Another RFDS Trip

May 10, 2018

And just like that we are 10 days into May already.  An impromptu trip to town on Sunday means the week has slipped away and I really can’t believe it is Thursday.  That means this time next week Bec and I will be getting ready to board our 21 hour flight to NYC!  Have I mentioned that before?  ha ha ha.

Now back to the story at hand.  I really thought we got all of our trips on the RFDS over and done with last year.  We were going so well.

I had been over in the station kitchen on Sunday and walked back up to the house to a very upset Clancy, not that unusual but I could also hear Harry howling inside.  Oh no… what the hell has happened.  Of course I started to panic.  Will I be faced with blood everywhere and a very injured child?  I am not great with blood – or injured children truth be known.  So I raced in.  There was Harry holding his left arm and in a lot of pain.  I knew what that meant.  You know that crying and the fact that they won’t let you touch their arm – tick: broken!  I didn’t muck around, I had 2 crying kids so I shut myself in the office and dialled that familiar RFDS number toot sweet.

I had to keep shutting Clancy out so I could hear the Doctor.  He was beside himself saying “it’s all my fault”.  I thought Clancy said Harry had tripped over some Lego.  That wouldn’t be much of a stretch given the amount of that shit we have lying around the place.  But I got it wrong, Harry actually tripped over Clancy’s leg.  Oh give me strength.  He has a new motorbike that he has been riding all day everyday and has not fallen off but he managed to trip over a leg for crying out loud.   Are you kidding me.

Bottom line, I knew we needed to go to town for an x-ray.  The Doctor was great and was off to sort out the plane to come and collect us.

Right – I knew I had about 1.5 hours to sort my shit out and get ready to go to town or possibly Townsville if it needed to be operated on.  I called Barb – our new cook – and asked her to come over.  I am so thankful she is here, between her at Ruby – our Governess – I knew things would be a-ok while I was gone.  I am really not sure how I did those three trips to town on the RFDS plane last year with no cook.  I suppose Mr Chardy just had to do everything.

I tell you what, I am getting this packing business down pat.  I even had time to tidy my kitchen, have a shower and wash my hair – I figured if I was going to end up in Townsville I didn’t want to feel like a complete feral for multiple days – and packed our bag.  Meanwhile, Barb managed to calm the boys down and get Harry’s arm in a sling.

And we were off, Barb took us up to the plane, after a quick detour to let Ruby know what was happening – just popping to town Rubes, no big deal.  The pilot had called on the UHF radio to tell us they were 10 minutes out.  Off we went to the airstrip.

Harry wasn’t happy about having to fly to town and was even more unhappy that he probably won’t be riding his motorbike for quite some time.

Once in Mt Isa hospital we were whizzed through, it was super speedy service and we were seen by a lovely Doctor who was up for 8 days from the Mater in Brisbane.  I had prepared myself for the worst: operation in Townsville.  So we were very relieved when he said it was a common fracture down near the wrist and it would only need plaster.

He popped a half cast on and we were out of there by 7:30pm – checked ourselves into The Isa Hotel.  Now to figure out how we get home.

It is all well and good travelling in on our private jet and having our limo transfer us to the Hyatt Regency Isa Base, but what is a girl and her boy to do when they are given the all clear and out on the streets?  There is just that small matter of the 5 hour trip home.  Barb to the rescue.  She was all over it.  You see Sunday is actually her day off, so I was planning a BBQ at our place that night.  When this happened Barb and Ruby sorted it all out, I knew I didn’t have to worry about a thing, it was so nice.

Barb headed off really early on Monday morning to do a quick trip to town to collect us.  No big deal – just a 10 hour round trip. Sounds crazy doesn’t it but I guess there isn’t much choice.   We were home during daylight hours too.

Ruby had revamped a hot pot dish that Barb had made and dinner was even sorted.

On Monday the kids, Ruby and I head back into Mt Isa for Home Tutor Seminar week and Sports Day.  Oh and that little matter of me flying to NYC!!!  It works out perfectly because Harry needs to have his proper fibreglass cast put on.  So for now it is time to get my skates on and get things sorted here for when I am away.

Today I have to break down a killer with Mr Chardy – it has been hanging in the cold room for so long and he just hasn’t had a chance to get to it.  It is all still on the bone – quartered – so I couldn’t really do it myself.   Then it is mowing day – already… it comes around so quickly.

Happy Thursday to you!  I hope you have a great one.

Had any broken bones lately?
Got boys? 
Had any trips in the RFDS?


  1. Mish

    Wowza Chards, when it rains it pours!!!
    I’m sure this week is going to fly by for all of you, especially as you prepare for your trip and the boys prepare for sports week.

    • Miss Chardy

      It sure is flying Mish… crazy fast. So excited about the trip.

  2. Jean Mulder

    No broken bones, but had to stop by the doctor’s office on the way to the airport for the move from Canada to Australia in 1993 to have stitches taken out of my younger daughter’s forehead. The stitches were needed from when she collided with a coffee table on Christmas Day while playing with her older sister. BTW the older sister is your RFDS pilot, Heather, who you have blogged about previously. Now that I think about it they were playing with Lego too! What is it with siblings and Lego?

    Have a great time in NYC!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Jean… wow… it is such a small world isn’t it. Move from Canada to Australia – no big deal huh, ha ha ha. Bloody hell – how inconvenient to have to get stitches on Christmas Day, I would have been wild. Gosh, I definitely remember Heather’s visit – that was a bit of excitement with the big downpour of rain that day. Lovely to hear from you Jean!!!

  3. Kerry

    Gee you sure have had a busy week. My daughter had same wrist problem when she was only 4. Just fell down steps. He will be fine in time. I’ve never travelled but NYC sounds very exciting. Hope you can post some pics while away

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh don’t you worry Kerry – there will be so many pics, video’s and hopefully blog posts from NYC. More for my memories but looking forward to taking you along for the ride too! Can’t wait to share it with you. It is going to be such fun isn’t it!!!


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