Best Party Ever: A 60th to Remember

October 8, 2015

On the weekend we went to the best party ever.  Wow, it was amazing.  In Camooweal of course.  We went in to celebrate the 60th Birthday of Sir Russell – the “Un-official Mayor of Camooweal” as we all like to call him.  The who’s who converged on this tiny little town for the party of all parties.  Held at our beloved race course they really put on a show.  And guess what, it also turned into a surprise wedding – Sir Russell married his First Lady – Sarah.  It was fantastic.  We couldn’t have been happier for them.  What a great crowd and wonderful night.  Thanks for having us guys, it really was special.  Oh and Happy 60th old man!

Look at the happy couple… congratulations Sir Russell and Lady Sarah, we are so happy for you both.


The who’s who were there…

Pet and Pet


A very rare photo of Mr Chardy and me… true love isn’t it… how sweet…


Bec and Georgie

Of course it was followed by a splendid Sunday Session at the Pub for the NRL Grand Final.  All in all it was a brilliant weekend spent with wonderful friends.  I know I have said it before but I will say it again – we are part of the best community.  So lucky!


I wore my new favourite outfit to the party – my Gumnut Designz ensemble.  I was loving myself sick in it too just quietly, I think I am going to wear this one to death…


I am wearing the Country Classic Frill Blouse – $130.00 – along with the Matilda Ladies Skirt – $95.00.  I had the skirt custom made in the fabric of my choice with an extra 3cm on the length.  I just love it.  Their sizes are a bit small so you might find you need to go up a size, don’t let that put you off though.  I am usually a size 12 on the bottom but this skirt is a size 14, the shirt is a size 12 relaxed fit.   This blouse is available in sizes 8-22 and the skirt is available in sizes 8-18 with sizes 20 & 22 coming soon.  Oh and by the way this is not a paid advertisement or sponsored post for Gumnuts I just like to share the love.  Other items featured are: belt by Country Road, shoes by Nine West and necklace by Miss Chardy.

And of course I have been up and at it on the cooking front.  The usual suspects have been served to the crew this week… bbq on our verandah, roast chicken dinner, corned beef and tonight it is steak with a creamy garlic sauce and veg.

What’s been happening in your world?
Has school gone back?  Are you excited about that?
Do you have a new outfit?  Where did it come from?
Do you have a Gumnut Designz outfit?


    • Miss Chardy

      So much fun! Made everyone so happy seeing that surprise wedding. 🙂

  1. michele Davis

    Love your outfit Chards
    Must have a look at Gumnut Designz

  2. Tanya

    Absolutely love that skirt!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      I can’t wait to wear it again Tanya!

  3. Evie Jean

    Hey Miss Chardy! You and your hubby are super cute!
    A surprise wedding is an awesome idea! (I reckon I will just be surprised if I get married at all!)
    No gumnut designz outfits, but I am loving good old Target at the moment – they have a new range out called Lily Loves, which has some really cool summer staples!
    Started the countdown to my holidays (9 weeks and 1 day…… ) cannot wait!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Evie, I love a good surprise… you might surprise yourself one day! I am definitely off to check out Target online, love Target and often find some great buys there. Hope the next nine week go by super fast for you.

  4. caitlinshappyheart

    You look stupendous! I love that they made your skirt a little longer for you. I’m short so I often get away with the length, but even somedays I get something online and sigh at the length when it arrives. Looks like a fantastic 60th/Wedding! What a great grand final – did most of Camooweal cheer for the cowboys?

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi There Caitlin, the skirt was such a great length. They do come in 2 length, the standard and one with an extra 5cm, but I thought the extra 5cm was slightly long… they will do anything for you, any fabric you fancy and will tailor it to your needs. As for the Footy, there were a few Bronco’s supporters there too.

  5. Mystery Case

    What a great celebration, looks like you had a great time. We also threw a surprise wedding (20 years ago next month). Basically had a beach engagement party and surprised everyone by getting married. It was so much fun.

    • Miss Chardy

      Fantastic!!!! Nothing better, I do love a surprise! Well done on 20 years!

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks lovely, can’t wait to wear that skirt again. 🙂

  6. Kirsty Rice

    Gorgeous! You look fab. I’m heading straight over to Gumnut xx

    • Miss Chardy

      You go girlfriend. So excited to see your little name pop up here. Have been meaning to get around to leaving some comments for you on Two Fat Expats… haven’t missed an ep and always hanging out for the next one. My favourite podcast Kirsty! Take care of yourself….I think of you often! 🙂

  7. Dan curran

    Hey miss chards, i haven’t been in camooweal for a good few years now but really enjoy reading your blog, keep it up! And congrats to “Mayor” Russell!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi there Dan – it is the best little town isn’t it and god love the Mayor! Thanks for reading 🙂

  8. Cate

    aww i love the idea of a surprise wedding! Gorgeous skirt too! xx

    • Miss Chardy

      It was so wonderful Cate.

  9. FBH

    Sad to say but I didn’t make it to Sir Russell’s big do. Looks like a lot of fun but hey … thems the breaks. As for me well Im sure tou may have heard of our little drinky poos on Sunday. I was wearing a lovely pair of Ararat jeans followed by a taste purple Wrangler shirt and a pair or Paul Lama cowboy boots finished off with the alluring sensual fragrance of Chanel Allure for men just to tip the scales in my favor….. grrrr. Ending up a dribbling idiot on the concrete full of cheap scotch in front of everyone, well lets just say that that brought me back a peg or two hahaha . Till next time Miss Chardy x

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh we missed you Ralph! Missed you at Brunette too… god help me, we had to drink Slippers without you pet! Oh and I am totally loving the know I like my Alllllurrrre. Grrrr. Ha ha ha ha – that “grrr” made me laugh out loud or should I say “LOL”… So happy to hear from you big guy. How is Melbourne Cup looking?

  10. Mel in Rocky

    Gotta love a surprise wedding! looked like it was a good weekend. It was great to finally see some photos of you and your hubby. They were great. It would be so wonderful to be involved in a small country community where everyone knows one another and well the parties look bloody good. My husband is off to Melbourne on the 7th Nov for the Emirites Race Day with some work Reps and unfortunately I am not going. Hope is all well with you.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Mel, so glad to be able to share a very rare photo of Mr Chardy and I together! ha ha ha. He would die if he knew I put that up on the blog, ha ha ha. It really is SO WONDERFUL to be part of such a great small country community Mel, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. Love it here. As for your husbands Emirites Race Day – um, I would be very jealous if I were you. All is going very well with me at the moment Mel, thanks. Hope all is well with you!


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