A Birthday Surprise

December 24, 2017

Well that was a fun and unexpected weekend.  Started on Friday with my Birthday – last year in my thirties and looking forward to the Fun Forties.  Drank way too many glasses of bubbles on Friday night and had a cheese platter for dinner – is there anything better than wine and cheese for dinner?  I think not.

So we woke up feeling less than ideal on Saturday morning but we soldiered on.  Mr Savvy B had to come over in the Chopper so I told him he had to come in for a coffee before he headed home.  I chatted to Mrs Savvy B that morning to let her know that her hairy husband had arrived safely and was just kicking back having a coffee.  I thought it was a little odd that he wasn’t rushing off… I even said “shouldn’t you go home before the clouds build up too much and it storms?”  I thought it was a little strange that he had settled in and we were all just kicking back having a chat – it was lovely but I was worried about him flying home.

I tried to phone Mrs Savvy B to have a chat and really wished she was over here with us but thought a chat on the phone would be just a good. I was also pestering Mr Savvy B to try and get them to come over for Christmas with us, but he wasn’t all that keen, so I just kept pushing.

Anyway, next minute I get up and there on our lounge in the lounge room is Mrs Savvy B and her son (their other boy had come over in the chopper) … right there on my lounge in person.  I was beyond excited.  Harry had just said “Is that Shell and Lach in their car” … I just said “oh don’t get my hopes up Harry, they can’t be here now cause they have to come for Christmas”… then I look over on the lounge and they really had come over.  Of course I screamed and hugged and screamed and hugged… I just LOVE surprises.

Turns out they had been hatching this plan all week, I did not have one clue … so the Birthday festivities continued into Saturday… Mrs Savvy B whipped us all up an espresso martini and boy was it good.  Oh it was such a fun day.  Aren’t impromptu days like that just the best?!!!  The kids all jumped in the pool and we sipped on various cocktails, played some cards and just had a bloody good day and night.  Of course yes – they stayed.

I didn’t even get sus when Mr Savvy B told Ben to go and put the cover on his chopper… I just assumed he didn’t want his little chopper to get too hot.  He also said it was too hot to fly home and I just agreed… too funny!

We are so lucky to have such great friends next door.  Check out the kids in the pool…

They rigged up some wood to hold the beer carton as their bin and had a little esky on there with their soft drinks in it.  Like old men aren’t they.  Even a spot of beer, i mean soft drink pong…

So, because they came over on Saturday I just invited us all over to their place for Christmas Day – SORTED!  So as I type this they are all over at the horse yards branding the foals and will then head home.  Shell said she had better get home and put some Christmas decorations up seeing as though they are having visitors, ha ha ha.  Oh it is going to be such fun, we will arrive over there just in time for a coffee – a Christmas Espresso Martini of course…

As a side note, can we please discuss this bottle of bubbles…

Our friends Ed & Rob from Brookfield down in Brisbane got us onto this and I haven’t looked back. It is near on impossible to find a nice well priced bottle of sparkling wine in Mt Isa so I ordered this baby from Vintage Cellars.  Also ordered some wine so managed to get free postage… anyway my point is this – this wine was $14.99 a bottle – and it is unreal.  I rate it higher than Moet!  It is french so it’s got to be good right?  If it is good enough for Ed and Rob it is good enough for me!

So what are you up to for Christmas?  I hope you all have a wonderful day what ever it is you are doing.  Merry Christmas everyone.


  1. Sally

    What a fabulous way to celebrate your birthday Miss Chards! Great neighbours are the best 👏🏼😄🍾 hope you have an AWSOME Christmas Day and mayb2018 be another fun filled year with laughter and happy memories xxx

  2. Kirsten and co

    What a fabulous surprise! Hooray for great friends, happy birthdays and magical Christmas Days xox

  3. Denyse

    How wonderful is this! HB (belated!) to you Dan! Have a great Chrissy!

  4. Chookyblue

    Happy birthday……
    What a great surprise for your birthday and sound like Christmas is going to be fun for sure…….
    Don’t enjoy to many Martinis…. Very low key Christmas here……


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