking down trail of an alternative…. Devondale on their helpline last week suggested Liddell – a sister company. On Wed. 14th I called Liddell said yes they made it and it should be in Woolworths and Coles. I rang both of them and they told me it was discontinued. The only longlife cream I could find on the shelves when I went into town on the 15th, was Nestle brand (not Australian owned) and it was more than 3x the price of the old Devondale product. I received an email back from Liddell today to tell me their longlife product has ALSO been discontinued, and when I called Devondale today they advised me that they couldn’t suggest an alternative product at all. (I thought I had found a longlife cream from a dairy co-op in WA but they advised they have also stopped production of it).

    There are approx 6 million rural dwellers in Australia at the last census – 32% of the population – that can’t just pop down to the shops for a carton of fresh cream. This is a big gap in the market especially when Devondale/Liddell used to have market share in NSW for their products – if one would have stopped the other would have benefited – but instead they both cut and run and the only one that will benefit is the big corporation of Nestle (if we’re desperate enough to buy it).

    • Miss Chardy

      It seems the problem is more about the milk supply in Australia Annette and the lack of diary farms – because they are forced to close because they are being paid peanuts. The Liddell’s cream was a lactose free cream – they can keep that one. I know Anchor make a 1L UHT cream but haven’t used it – I think it is only available from wholesalers too… not sure. Don’t think I have seen it in the supermarket. I am still in denial as I have 2 boxes (24 cartons) of the devondale left but that won’t last long.

  7. Kirsten

    I’m devastated the long life cream has been discontinued, I always have it in my cupboard. I’m going to email Devondale too – maybe if we all email them we can change their minds…such a great product… Kirsten

  8. Julie

    Hi there. Just found your blog while searching for info on the Devondale Cream Crisis. I couldn’t find it in the shops and realised that something was wrong. That little empty row on the shelf filled me with dread. I loved that Cream. Anyway called Devondale yesterday. Was told they closed the Factory. Another company not in touch with what their consumers want or need. Raced to our tiny country town general store and grabbed the last 3 boxes. I’ve purchased the Carnation brand to see what it’s like. Im hoping someone somewhere sees sense and will fill that little row on the supermarket shelf again. Xxx Julie from Harvey in Western Australia

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh it is just terrible isn’t it Julie…. thanks so much for saying hi… lets hope there is a great long life cream out there to keep us going… because my out of date Devondale is only going to last so long, ha ha ha

  9. Beverley Jane O'Brien

    I live on a remote island in Bass Strait Tasmania and don’t know what we will do without the UHT cream! I have 2 small boxes left and it makes me so sad as I use it a lot ~ I usually have at least 12 boxes on hand. Yes we need to find out how to make it ourselves!! I only shop once every 3 months!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh no, I feel like I need to send you a few of my cartons (even if they were used by 22 Dec 2018… minor details)… Wow – you live on an island in Bass Strait… well excuse me – but bugger the cream, I want to hear more about your life!

  10. judy graham

    We have been buying this cream for years and up until a few months ago could get it at IGA and I was delighted, but now that has gone too. Surely Devondale could get rid of one of it’s milks instead, if it is economising, and bring back that lovely little box of cream. All the family use it and I felt like crying when I used up my last little carton.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Judy, I too will be so sad when my supply is gone… I have quite the stash – even if it was used by 22 December 2017! Still works just fine and tastes perfect. I haven’t even been to town to see what else is on offer. Very sad indeed.

  11. Catherine J

    Wow. I thought it was just me!
    I’m a city dweller but always have UHT cream in the pantry for those times where I open the cream in the fridge (that’s still within its use-by date and hadn’t been opened) and it’s gone off.
    Or when I haven’t bought fresh cream and need it for a recipe I hadn’t planned when I went shopping.
    I’ve been looking everywhere for it in the shops and finally came to the conclusion that something was up so I googled it and I found your posts. Please keep posting with alternative options.
    PS love your blog

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello Catherine… so glad you found us… stay tuned… I haven’t been to town in over 44 days (but who’s counting) – going tomorrow – woo hoo – and may have to sample some substitute creams!!! Will let you know how they go.

  12. Grumpy Old Man

    Devastated, I live one cut lunch and a thermos of tea out past the never never after the left turn at the black stump, or two thermos’s if it floods, which is quite regular, once every 10 years.

    With great sadness, today Saturday 17th of March In the Year of Our Lord 2018, I laid to rest the last half carton of Devondale Long Life Cream, after wringing its little neck. May its lifeless little carton Rest In Peace.

    Now what? I noticed a lack of stock in one store, on the last arduous trip to the Big Smoke, went to the other store, they still had some stock, purchased what I thought a ample quantity? Then searched out “why” when I arrived home after said cut lunch and thermos of tea.

    NOT HAPPY JAN! Had one known the reason behind the lack of stock on the shelves, one may have bought two ‘ample’ quantities? I did ask the most helpful staff member but he had no concrete reason as to why the bare shelves.

    One should have noticed the writing on the wall when Devondale discontinued its Long Life Iced Coffee. [OH come on you kept Strawberry, *** **** Sakes!]

    Out in the never never one survives on many long life products, and that included Iced Coffee [no nippin down the servo for a treat out here] Cream OH Lordy Me .. no more stroganoff, no cream on beans, no cream in mashed potato, no cream on cauliflower, no cream on peppered tomato and cucumber, no more cholesterol …. wait that’s a good thing, right?

    Not looking forward to taste testing an inferior product, I will only but one single unit, I’m not willing to buy an ‘ample’ quantity and find it does not pass the taste test, then feed it to the dog. He might even turn he nose up at it, it has happened in the past.

    Tomorrow one makes a cut lunch and thermos of tea, Monday is that arduous journey to the big smoke, this time to hunt a replacement product.

    Grumpy Old Man
    of The Never Never

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Grumpy Old Man – you are too funny and have quite a way with words, thanks for the laugh. Now, we may be in luck, I was handed a newspaper the other day from some friends and it seems a company may be starting up the long life cream and UHT milk and it will be called Australia’s Own. I think it is happening after May but will just do some research and write a blog post about it – so – watch this space. Now, you enjoy your trip to the big smoke with your thermos. I reckon our trip is probably a 2 thermos trip and a cut lunch, ha ha ha ha – well that is to “town” – the big smoke would be more like this: a swag, 3 thermos and 5 cut lunches, might even need the billy and hotplate. ha ha ha.

  13. Patrizia cusack

    I too went to Woolworths and Coles several times and couldn’t find it. Wouldn’t it be nice if they could put a little poster on the shelf telling us to forget about this product! I also heard that there is a worldwide shortage of cream! Disaster ! This come as at the same time that people are learning that cream has no carbs, ! And that fat doesn’t make you fat! And really skim and low fat milks should be relabelled as high carb milks! So smart milk is actually really DUMB milk! When you buy low fat milk it should be half price beacause they have nicked the cream off the top. My suggestion to people out in the back of Bourke is buy the largest container of fresh cream and make large ice cubes out of it. And a bit off the subject ladies, but those very unchic large skinny lattes in those unchic sippy buckets are making you fat ! So be like the French and put cream in your coffee! cheers Patrizia Cusack , Mansfield Brisbane .

    • Lynda M UTTING

      LOVE your proposed solution – freezing fresh cream!! 😉 And it’s true about the French and eating fat – you don’t necessarily get fat! Well, everyone knows that the French put cream in all their sauces for their wonderful creamy meat dishes…
      My solution to this dire state of affairs was to say that it is possible that one can bring a very healthy long-life UHT product from NZ back over with you when you’ve gone there to visit all the coussies!! 😉 Anchor (NZ) makes a 250ml UHT long-life cream – very similar to our deposed Devondale UHT full-fat cream. And Australian Customs may/may not have restrictions on MILK products coming into Australia but nowhere does it say that UHT *CREAM* products are prohibited – so it’s certainly worth a try, I reckon!

  14. AnnetteBrowning

    Miss Chardy i hope you have good news for us about the little treasure uht longlife cream i am totally devasted about losing this treasure, and thank you for all your efforts it is appreciated by so many.

  15. Deidre Chambers

    I’m also very disappointed that Devondale Long Life cream has been taken off the market. Love the product. Always have at least 4 x 200mls on hand. Been great for potato bakes, birthday cakes & fresh Scones and the list goes on. Very sad when you are nearly 100km from town. I know I am not isolated compared to a lot of other people that love it. Fresh cream does not stay fresh long enough. . Reduced fat tinned cream is not the same.What will we do. .

  16. Marie Alsford

    Carnation have a great cooking cream and rawleighs have a powdered cream which is fantastic as normal cream for cakes and desserts etc. We used the powdered cream travelling az you can make exactly what you need.
    Cheers Marie

  17. Jodie

    I know this is old news, but I am still so affected by no Devondale Long Life cream in my pantry.

    I just wanted to warn everyone, the Carnation one is WOEFUL.

    My daughter keeps asking why my potato bakes or creamy cauliflower is grey! It is no good for cooking and is not smooth and creamy.
    Did I mention it is grey? That is a bit disturbing.

    Does anyone know why it is grey?
    Is that why it is more expensive? We are paying for the tint

    I managed to grab a few of the Liddels one and it was good, couldn’t find a reason why gluten free would be a problem.

    I am going to see if I can import something. It is that desperate a situation.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Jodie, There may be a light at the end of the tunnel. Apparently there is a company that is going to start producing the UHT cream again. So watch this space. I have had to resort to buying fresh cream, thankfully we are one of the first stations on the mail plane so it isn’t that hot when it arrives, ha ha ha, or I get some when I go to town with shit loads of eskys. So convenient. Nothing else compares to the Devondale, I am hearing you.

      • Jenny

        I agree with Jodie .. the Carnation one is woeful! I’m keeping my eyes firmly fixed on that ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ you mentioned Miss Chardy! Hoping it’s coming before our next big outback trip.

        • Miss Chardy

          I really do need to get to it and do some research on this “new” cream that is apparently coming… perhaps they should collaborate with me and I can be their marketing lady!! will let you know.

          • Lynda M UTTING

            I’ve just scored BIG time – true to my word, my strategy was to ask my next Kiwi visitor to bring over a stash of Anchor long-life UHT cream (after first checking that it was all legit to bring through Aussie Customs – WHEW! It is!!) So for starters, I asked my “pack mule” to bring over just six cartons (250ml) – and no problemo! They didn’t even want me to pay them for it!! (I’m must trying now to work out how to attach a photo to this post so that I can show you the evidence!!)?? How can I do this??

          • Julie Earle

            Hi there. I was thrilled to find a new Australian Made UHT cream in an IGA supermarket here in WA. It’s in a cute little Tetra Pak and it’s called Australia’s Own. The pack says Does Not Whip . Use for pouring or cooking. Haven’t tried it yet so hope it’s good. I bought 6 straight off I was so thrilled. Xxx Julie from WA

          • Miss Chardy

            Hi Julie. I also have some but haven’t tried it. Word is it doesn’t whip but beggars can’t be choosers I suppose. Let me know how you go.

          • Miss Chardy

            Hi Lynda, sorry not sure how to put a photo on (so technical aren’t I). How exciting for you, you lucky thing. What a good friend.

  18. Kathryn Hibbert

    Dear Miss Chardy, I happened upon your blog while researching the disappearance of Liddells lactose free long life cream. I’m lactose intolerant and used Liddells uht cream in any recipes that called for a light cream. I even used it to make ice cream. No more just opening the cupboard and grabbing a carton of Liddells uht cream. Not happy, Jan doesn’t begin to cover how I feel about the demise of Liddells lactose free uht cream 😠

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there Kathryn, I didn’t realise that Liddells had stopped making their long life cream. So you have taught me something too.

  19. Peri Coleman

    You can’t whip the Nestle Reduced Cream! It is great for what it is designed for (going on porridge with some brown sugar) but it is nothing like Devondales UHT cream… sob, sob. When is that factory getting fired up????

    • Miss Chardy

      I will have to get stuck into some research and contact Devondale. I need to get onto this. Have been very slack. Watch this space.

  20. Coralie thompson


  21. Penny

    Hi Miss Chardy.

    Back in March, I sent an email to Harvey Fresh, a WA based company that produce UHT Milk asking them if they made a UHT Cream. This is their reply:

    Dear Penny
    Thank you for taking the time to contact Parmalat Australia in regards to our Harvey Fresh UHT cream.
    We only do the Harvey Fresh Whipping Cream in UHT now and it is available through selected independents like IGA, Foodworks, Friendly Grocer tc.
    If they do not have it in store ask to speak to the store manager as they may order it in for you.
    Unfortunately I do not have individual store listings but I hope that this information is of assistance.
    Kind Regards
    Fe (Felicia)

    At this stage, I have been unable to find it our local IGA supermarkets, but i am going to ask the management as they are usually very helpful.

    Being on a station in the outback, you would probably be able to order direct from Harvey Fresh by the carton.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much for sharing that with us Penny, really appreciate it.

  22. Grumpy Old Man

    As a Grumpy Old Man, I rejoiced near wetting myself with Glee at the return of a product to replace said discontinued product, yes, Australia’s Own,

    I am proud to say an “Ample Quantity” are housed snugly in my pantry, I am not using them, I just open the door and shed a tear, close the door and say, what, it’s Dust I tell you, Dust! I need keep up the Grumpy Old Man status, none of this Sensitive New Age Guy stuff [SNAG] round here.

    I Roared with Laughter after reading your reply, I have been layed up in hospital in the real Big Smoke [Thank you RFDS] damn Dust in me eye again, so this reply might be a little late, but I felt you need to know you made a Grumpy Old Mans day a little more enjoyable.

    Keep your blog up

    Grumpy Old Man
    out in the Never Never

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh you are too funny. But no good that you have had to have a trip in the private jet to town. Hope you are on the mend. Now off you go and say hi to those cartons of cream. ha ha ha.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Jacinda, how did you go with it? I hear it doesn’t whip. I have some to try but haven’t used it yet. Let me know what you think. Certainly a positive.

      • Daisy

        Hi Miss Chardy, I’m joining in the conversation late. I miss Devondale UHT cream as well, can’t find it anywhere, but I have found that Australia’s Own UHT cream will whip to firm peaks with a little icing sugar mixed with 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar, and vanilla extract. It does need to be chilled, and it takes a little time, but it works. Cream of tartar also improves whipping of egg whites. Hope this helps. Regards, Daisy.

        • Miss Chardy

          Hi Daisy, thanks so much for those hot tips! Fabulous. You should be able to find the new Devondale cream at Woolworths or IGA. I love having them back on my shelf.

          • Daisy

            Thanks for that info Miss Chardy, none of the IGA’s near me stock it, but I found it at Woolworths as you said, and have stocked up big time!

  23. Future UHT Whipped Cream Mogul

    Hi Miss Chardy, hope all is well. I realise I am very late to the discussion but I did a fair bit of research in regards to the UHT Cream issue (I had thought I could start a business to supply the gap in the market and become the UHT Whipped Cream King :))
    I have found that mostly, the only sizes available are the 1 Litre tetrapaks used in food services (you can get them through PFD and other Food Services).

    There is a dairy producer in New Zealand called Tatua that have 1 litre tetrapak available but may be too large for most applications! The cost would work out to about $8 AUD a long way from the AUstralia’s Own UHT cream or carnation at 1.25 and $3.50 respectively, so not really feasible.

    The Devondale Factory in Tasmania was sold to Dutch Mill which have not reopened to my knowledge, and I am also unsure of what their plans are for the site. Tatura Milk, Norco, Bulla, Pauls, Harvey Fresh, only do fresh creams. Anchor (Fonterra) sell UHT whipping cream in New Zealand in 250ml tetrapaks, but only 1 litre food services in Australia.

    I am waiting on a response from Elle & Vire which is a French UHT cream producer, but that was months ago so not holding my breath!

    I agree that it seems ridiculous that in a country such as Australia that UHT whipped cream is available in such a limited way! I will keep you posted if I have any further suggestions (Maybe I can clean out the shelves at the Coundown (Woolworths) in new Zealand!!

    Kind regards,

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Luke, Have you seen the Australia’s Own UHT cream on the shelves, it doesn’t whip but they tell me they are working on a whipping UHT Cream. So that is promising.

      • Dee Chambers

        Interesting about the cream of tartar, I will try that idea with cream and also eggs. Glad to see devondale cream back on the shelf ideal for whipping and pouring. I hope it is here to stay.


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