Barkly Women’s Day meets Incy Interiors

April 20, 2015

The girls and I packed up and headed into town on Friday.  Ok – it wasn’t really town, but for this girl who hasn’t actually been to town since January it was as close as I was going to get.  We were off to Barkly Women’s Day, which is an luncheon event I organise twice a year down at the Barkly Homestead – a roadhouse in the middle of nowhere, halfway between Camooweal and Tennant Creek on the Barkly Highway NT.




We had around 60 women attend the day.  Most of them travel for at least 3 hours one way to attend or if you are a hard core attendee like my good friend Mrs Rumbo then you drive for about 7 hours across shitty roads to catch up with friends.  And then there is our good old ex-cook, Aileen, who travelled for about 14 hours (one way) again this week to attend the day with all of her jewellery and shirts.  Aileen brought her lovely friend and also collected Kristy on her way through Mt Isa.  Thanks so much for coming Aileen.

Our guest speaker for the day was Kristy Withers from Incy Interiors.  Kristy is an old friend of mine who I haven’t seen for many years, we figured out it must be over 7 years since we saw each other.  I can’t even begin to tell you how great it was to catch up with this champion.  Kristy is one of a kind, a hard worker who could turn her hand to anything.  I sat listening to her talk with my mouth open, gobsmacked.  I was learning so much about this girl who I considered to be a friend.  She is just so modest and never really tells you what she is up to because she doesn’t want to bore you with details.  So listening to her story opened my eyes to a whole new Kirsty.  She has worked tirelessly to build Incy Interiors.  She doesn’t just snap her fingers and things happen, she works hard, bloody hard, to make it all happen.  Kristy has always been an inspiration to me, so stylish and beautiful – I may or may not have a girl crush on her – and she is just an all round top chick.  Please head over to Incy Interiors and have a little read about her business.  I can’t stop thinking about the fabulous weekend we just had and how great it was to catch up with her – and everyone else.



We ran the day a bit differently this time.  We only had the one guest speaker which gave everyone loads of time to catch up, relax over a glass of bubbly and check out all of the beautiful wares that many of the women had on display.  It was like a mini market.  So many wonderful things to look at, from clothing, jewellery, skin care and home wares.  My friend Mrs Gumnut was there with her Gumnut Designz which of course had everyone tripping over themselves to try on and take home.  Do yourself a favour and head over to Gumnut Designz and check out her gorgeous range of 100% cotton clothing, for adults and children.  You won’t be sorry.  Guests were offered a drink on arrival and the opportunity to network with new and old friends.



The girls from KICS Katherine (Katherine Isolated Children’s Service) came all the way down to hold a playgroup for the children so the Mum’s could enjoy some time to themselves.  We are so lucky to have these services available to help out at these functions.  It is an opportunity for the children to mix with other kids and have a play, something they don’t get to do very often.


So here we go my friends, a new week.  I really hope I can find some motivation this week.  After all that has happened lately I seem to be lacking it.  So lets start a fresh today.  The boys go back to school and hopefully I can get my life back on track.  Sort out my house and also the station kitchen.  It is all systems go here now, the year is about to disappear before our very eyes.

A huge welcome to all of my new readers and thank you to everyone for your kind messages over the past couple of weeks.  You have all been so lovely, I can’t believe how many wonderful people there are out there, people who I don’t even know.  We really have built a little community here, at Miss Chardy, and I can’t thank you all enough for reading and supporting me.  Thanks a million, you guys really do rock my world.

How was your weekend?  Did you go anywhere exciting?  
Did you catch up with old friends?
Can you please send me a good old fashioned dose of motivation? 


  1. BabyMacBeth

    Well done! I know what a big job this is for you…looked great! Really hope to get to one of these one day…I see Nikki, Mrs W and I on one hell of a road trip!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Beth, how fun would that be – you three rocking Women’s Day! Totally going to happen… one day. You have gone and gotten yourself up the duff and now we will have to wait…. but it will happen. O yes it will.

    • Nikki Parkinson-Hubbard

      I’m so there! What a fun adventure we will have! Miss Chardy if I can do 7 days in Thailand where the pool bar only serves green smoothies, I can go west to visit you! Bringing bottles with me!

      • Miss Chardy

        Oh dear lord – green smoothies….the only green thing I want at a pool bar is a Japanese Slipper, ha ha ha. Hope you are having a lovely time in Thailand. You definitely all need to come up – how fun! We will sort it one day!!!!

  2. Cindy Lou Walsh

    Miss Chardy you pay credit to lots of people but forget to look in the mirror and see what an inspiration you are to so many people from so many different walks of life. You make people laugh even when going through the toughest of situations. I know for sure that you will kick yourself into gear and accomplish what needs to be done. However if you feel the need to crumble a little then that is okay too. Just remember that there are lots of people around you who will help you out both near and far. I am reaching through the computer now sending you the biggest hug that this old and dear friend can give. xoxoxoxoxo

    • Miss Chardy

      Stop Cindy Lou – I now have a tear in my eye. You gorgeous thing. Thanks for your lovely message, you are too kind. Thanks for the virtual hug. We missed you… maybe you can come over in October??!!

      • Cindy Lou Walsh

        We are entering it into the diary now.

  3. Heidi

    Hello! I am a brand new reader from the USA. First of all, let me offer you and your family my deepest sympathy for your recent loss of a dear friend.
    Thank you for blogging about a place I can only dream about. It is such a pleasure to read about a lifestyle that I can’t even fathom. (My son is away at college 2 1/2 hours away, and I whined about that, and it’s all highway:) You put things in perspective for me. Keep up your writing and know, that people from all over the world appreciate you.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Hello Heidi, so great to have you on board. Where do you live? I love hearing from people in other countries. Thanks so much for reading.

      • Heidi

        Hello to you too! I live in the middle of the US in Jefferson City, Missouri. I’m a transplant, was born in Budapest, lived in New Jersey, then California, got married and ended up here! Yes, I am with you, it is so great to be able to “meet” new people all over the world! I have read some of your past posts and the way you write makes me feel as if I’m in the outback myself! Your boys are adorable:)

        • Miss Chardy

          Hello there, Just google earthed where you live, wow, you really are in the middle of the USA aren’t you! Bet you don’t get to see the ocean very often – just like me really.

  4. Meldie

    Thanks Dan was a gread day. I did wonder when I left Mount Isa in the dark was the day going to be worth it – certainly was. The extra time to catch up was an added bonus. Waiting for October!!

    • Miss Chardy

      So glad you came Meldie! Thanks for making the effort and I forgot to wish you a Happy Birthday!!! Looking forward to seeing you this weekend. So glad you enjoyed the day on Saturday. xx

  5. Sandra Scott

    I think Cindy-Lou said it all, I hope you get back into it and start to feel more motivated, I too am sending uou a big hug. Thanks for sharing your life with us out here in cyber world. Recently while we caravanned in outback QLD and NSW I had the opportunity to meet up with four of my cyber scrapbooking friends and it was so good to put faces and families to the names. This weekend just gone I also got to catch up with a scrappy friend and have some creative time.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Sandra, thanks for your hug!! So glad you enjoy hearing about my life out here, makes it all worthwhile. That is so wonderful that you were able to catch up with your virtual friends – nothing better is there.

  6. Sandra Scott

    I don’t know how to put an avatar on this site or I would, I don’t like a blank face.

  7. vanessajrowse

    What a fantastic day out. Glad you have had some time out and to connect after a really tough time. Love Incy Interiors too – what a coup! x

    • Miss Chardy

      It was a great day Vanessa. Kristy has done so well with Incy, she is such a legend. Was so good to see her.

  8. Miss Twinings

    Hi Miss Chardy, great to read your post & also hear what a lovely day out you all had. Beautiful wares. That must’ve been just the tonic u needed this week.

    • Miss Chardy

      It certainly was just the tonic I needed Miss Twinings. Such a fun day.

      • Miss Twinings

        I think my computer chopped off my post, it didnt appear lol, that’s ok – i also was just going to mention, i caught up with old friends too over weekend (may have enjoyed some bubbles), plus today was busy, so i though “hmm, how did Miss Chardy get started on jobs?”, she’d go – ‘Right i have 20 mins, so…..GO!!’ So i cleared out my kids cupboard with lightnng speed and it was done!

        • Miss Chardy

          Ha ha ha, you are funny. Think I might have to ask “how would Miss Chardy do it” today… I felt like I was slipping back into my old ways after the weekend, but i’m not, I will get on top of it all today hopefully. They are all out walking cattle today so I don’t have to do smoko or lunch – time to get sorted. We can do this.

          • Miss Twinings

            Wow, great opportunity! Yes, we can do this!!

  9. Kate
    • Kate

      Hmmmm I tried to insert an image in my comment above but it doesn’t seem to have worked! My apologies.

      It just said “you are much stronger than you think”

      The image looked better but the sentiment remains the same : )

      • Miss Chardy

        Oh thanks so much Kate, I am sure the image is fantastic, but thanks so much for the quote. Very kind of you. 🙂

  10. Kristy Withers

    Awww thank you so much for having me. It was great to see you and meet all the other lovely ladies. Meeting Clancy might just be my highlight. Give him an icy pole, 2 x chuppa chups, a chocolate milk and a big squeeze from me.

    P.S. I really hope I looked better in person and they are bad photos. Please no replys saying ‘oh you look great’ because that’s bullshit, I look terrible!

    • Miss Chardy

      You looked so hot it wasn’t even funny! You always do. Sorry for the bad angles, ha ha ha. No more junk for Clancy, but I will give him a big squeeze. xxx

  11. Romana

    I love the generosity in which you share, thank you! 60 women together sounds so amazing, what a wonderful idea and it sounds like the timing was perfect.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Romana. It is a fabulous day. I can only imagine what the tourists travelling through must think….this roadhouse is in the middle of nowhere and then all of a sudden there are 60 well dressed women swarming the place, it is hilarious.

  12. Trish MLDB

    It sounds like an amazing time – perfect weather and a lot of class.

    • Miss Chardy

      It is amazing Trish, and always love a good excuse to get dressed up.

  13. mscate

    what a wonderful event! Love the idea of all the fabulous small business women sharing their wares too. Inspiring stuff!

    • Miss Chardy

      It is such a great opportunity for them. The talent on the Barkly is really something, all these little businesses. It is so great to see.

  14. Have A Laugh On Me

    It looks like just what you needed lovely – a bit of a trip away to reconnect with some friends. I love the way the country bands together. Welcome and don’t forget, slow and steady my friend. And here’s to getting back your groove back x

    • Miss Chardy

      God love you Em. It was just what I needed. So good to see my friends. xx

  15. caitlinshappyheart

    Reading this makes me want to leave in the middle of nowhere just for the social life. It might be awhile in between drinks, but by gosh you girls make it worthwhile!

    • Miss Chardy

      We sure do Caitlin – 2 nights worth! When we get together we don’t do it by halves. ha ha ha.

  16. Mrs Rumbo

    I have to say that the drive home seemed to be a tad longer and harder than the drive over……maybe it was something to do with Chardy and I not crawling into our beds until @ 3am. Sorry I didn’t pry an eye open to say bye bye IncyWincy but I never heard a thing!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, you are SUCH a bad influence on me Mrs Rumbo, DD would be disgusted. xxx

  17. Mrs T

    Hi Miss Chardy, so glad to see you got to have an outing! Well done to you for all that you do to organise the Wonen’s Day! As always, it sounds like a great time was had by everyone, I hope you included. So glad that school is back for us too, nothing like getting back into the routine! Xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Mrs T, I sure did manage to have a good time, once all the official business was over. I am so glad school is back and we can get back into a routine.



  1. Barkly Women’s Day – October 2015 - […] drive, in some cases, for hours and hours across bumpy dusty roads. You can read about past days here…
  2. Barkly Women’s Day – October 2015 - […] drive, in some cases, for hours and hours across bumpy dusty roads. You can read about past days here…
  3. The Met, Mother’s Day & Worlds Toughest Job - […] a bit of retail therapy and a champagne luncheon.  You can read about past events HERE and HERE.  …

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