Banana Loaf – Kids Cooking

April 9, 2014


banana loaf

Well it is school holidays here at the moment.  Harry has been over at the neighbour’s house for the past few nights, coming home today but think he would be more than happy to stay there forever, good to see he misses us so much.  Should be no problem shipping him off to Boarding School.  Tom on the other hand finds it hard to leave his Dad’s side.  He is Dad’s little shadow and I am sure he thinks he runs the station.  The 9 year old manager!  Unfortunately he couldn’t go with Dad today so he is a little bored and asked me the dreaded question …. “can we cook something”…… makes me cringe…. cooking with children is not my bag.  So I decided to let him do the whole thing himself – he is just like me …. a control freak so I should have known there would be no problems.

He did a great job and the only hassle was the weevils in the flour.  We had to remove the first lot of flour and switch to plain flour.

He did get a little sick of it towards the end but I told him he had to smoke the whole packet: finish AND clean up.  All ended well and he even did a good job cleaning up.  The banana loaf was the best I have tasted.  I think I really need to stop being such a control freak and realize that this 9 year old boy is very capable.  Perhaps he could become my shadow and start cleaning the house, not sure he would be in it though.

So, here is the worlds easiest Banana Loaf recipe:

3 Ripe Bananas
2 Tbs Butter, melted
3/4 Cup Sugar
1 Egg
1 1/2 Cups SR Flour

Mash bananas, add sugar, beaten egg and cooled butter, beat well.  Add flour.  Bake in moderate oven for 3/4 hour in a loaf tin.  It sometimes needs an extra five minutes.  Serve with lashings of butter.  Yum!


  1. ffhousemouse

    Oh Yum. The Masterchefette made banana bread this morning – had it with lemon curd – A+, cleaning up scored a B-!

    • Miss Chardy

      Tell her she needs to pick up her act in the cleaning department, at least a B+….

  2. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    I have leftover bananas and my kids only eat hot banana loaf so maybe I was meant to read this today – sigh!!! x

    • Miss Chardy

      Get onto it.



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