Bad Taste Party

October 12, 2015

Hello there my friends.  How are you today?  Back at it, hello Monday and all of that.  I can see how thrilled you are.  We (well when I say “we” I mean the children and me) had a quick trip over to Mr & Mrs Savvy B’s place on the weekend.  We went over for a “Bad Taste” Birthday Party.  It was lots of fun.  Turns out I haven’t been over there since June, can’t believe it.  No wonder I was excited.

I sorted my cooking duties out first, smoko/lunch and popped a beef curry in the slow cooker for everyone before I headed off.

Here are some photos from the night…

Two little mates, could they get any cuter?  Harry (on the left) is one month older than Lachie (right) can you tell?


Here is our Govie – Miss Gabby – doesn’t she totally rock this look, she loves nothing more than dressing up for a themed event…



And feathers on her Crocs for crying out loud….


Here is the Birthday Girl – looking hot Karz…


And the Birthday Boy – one of the spunky chopper pilots from next door… can’t you tell…


And what about this rotten old Mole – the Logan Bogan, didn’t you get the Memo Bec – you were supposed to dress up love!



No expense was spared on the table centrepieces…





When we got home on Sunday I sorted myself out then threw my cozzies on and had my first swim for the season in our pool.  The water was gorgeous, it has been so hot up here lately.  Very hot today, might have to have another little swim.  We then had everyone over to our house for hot dogs on the verandah, poolside – can’t beat it.  Hot diggity dogs!  How could I say no.

I best get back to it, I need to get packing because we are off to Mt Isa tomorrow for 4 nights for a school thing – Tom is in Rock Pop Mime on Friday night so he has a few rehearsal days this week.  I can’t wait to head in because it appears I haven’t actually been to town since mid August.  I have been to Camooweal but that doesn’t really count as “town”.  Really looking forward to a few nights in there with my friends.   If you would like to know what our trip to town looks like and how long it takes then have feast your little peepers over THIS post.

How was your weekend?
Been to a Bad Taste party lately? 


  1. Miss Twinings

    OMG miss Chardy, that is just too hilarious!! You guys out there know how to throw a bash, particularly one done in bad taste haha! Miss Gabby wins the prize i think!! 😊 sounds like u are hitting the ground (well, term) running like us city parents… Enjoy town. Seems like you are all over the cooking chores again, you are cooking up a treat!!! Doing well. X

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, didn’t Miss Gabby look a treat, she sure does know how to dress in theme.

    • Miss Chardy

      It was great Kez. 🙂

  2. Amanda @ Cooker and a Looker

    We have redneck parties which roughly translates into bad taste. Remind me to give you my recipe for dog poos (chocolate dipped meringues!)

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh fantastic, I like the sound of a Redneck party, ha ha ha.

  3. Lisa Lloyd

    Good Lordy Gabby, a black tooth would’ve gone well too! What a bloody cracker your govie is!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, hello there Lisa… isn’t she fantastic… oh god a black tooth would have been priceless.

  4. FBH

    Crickey you got some good lookin sorts up there Chards but didn’t get to see your tasty number dear. Gabby has quite the eye for the suicide watch Jimmy choos’ too haha

  5. Sarah-Jane

    We went to a wig party on the weekend – not unlike bad taste – Love the cups of lollies on the table 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Nothing beats a wig party!

  6. Evie Jean

    haha that is brilliant Chards!! I would draw the line at the VB though…..
    Have fun in town!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Too funny isn’t it. I am definitely having fun in town, it is so lovely catching up with my gorgeous friends.

  7. Mel in Rocky

    Bad taste is hilarious but I was a bit disappointed that we didn’t get to see your get up. How good did Gab pull off her outfit? I am still laughing. And then I saw Bec and she reminded me so much of Shazza off Bogan Hunters on SBS. Having the party on the dirt and not grass topped the party off. Loved this blog.


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