Birthday Parties & Sleep Overs

December 17, 2014

Yesterday was so funny.  We had a crazy but fun day.  It was my oldest boys 10th Birthday – double digits.  Where has the time gone?  I can’t believe he is 10 already.

Anyway, he had a wonderful day starting with some great presents first thing in the morning.



Amanda – one of my neighbour’s and I had also arranged for her to send her 8 year old over to stay and I was planning on surprising Harry with this.  It just so happened to be Tom’s Birthday too.  So at around 7:15am a plane bombed the house.  The kids had no idea, but as soon as they saw the plane I think they knew who it was, but just didn’t know who was on board.  I told them to jump in the car and we would go up to the airstrip and see what was going on.  Of course they were all very excited  and there was also another present on board for Tom to open, he was most impressed.  Off we went back to the house with an extra playmate.




Later that morning I phoned Mrs Savvy B to see if they were able to make it over and perhaps stay the night.  They had some visitors and 3 extra kids staying but none the less, they got their jobs done, jumped in the car and popped over**.  They didn’t arrive until about 2pm and left at about 5 so it was the quickest visit ever.  We couldn’t convince them to stay.  So it was a complete whirlwind tour.

Everything seemed to happen in fast forward.  Mrs Savvy B and I poured ourselves a cheeky wine and had a quick relax before hot footing it over to the kitchen to ice the Birthday Cake.  A quick slap of icing and back to the house where Tom decorated the cake using elaborate cake decorating techniques with a high degree of difficulty…..ok so he whacked a few smarties on and we managed to scrounge up 10 candles.  We were good to go.  “Out of the pool kids, it is cake time, quick, come and sing Happy Birthday”….. they swarmed around like starving children who hadn’t eaten for 5 days.  We sang and cut the cake.  Everyone was happy (especially me, I am always much happier once the whole birthday cake thing is out of the way).  Off course there were also fancy platters of chips and lollies.  Ha ha ha, no there weren’t – there were just packets of chips and loads of lollies….ok so there weren’t even loads of lollies, just some musk sticks, Cadbury’s favourites and some raspberries.  They still managed to make one helluva mess in my lounge room while eating and playing the Wii.






After this, Mrs Sav and I headed back to the kitchen and she gave me a hand to break down 4 chooks for the Apricot Chicken that Tom had requested for dinner.  We sorted that out and threw it in the oven and headed back to the house so they could all get ready to head home.  So nice of her to come over and give me a hand with everything.  God love her, I would be lost without this woman.  She slaps me into line when I make easy tasks difficult.

Just as they were getting ready to leave it was decided that Tom would go home with them for a few days, or who knows how long…perhaps they will bring him back for my Birthday next week and may even manage to stay the night.  So the Birthday Boy packed a bag, said goodbye and headed next door.  It was all a bit funny really.  All i kept saying was “what about the bloody Apricot Chicken”.  Ha ha ha.  O well we still enjoyed it.




So that was our day in a nutshell.  I am still laughing about it.

As you have probably gathered, from my posts about Birthday Parties, I am definitely not one of those Mum’s who spends hours upon hours planning and organizing a Birthday Party. (But if you would like to find a lady like that then head over to Kirsten and Co, that lady can and will throw a mean kids party, and is just plain funny too).  I am more than happy to do this sort of planning for an adult party or perhaps even when the kids are a bit older.  But I really think that little boys just want to run around, jam as much junk in their mouth as possible and get dirty so who am I to stand in their way.  If I went to a load of trouble I would just end up cranky and no one would have any fun at all.  So there you have it – a Birthday: Chardy Style!

**By “Popped Over” I mean, drove 2 vehicles 120km through the paddocks and 5 gates to get here, isn’t that what all neighbours do?

How do you do Birthday’s?  

Are you an Over Achieving Mum who throws brilliant parties.  I really take my hat of to you, I think you are amazing.  I only wish I had the patience. 



  1. Janine

    Hi Miss Chardy, I love your blog and think you are doing birthday parties just fine. I used to try and do the perfect parties but was just so stressed out that I never enjoyed them (and neither did the kids!). I now have a much more laid back approach and everyone is happier! Have a fabulous Christmas 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Janine, it is so true isn’t it, just end up a big stressed out lump and no one has any fun. Have a great Christmas and thanks for saying hi.

  2. Mrs Sav

    Would be lost without you too Miss Chardy.
    Mrs Sav

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh look at you all Tech savvy reading my blog AND commenting…. go you!!! xxx

  3. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    I used to be someone that went nuts with birthdays but my son celebrated his 5th one today and it was low key. In fact there were most tears than I wanted but he was just tired and sensitive, like his silly mummy is at times. And you know that it’s not your fault if kids don’t have fun, they have to make it! You’re a good mumma! Em xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Exactly Emily!!!!! I always know I have you on my side, ha ha ha and someone who knows what life with a psycho 3 year old is like, ha ha ha

  4. Liz

    Just wanted to say Hi from Melbourne – Victoria! Great blog! I love seeing those big hats and work boots on your little fellas. Also your JRT is one cute dogger!! 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Liz thanks so much for stopping by. Those big hats and boots on little munchkins are just too cute aren’t they. And our Jack Russell – Rosie is pretty cute too. She is a great little snake dog.

  5. Anna

    Sounds like everyone had a great day! We had a 10th birthday here yesterday but the mum was in Darwin for the conference and there’s only one child around this area! So, of course, Miss Anna being the govie (and chief minister of all children and first aid related activities – according to the dad) was given the responsibility of making a 10 year olds birthday. Once he’d headed to bed the rest of the staff and I went crazy and decorated the entire communal kitchen with streamers and balloons (I might add that the only balloons on the entire station were water balloons. These are not fun to blow up with your mouth and after doing about 5 this way we found ourselves in the shed using the air compressor at 10.30pm). Because we’ll be at a rodeo for actual Easter we decided to make our station family Easter the same day. All the Easter eggs got hidden in one of the machinery sheds and then we all set off to find them together. We made his favourite meals (tacos and schnitzel) and did some horse riding then one of the boys and I decorated a cake that the cook had kindly made the day before. It’s amazing how just a few changes in a normal days routine can make for the most spectacular day – I think his presents may have also contributed though!


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