Baby Mac {My Favourite Blog}

April 16, 2014

baby mac

Baby Mac …. Bev, Beth, whatever you would like to call her.  This woman rocks!  I don’t actually know Baby Mac in person, but I feel like I do. Beth is a blogger, a mother, a table scaper – who can set a table “like it’s nobody’s business” and much much more.   Beth has a way with words and photos, she just sucks me in every time with each and every post on her blog.

dinner table

Now, my obsession with Baby Mac started back in February when I was rained in on the station and going a little nutty.  I often noticed a few friends liking various pages of Baby Mac’s on Facebook.  It all got the better of me and I finally clicked on one of her posts.  That was it, all over red rover, I was done for.  I then wasted far too much time over the next few days reading all about Beth and her life in the Southern Highlands of NSW.  The one thing I love about her blog is how open and honest Beth is.  She is the real deal.  I can relate to her and she tells it as it is.  No bullshit.  O and she loves a good G&T or glass of Prosecco by the fire.  (So thank you to my friend who got me hooked…you know who you are – I can’t believe you have kept Baby Mac to yourself all these years!)

Not only does Beth have a fabulous Blog, she also has a Podcast: Over the Back Fence.  Now don’t laugh, but I had never listened to a Podcast before this one.  I mean for heavens sake – have I been living under a rock for the past few years???  It would appear I am very out of touch, but that is all changing folks!

Over the back fence

So, yet another little something that I became somewhat obsessed with.  I was downloading episodes from the past 4 years of Over The Back fence like there was no tomorrow.  I couldn’t get enough of Beth and Neighbour .  It is like you are kicking back having a chat with an old friend.  Everything they spoke about I could relate to, I started to think “is this girl related to me, is she my long lost twin”, but no, it turns out she is only human!

baby mac 2

I discovered a whole new love for my treadmill.  Since returning from holidays Mr Chardy and I had once again signed up to Weight Watchers and we were madly trying to lose all the weight we had put on over Christmas & holidays. Well, actually, over the past 3 years since I had baby number 3.  Mr Chardy’s excuse:  “You put on weight after a baby” …… but you didn’t have the baby Mr Chardy! ….  So there I was back on the treadmill and loving it.  I would listen to an episode of Over the Back Fence and before you knew it I had walked 3km in half an hour.  I started to look forward to jumping on the treadmill and have barely missed a day since.  I think I owe my weight loss to Beth and Neighbour…. I have dropped 7kg and I am finally starting to feel like I did …. pre-Clancy!  So, thanks a million Beth!

Baby Mac 1

Beth’s home is simply gorgeous

Mine and Beth’s lives are so far removed from each others.  Beth lives in the gorgeous Southern Highlands, green grass, cold winters, roaring fires, a walk to the pub, close to friends and not far from the City.   I live in a part of Australia that is the complete opposite – hot, so bloody hot, dry, not a whole lot of green grass, certainly no roaring fires, 3 hours from the pub, a long way from friends and even further from the City!

baby mac4

A little different to my life in the NT


Now that is a Hedge, Beth!

So come on guys, get on over to Baby Mac (WARNING:  this blog is addictive) and be sure to check out her Podcast.  If you are a little slow on the uptake like me…. well here is what you need to do: download the podcast app and you can then download Over the Back Fence from iTunes – free!

PS: Read Great Expectations – this is it – blog post which started it all for me, I really needed to read this back when I did, it cheered me up and made me realize I was not the only crazy person out there.

PPS: You can also catch Beth on channel 7’s The Daily Edition.  Beth & Mrs Woog are part of a segment each Friday called  Afternoon Delight. (about 2:10pm EST or 1:40pm in the NT)

Enjoy and let me know what you think. 

Do you suffer from the odd case of over expectations like Beth and I?

Are you looking for something to motivate you on the treadmill? 

Get to it guys, I kid you not – you won’t regret it! 

Thanks Beth for motivating me to start my own blog!


  1. Tarz

    Hey Dan,

    Is now a good time to tell you that whilst I also don’t know Beth at all, I do actually share a real life, living breathing friend with her? Thought you’d be jealous 😉

    Congrats on the blog by the way, loving it!


    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Tarz, thanks!!!! A real person, wow, ha ha ha. I am jealous! x

      • Tarz

        Hi Beth, that would be none other than my (our) dear friend Neil Lithgow!
        Love your blog too by the way…
        Happy Easter!

  2. ffhousemouse

    Oh, over expectations here for sure! Love BabyMac and this post is FAB too Miss Chardy. Well done. X

    • Miss Chardy

      Over expectations and a cranky mother here today…… I need to stop expecting so much.

      • ffhousemouse

        Yes, having a nasty cold during school hols was certainly not ‘expected’. I possibly have crazy expectations for Easter too – old habits die hard!

  3. Babymacbeth

    Oh thank you for such a lovely post! Too kind Danielle x

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks for keeping me sane!!! Have a great Easter, sounds like you are going to have a great weekend!


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