Bad Moms

March 13, 2017

What a fantastic movie.  Have you seen it?  If you haven’t, do yourself a favour and go and watch it right now.  Oh I don’t think I have laughed so hard in ages.  We watched it on the weekend and that was the second time I have seen it, still so funny.  I think we could all relate to it in so many ways.

It really is a good interpretation on life, where things are not always as they seem.  One thing I have come to realise is that no one has it all together.  Those people who you look at and think “god their life is perfect” well 9 times out of 1o it isn’t.  They might be putting on a brave front, pretending that all is fine but behind the scenes their marriage might be falling apart, their kids might be right little, you know whats, they might be in debt up to their eyeballs (even though they are driving around in that fancy car) or, heaven forbid, they may be dealing with domestic violence.  You just never do know.  So my point?  Don’t judge anyone until you have walked a mile in their shoes.

Well that escalated quickly didn’t it.  Ok, back to the movie.  It is based on 3 women, the hard working/never stops, does everything for everyone Mum, the slutty single Mum who doesn’t care what anyone thinks and the stay at home Mum who feels guilty doing anything without her 4 kids.  Until one day they just let it all out over a few shots at the bar and decided to be “Bad Moms”.

Oh look, I am not all that flash at explaining it so here, watch the trailer…

And my favourite quote from the trailer alone?  “I say we go and punch that chick right in the tits”.  Oh god she cracks me up.  Anyway, I think I could watch this movie over and over, such a good laugh.  I know I am always late to the party when it comes to things like this so I am sure you have all probably seen it already, but if you haven’t, please do yourself a favour and go and watch it.  You won’t be sorry.

In other weekend news…

Harry and Clancy managed to get out of the house yesterday afternoon and go for a horse ride.  Miss Pip even threw some jeans on and jumped on a horse.

Clancy was pretty keen but Harry lasted all of a about 5 minutes before heading back into the air-conditioning to play in his doona/pillow/sheet cubby house in front of the TV.  FYI: the mess is next level and WILL be tidied before they go to school this morning, it is making me itchy just knowing it is all still there…

Anyway, Clancy lasted a little longer (but not much) and was as proud as punch when he was finished.  Like an old bushy.  So tired from the 7 minute ride and desperately needed a drink of milk.

And in weekend cooking I trotted out a few of my favourite things.  Firstly was, of course, the Hot Steak & Crunchy Potato Salad.  This is my all time favourite meal and thought I would serve it one last time while we don’t have that many people here.  I also whipped up a batch of Brownies – they never last long, are super yummy and I really need to get the recipe on this blog for you.  Then last night I trotted out a good old sausage curry.  If you are after the recipe just use THIS one.  I boil the sausages first then put them in the cold room to cool down before chopping them up.  I used to fry them until Rach, our cook, told me she does it this way.  Game changer I tell you.  Why on earth did I not know about this.  Anyway, such an easy dish and I am guessing super cheap too.

How was your weekend? 
Go anywhere exciting?
Cook anything a little more interesting than Sauso Curry?
Have a great week!!


  1. KezUnprepared

    Oh yes, Bad Moms is SO GOOD. I spend all of that movie fist pumping haha. I heard there might be a Bad Moms 2 on the way?! So awesome.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh I hope there is Kez. I just loved this movie so much!!

  2. Mish

    I have to say that I am WAY behind in the movie department – blame my work and studies or blame the fact that I cannot sit still for long enough to sit through a whole movie … either way I have not seen this one yet …

    • Miss Chardy

      It is super funny Mish… so funny!

  3. asdmadventures

    I loved that movie – especially since our kids attend an American School here in Moscow with a pretty serious Parent Teacher Organisation – although the current President is a very down to earth lady and a friend to boot. I will say though, when I first arrived some of the ladies did scare me and some still do just quietly – I am an 8th grade Rep which is more of a ‘behind the scenes’ role and not in the ‘direct line of fire’ 😉

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there Sarah from Moscow, so great to hear from you all the way up/over there!!!! Wow, that would be pretty full on dealing with those types of MOMS!!!

  4. Anne@GritandGiggles

    Such a good movie!!!
    Curried sausages, a definite go to. Speaking of which, I need to go get some sausages.

    • Miss Chardy

      Nothing beats a good old curry does it Anne!


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