BBQ’s & Cricket: Weekend in Review

March 21, 2016

How was your weekend?  Mine was lovely and quiet.   The year has kicked off here at Chardy HQ.  Well, when I say kicked off I mean our crew is back and our new workers have arrived.  They have been a bit pushed to find something for everyone to do given all the rain we had before they arrived.  No one has been able to go anywhere which means working here at the station.  The roads are still pretty wet but I think they are going to have a crack at doing a bore run today so we will see how far they get.

Everyone is hopeful that the main road drys up enough to go away for the Easter weekend.  We are planning on heading to Yelvertoft Campdraft.  I can’t say that I am actually all that thrilled about sitting around in the dry dusty heat for 4 days but hey – what doesn’t kill us only makes us stronger right – and the trip out of here will definitely make for a good blog post, I can guarantee it my friends.  If we do get stuck we should be pretty right, we will have the essentials: a blender, generator, fridges, bed, beer, food.   Think I had better take some good books too, either that or learn to ride a horse.  There is only so much wine that a Miss Chardy can drink these days.  Ha ha ha ha, I nearly said that with a straight face.

Our crew has grown to about 15 I think.  I am also only cooking on a Sunday these days – yay!!!  So yesterday was my cooking day.   Back to having a Sunday night sausage sizzle at the Rec Club, it was basically Bunnings, should have charged them all $2.50 and cashed in – a Miss Chardy fundraiser if you will.


The blokes mowed the cricket pitch back in and played a bit of cricket yesterday.  The kids loved it.  Check out the grass from all of the rain… it is my job to mow that today… think I am going to have to empty the catcher after every strip.  I may still be here mowing come Easter.  Wish me luck.


Clancy is rocking some new gumboots and loving himself sick in them.  He can totally pull them off, don’t you think?  What an absolute spunk…


He can also finally ride his bike and is in training to join the Australian Cricket Team as a fast bowler…

BBQ Cricket

So tell me, how was your weekend?
Do you live on a Station?  Is your crew back to kick off too?
Are you going to Yelvertoft Campdraft for Easter?



  1. Michele davis

    Miss Chardy
    I think you need to get yourself a Mulcher Mower! Never empty a catcher again! The grass is finely mulched and spread over the lawn as you now, they are brilliant!

    • Miss Chardy

      Lock it in Eddie. Although the lawn is so think around the back of our house that I think I would still need to rake…. you should see how bloody long it all is after all the rain… I am doing 2 cuts. I may never finish.

  2. Mish

    Looks like a fun weekend Chards!
    I spent my weekend sitting behind a laptop, as I have an assignment due Tuesday, but I am very happy to say that it was submitted at 2.17pm Sunday. Which meant no fun for me over the weekend, but now I can focus on the exam next week and then a four day break for Easter 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Would have felt good at 2.17pm!!! Good luck with the exam Mish.

  3. Anne@GritandGiggles

    Ours was a quiet one … sort of. I woke with a half swollen face from who knows what, called in sick for work and organised a doc appointment. Met up with a friend for half the day, went to the doc, came home to visitors who dropped in and then invited us out for dinner, went out for dinner and finally relaxed at home (so much for a night off sick, hehe). Sunday was a quiet one and I went for a non sunset drive because the clouds came over. Love the boys new gumboots and sausage sizzles sound like a great Sunday dinner, easy. Have fun sliding out of there.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Anne… your poor face…. sounded like a busy weekend not a quiet one, ha ha ha. 🙂


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