Barkly Women’s Day – October 2015

October 26, 2015

Well, another fun day down at the Barkly Homestead is done and dusted.  After worrying and stressing about everything of course it was a huge success.  Why do I panic so much?  Everyone had a wonderful day, but I will tell you something for nothing – I am really struggling to keep up with this rockstar lifestyle.  Party party party.  I need a few weeks here drinking water I think.


So what is Barkly Women’s Day I hear my new readers ask.   Twice a year women from the Barkly Tableland and beyond jump in their cars and drive, in some cases, for hours and hours across bumpy dusty roads. You can read about past days here and here.  Of course out here distance means nothing so we don’t really care how long it takes.  My friend Flick has recently moved back to the NT.  I used to think I lived at Woop Woop, but it turns out she now lives at Woop Woop Woop.  It took flick over 5 hours to get down there, she drove by herself and had over 300km of remote dirt road to travel on – I am pretty sure she probably didn’t pass one single car on that dirt road … am I right Flick?  This was her trip…

Calvert Road

The day was very relaxed and easy going.  Everyone pitches in and helps to set things up, I just love this little community.

Collage of ladies

I am not sure what tourists must think when they walk into this remote roadhouse and spot a bunch of spunky women, dressed in their best listening to guest speakers and sipping on bubbles.  It would be quite the sight I think.  We had 3 wonderful guest speakers this time round and I can’t thank them enough for sharing their stories with us.  Taking time out to travel and talk to us.  Thanks so much!  Here they are… from left to right: Cath Walker – Senior Clinical Counsellor with the RFDS in Mt Isa, Bron Blake – Author from Mt Isa and Debbie Borden – Nursing Unit Manager at the Tennant Creek Hospital (I know I probably got that wrong Debbie – sorry…)


These women were such fun and so wonderful to listen to.  And guess what else… they drink Chardy.  I have never seen so many Chardy drinkers in the one room, I hate to think how many bottles we went through girls! But gee it was a hoot.

Of course there were also some very talented ladies there selling their wares… Aileen (who most of you will know as our old cook) travelled back over from Charters Towers and brought all of her gorgeous hand made jewellery and shirts with her.  It took Aileen and her daughter – Tracey  – 12 hours to get there, what legends!  Arrived Friday and headed home on Sunday.  Gosh it was good to hug her.  I did think about kidnapping her.


The crew down at the Barkly Homestead do such a fabulous job putting this day on for us, the food and hospitality is second to none.  Thanks a million Georgie, Tom, Pam and all of the staff down there!


Some of us (may or may not include me…) partied on into the night with a bit of dancing (and loud singing).  Gosh it was fun.  Before we left yesterday we enjoyed breakfast with some very interesting friends.  This lady was one of them, her name is Roddy…


I just didn’t realise how bloody interesting this lovely lady was… turns out she survived Cyclone Tracey – she had gone up to Darwin to wait for her baby to arrive – she was 9 months pregnant and in a caravan in a park right on the water when the Cyclone hit.  She was all alone.  I can’t even imagine what she went through but she made it.  I have told her she must come and tell us all her story next year – so how about it Roddy, I am locking you in for the October Women’s Day so get cracking on your presentation… thanks!

After breakfast it was time to pack up and head home to spend the afternoon poolside.  All in all it was a wonderful weekend.

Barkly Homestead

Thanks to everyone who made the effort to join us.  And a big thank you to NAPCO and the Tennant Creek CWA for sponsoring this day.

Already looking forward to our next day in April 2016… bigger and better than ever.

Have a great week everyone!


  1. BabyMacBeth

    It looks amazing – well done! I know how much work and effort go into organising an event so make sure you pat yourself on the back. I can’t wait to be a part of this next year!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Beth, I am so motivated to get cracking on the organisation of next years event. I will keep you posted and really hope we can pull this off.

  2. Amy

    I have a few family friends who may have also been there as they come from properties around the NT! I couldn’t spot them in any of your pics though.
    There is something similar here in QLD, which was also held over the weekend. I have a family friend who also drives a couple of hours to attend, and it always is a success. I raise my glass (of Moscato sorry) to all women of the outback! I don’t believe you get enough credit 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Amy, lovely to hear from you! Was the Channel Country Ladies Day on this weekend too?

      • Amy

        It sure was 🙂 Also looked like a fabulous weekend!

  3. Little Munch

    I love how you all rock out beautiful bright colours – none of the black on black that so many women wear in the city.

    • Miss Chardy

      We do like a bit of colour in our lives! Nothing better.

    • Cate

      I was just thinking the same thing!

  4. KezUnprepared

    Looks like a wonderful day! My mother in law survived Tracey in a caravan too!! x

    • Miss Chardy

      Wow Kez – I find it so fascinating!!!!

  5. Haylz

    Thanks for a great day Miss Chardy! It’s always a lovely day to catch up with everyone!

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much for coming, it was fun wasn’t it. Hope you had a wonderful day yesterday! xxx

  6. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    Organising such an event seems right up your alley lovely – I love to see you having a great time x

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, it is up my alley! And it was certainly a good time!

  7. Miss Twinings

    Good for you, that looks so fantastic….and also great when a pop up shop comes to you ! You gals are such troopers travelling on dirt roads (sometimes alone) to get to these things. You guys deserve medals for that and also for organising what sounds like a fab fun and informative get together. Cheers to the fellow chardy drinkers!!! 😊

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes it turns out my friend Flick’s trip was actually a 7.5 hour trip – alone in a ute (one way), but well worth it. Such a great and worthwhile day, keeps us all sane.

  8. Cate

    i love hearing how women create community despite distance-so inspiring!

    • Miss Chardy

      I think I only own about two black items and probably wear them once a year. 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      We will drive any distance for a social gathering… well I know I will and I know many other women are the same. You just have to otherwise you will go bonkers.

  9. barbiewalkerBarbie Walker

    Just loved reading about your day at Barkly Homestead hopefully would love to come one year.

    • Miss Chardy

      It was such a fun day Barbie!

  10. Barbie Walker

    Well what a fabulous read about the day at the “Barkly Homestead: lets hope I’m driving past next April 2017, wouldn’t that be awesome Already looking forward to your next day in “Barkly Homestead”…. bigger and better than ever I would imagine. Miss Chardy love reading all about the ladies day , keep the blogs comming

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Barbie, thanks, glad you enjoyed the read, it was such a fun day!!! 🙂



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