A Quick Trip to Darwin and a Farewell Party

August 4, 2015

Yet again it had been over a month since I had been to town.  Only 6 weeks this time but I was due for an outing….surely.  The opportunity arose to accompany Mr Chardy to Darwin, so who was I to say no.  I was on board, 100%.

It was a very quick trip indeed.  The sort of trip you would do if you lived in NSW and wanted a quick trip to the Blue Mountains or something like that.  It was only 2 nights, so usually for that sort of trip you might travel say 3 or 4 hours max.  But not us, no – we Territory folk like a good drive.  So off we went.  We were up and at it at 3:00am on Thursday morning, left at 4am, drove all day (literally) and arrived in Darwin at 6pm.  A quick little 14 hour drive.   We only had 3 quick stops along the way and had to drive for 7 hours before we even found phone service at Daly Waters.  Our last stop was at the Adelaide River Inn, we had a quick little drink, which I managed to spill all over me while sitting alone… a tad embarrassing to say the least.  I would have been happy to keep driving, Darwin wasn’t far away but Mr Chardy insisted that it was a great place to stop.  It was lovely, the weather was just glorious and I actually felt like I was on holidays.

Charlie – the buffalo from Crocodile Dundee – is stuffed and on display inside, he is pretty cool too.


We sat outside in the lovely beer garden before heading off for the final leg of the trip…


We stayed at Mantra on the Esplanade which overlooks the water.  It really does feel like holidays once you see that water.  Darwin is just so relaxed and laid back.  And, again, the weather – wow, it was just perfect.  Darwin in July is gorgeous.  We had a quick shower to freshen up and headed off for a drink and then dinner.  We walked down to the Darwin Waterfront and had dinner there.


Our walk back to the hotel was stunning, past Government House which, I would think, is what a walk down Wysteria Lane would be like.  The photo doesn’t do it justice but gives you an idea.


The next morning Mr Chardy was off early.  The reason for our little trip up there was because he had a meeting to attend, so I had the morning to myself.  And as luck would have it I even found some girlfriends to have lunch with, can you believe it.  Ruthie mustered us all together and we met at Cornucopia Cafe at the Darwin Museum.  It was so great to catch up with Ruthie, BB & TT!!

Afterwards I headed back to the hotel and had a lovely walk along the Esplanade.  I can’t stress enough how perfect the weather was, it was just wonderful to stroll along without a care in the world.  Oh, did I mention this was a child free trip thanks to DD & Rexy – who stayed home with the kids???  I sat down on the green grass and soaked up the views…



Then it was time to head back to the hotel, shower and get ready for another lovely dinner – our last one before heading off early again the next morning.  This time we went to Char Restaurant on the Espanade.  But we did have a quick Japanese Slipper at the Mantra before we headed to Char.  We were quite excited to see our favourite cocktail right there on their menu!  And let me tell you – they made a spectacular slipper, we were not disappointed.


Now…. Char…. ahhhhh, all I can say is – I definitely found my happy place here.  This was my kind of restaurant.  It was Friday afternoon so it was quite busy.  We sat on the lounge outside and had a few drinks before being seated for dinner.  There was no need to go back and forth to the bar because the wonderful staff were always on hand to take your order and promptly deliver your drink right to you.  Thank you, yes I will have another Chardy.  How kind of you to ask….

Char2And then onto dinner…. which again did not disappoint people.  Oh my lordy, it was divine!!!!  Our waitress even brought a meat tray to our table to explain the steaks available and how each one should be cooked.  Can you believe it?


We enjoyed a delicious entree and then I opted for the lamb rack and all I can say is YUM!  I was one very happy customer indeed.  Thank you so much for such a WONDERFUL night Char, I do love a good restaurant!



After such  a wonderful night it was back to the hotel for some shut eye before again getting up at 3:30am to head off at 4am for the long drive home.  Actually it wasn’t too bad, but I think that is because I slept most of the way.  We arrived home at 5:30pm, in time to again shower and get ready for another night on the town…. or should I say station.  This time it was off to Rec Club for Nev – our mechanic’s – farewell party.  After 2 1/2 years he was moving on so we found the strength to have a few more drinks and party on for a bit.  It was sad saying goodbye to him and wish him well with his new job, good luck Nev and stay in touch!  We will miss you, thanks for all of your hard work.


Of course Miss Gabby was spot on with her event planning and decorating, and check out this wonderful cake she whipped up…





Needless to say I had a bit of a sleep in on Sunday before heading over to the kitchen for my Sunday cooking duties.

So there you have it my friends, that is what I have been up to.

Have you been to Darwin in July?
Have you been to Char?  I highly recommend it.
How was your weekend?


  1. Cooker and a Looker

    We honeymooned in Darwin in July! It’s such a wonderful laid-back town, I was just talking to Bearhands the other day about a return visit. Glad you got a little break. I cannot fathom the distance you drove for a night off though! 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh it is just so lovely isn’t is Amanda, had the best couple of nights.

  2. Leonie

    And he tells me through a broken up sat phone call that he is just flat out……totally busted!!! 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      ha ha ha ha, oops, sorry Bruce….:)

  3. Amy

    Isn’t Darwin just wonderful? I’d love to head back up that way again one day! My Dad use to work on a station “near” the Barkly Homestead years ago, so I’m sure he’d always be up for the drive too. I will admit that I was a tad jealous to see your pic up on Instagram the other day while I was trying to get through uni work haha. Glad to see you had a great time though 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      I hope you get back up there again Amy. Now back to your uni work. 🙂

  4. Sandra Scott

    I’ve only been to Darwin once but loved it too, sounds like a lovely quick holiday for you.

    • Miss Chardy

      It was great Sandra.

  5. nicolethebuilderswife

    Holy moly, I’m impressed with your stamina, there is no way I would be fresh and ready for a dinner after 14 hours driving. Looks like a lovely trip away xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, I was surprised just how fresh I was, although we did only have 2 drinks that first night, was pretty tired by the end and happy to go to bed. It was just so nice being child free. As you could imagine. See you soon.

  6. Anne@GritandGiggles

    You couple of days away sounds like it was just what you needed, and sooo relaxing. You seem to have such a nice little community living on the station with you. I bed you were tired after the trip so it was probably a good thing you had a sleep in. Mind you I am still stuck on the 14hrs to Darwin bit … we used to do 4hours to Longreach in time for school starting and the return that evening and I used to do 5hrs to Townsville for the weekend to see Mr Sparky but 14, that is dedication.

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, 4 & 5 hours is still a bit trip Anne…. I guess when there isn’t much in between 14 hours doesn’t seem far, it was 1,250km.

  7. Mrs T

    So nice – It’s always good to make time for each other as a couple, sometimes we get so caught up with kids and everything else we kind of forget about each other!!! Or is that just me?!!
    And it’s always nice to have dinner out. Glad you had fun 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      It was just lovely Mrs T. No it isn’t just you…!

  8. Sharon

    I agree with Mrs T….Amazing when just that quick break can refresh you…But yes shame it is 14hrs travel,, but I suppose some call that ‘quality time with your husband’!! :).Have a good week.:)

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, yes – “quality time”….. I guess you could call it that although I did sleep most of the trip, ha ha ha.

  9. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    It’s on my to-do list – and I’m so glad you got away. I can’t believe next week is nearly here! You’re quite the jetsetter this year it’s fabulous xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh I am so excited, this time next week I will be in Mt Isa ready to fly out the next day… bring it on…I can feel a Japanese Slipper or 3 coming on my friend.

  10. angepickett

    Thanks for a great post. Darwin is one of the few major Australian cities I haven’t visited but would love to. I am really enjoying your blog. I thought I’d moved to the country (after living in Wollongong, Sydney and Canberra as well as overseas) but reading your posts, I’m not sure I can count the Barossa and only being an hour from Adelaide as the country.

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, I am sure you can count that as the country compared to those cities you have lived in. Sounds gorgeous too. Would love to visit the Barossa. You would love Darwin, it is just so laid back and I still can’t believe how easy it is to drive around, just so easy. Doesn’t feel like a city that’s for sure.

  11. Miss Twinings

    Hi Chards, that sounds like a great break! Fab restaurant from the sound of it!! Now if u had been there a month ago we would’ve bumped into each other, as we were there on hols. 😃 We tripped around a bit, but stayed in Darwin and it is so chilled – I know that park in your pics!! Unfortunately though we had to leave boo hoo because i had to go back to work….. 😉 Now if i was there we could’ve caught up for a chardy, or 2…or 3!

    • Miss Chardy

      Wouldn’t that have been fun Miss Twinings! You would have had such a lovely holiday. Bet you paid a visit to the wave pool. We could have had a Japanese Slipper at the Mantra!

  12. Jenni

    Love Darwin in July Miss Chardy…..the weather is absolutely beautiful. I have been going to Darwin once or twice a year for the last 13 years. I am actually having a few days up there next week.

    • Miss Chardy

      Sounds wonderful Jenni – enjoy your visit next week.

  13. Lisa

    Love Adelaide River we always stop there after dropping boat cattle off. Feels like a little holiday having a night there 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      It really does feel like holidays there, and what about that gorgeous thick green grass in the beer garden. Loved it.

  14. Cate

    how i laughed at the meat tray at the table for choosing your cut-Deutsch people would be ecstatic at such an option!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, I was so impressed I had to take a quick photo, ha ha ha.

  15. Farmstay

    Wow that was a fabulous farewell party and well arranged. It seems that you have enjoyed a lot with your friends.


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