Boarding School Orientation & A Fun Weekend!

October 27, 2016

I have a funny story to share with you.  When you just go with the flow great things happen so strap yourself in, grab a cuppa and let me share my weekend with you.  You see last week Mr Chardy, Tom and I headed down to BrisVegas to do the royal tour of the boarding school he will be attending next year.  We also dropped him there for 2 nights for an orientation/sleep over weekend.  Anyway, lets go back to the beginning…

A little while ago Mr Chardy and I went to Brisbane.  We were staying with one of my best mates – Di who lives in Brookfield… a gorgeous leafy suburb which is more like a country town than a suburb of Brisbane, yet only 30 minutes from the City.  Oh Mr Chardy also used to live there when he was growing up in high school so of course he has very fond memories of the place.

Anyway, cut a long story short, Di was house sitting for her friends while we were down and told us to come and stay.  We were a little apprehensive and thought perhaps we would have another night at the Stamford rather than crash at a strangers house.  But after Di sent us a photo of her view we soon changed our mind and thought we would be quite comfortable indeed.   See – this is the mansion Di was housesitting…







Rob and Eddie – who own the Mans (as I now like to call it) had gone to Vietnam for  a holiday.  Although Eddie didn’t make it on the flight with Rob (long story) so she was actually still at the Mans when we arrived.  Awkward.  Well not really, turns out she is just lovely and we basically have the same personality and feel like we have known each other forever.  Before long Eddie had handed me a glass of bubbly and welcomed us into her home.  Thank you very much – I think we will be quite happy here.  I won’t go on and on about that visit, but it was bloody funny and we now feel like the mans is our new home away from home – sorry Di #notsorry.

So when we booked our trip for Tom’s orientation we booked in with Eddie and Rob again.  Don’t worry – I cleared it with my bestie Di and she tells me she is still my friend, ha ha ha ha.  No seriously, she is!  Upon arrival at our new home away from home we were greeted with this…


Di even had a sleepover – so everyone was a winner!  You can see why I am totally at home here…right?

I can see why Marty has been banging on about Brookfield all these years.  It is just gorgeous.  There are horses everywhere and lots of space.  A gorgeous little store and a beautiful show ground.


I just love it there.  Eddie and I went for a walk a couple of mornings and I will tell you something for nothing: it is a whole lot different to walking up here at bum f*^k nowhere!  There was an actual walking path and beautiful green grass, even a little stream to cross, and hills!  Who’d have thought.  Just beautiful.


It is no wonder Mr Chards loves our new City House.  Yes we have really made ourselves at home and even have our own room – look check out the view from our window…


Eddie has horses!  So when Marty is feeling a little homesick and over the city he can just go and rug a horse or even go for a ride if his little heart desires.

On Friday we finally looked at the school we have booked Tom into.  No seriously – we booked him in and hadn’t even looked at it.  That’s ok isn’t it?  We google earthed and street viewed it.  No worries.  Mr Chardy did go there but that was at least 78 years ago.  Luckily we absolutely loved the place and Tom is now counting down the days until we drop him there in January.  We then left Tom there for the weekend.




When we collected him on Sunday he didn’t want to leave… his words: “You can just ditch me here for the rest of the year Mum”.   We were so excited to hear he had such a wonderful time.  Ummm, it is no wonder he didn’t want to come home, check out the dorm…


While he was there we enjoyed an impromptu day at the races on Saturday.  We definitely had not packed for the races.  There were a heap of our friends down from up north for a wedding that weekend and they were all heading to the races so we decided to join them.  My lovely blogging friend Nikki from Styling You had also mentioned she would be there.  Anyway, when we arrived all our mates were up in the Members area and Di even ditched us and headed up to rub shoulders with the who’s who.


We couldn’t get in because Mr Chardy was wearing jeans.  So we said goodbye to Dizee and just cruised around for a while by ourselves, sipping champagne and placing the odd bet.  Then Nikki found us, welcomed us into her little soiree and the rest is history.



When you just go with the flow great things happen.  Before they could top up my glass we had met about 5 families who also have children at the school Tom will be attending next year and even boys in his year.   I kid you not, it was just so uncanny.  Just the most lovely people.  I couldn’t believe it.  Before long Nikki and a couple of the other gorgeous ladies had organised a brunch for us on the day we drop Tom off next year so he can meet some day families and also some more boys in his year.  Can you even believe it.  These chicks are amazing.  People are just so lovely aren’t they!!!  Marty even found an old friend in the betting ring who used to come up and do vet work for us – yes, I am looking at you Penelope.

So of course, after having no friends when we arrived at the races we ended up leaving with a whole bunch of new friends.

Oh and we also discovered the joy of Uber!  Wow, if you aren’t onto it already (which I am sure you all are) get on board people. Uber is brilliant.  I downloaded the app ordered the ride and within 7 minutes a gorgeous VW was on our doorstep.  Cheap too.  Friendly drivers and very clean.  Far nicer than a taxi.

Or I just use Eddie as my Uber because she has a fancy car with pink number plates that say FUN… um, yes please!!!  Love your work Eddie.


Eddie and I even went to a Linen Party on Sunday afternoon where I met more people who knew Mr Chards.  And check out the house…


You would not know you were in Brisbane would you?  So gorgeous.   It seems most people I meet at Brookie know Mr Chards one way or another.  It is too funny.

Rob and Eddie had a BBQ for us on the Sunday night after we collected Tom so Mr Chardy could catch up with a bloke he knew from his old days at Brookie, who he hadn’t seen for about 20 years.  Seriously – everyone I met at Brookie knows Mr Chardy.  It is crazy.




It seems Tom was plum tuckered out after his big sleepover.


So there you have it.  A wonderful weekend with beautiful new friends and one fabulous old friend – you rock Dizee.  Thanks so much for moving to Brissie Di and introducing us to all of these wonderful people.  Can’t wait to see you again!

Do your kids go to Boarding School?  
Which Town/City?
Or are you newbie Boarding School goers next year too?
Have you been to Brookie – my new home away from home?



  1. Kirsten and co.

    What an awesome weekend you had! I’m so pleased Tom enjoyed his school visit – the dorm looks amazing! x

    • Miss Chardy

      It was so wonderful. The dorms sure are pretty cool. xx

  2. Cooker and a Looker

    I’m thrilled you had a great weekend and that Tom is excited about school. Is it wrong that I feel a little teary about him going?
    A x

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, I will let you feel teary! ha ha ha. When we dropped him down on that oval with those gorgeous little boys I said to Mr Chardy “Ok, quick lets get out of here before I start crying” ha ha ha.

  3. Suzanne Young

    Amazing things happen when the planets align…..Glad Tom is looking forward to boarding.

    • Miss Chardy

      They sure do Suzanne!!!! It was such fun. Love meeting new people!!

  4. Helena

    One in boarding school in Brisbane – Yr 12 next year and one that will go in 2018 after he does Yr 7 next year with Western Alliance.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Helena. Do you teach yourself? Good luck!

  5. MicheleDavis

    Your weekend looked great! All those new friends! Can see that Tom going off to boarding school is going to be a great new chapter in your lives. How lovely they were all so friendly!

    • Miss Chardy

      It really is Michele, can’t wait!!!

  6. Kate | Seduced by Beauty

    I went to boarding school – many, many years ago. Things have definitely changed since I went – I can assure you. Back when I went we had dorms where we shared with 5 others, had only 1 tv for the whole boarding house and the girls had to do their own washing. I will never forget the first time I had to do my washing (at the age of 12). I had no idea what I was doing and a girl from Broken Hill and I decided to do it together. Pity no-one told us that we had to separate the whites and the colours. Our yellow uniforms turned an unsightly shade of green!

    I am sure Tom will have a fabulous time but it will take some adjusting for you all as there are lots of new adventures ahead – some of them exciting, some of them scary and many of them alot of fun.

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, yes Kate – they have definitely changed!!!! It is going to be great for Tom.

  7. Caroline Alle

    I can’t believe it! Tom off to high school next year and boarding school too 🙁 you must be bracing yourself for him leaving. But amazing that he loved it and keen to go. Makes it so much easier for you. Good luck with it all xx

    • Miss Chardy

      I know, can you believe it, just seems like yesterday that he was in hospital over in Townsville!!!! He is so excited, it will be so good for him, and all that sport!!!

  8. Sandi Cant

    Same boarding school…I even have some of the same friends. The Barn is where my friend Sonia lives.

    After starting with my first son in 2010, we are now at the finishing end with our youngest son this year. It is a great school and has fantastic boarding staff. The cafe down Frasers Road is also good for breakfast and coffee.

    My boys have excelled there and grown into great young men.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Sandi, so great to hear from you! Did your youngest start this year… I am pretty sure that is right. Too funny that you know Sonia! Such a small world isn’t it. We went to a lovely cafe for lunch – Hub I think it was called, so yummy. See you next year!!!

      • Sandi Cant

        I didn’t put it very well – our youngest son is finishing at the end of this year so no more school visits for me. He has been boarding since grade 8 and is in year 10. He’s coming home to work for us and continue with doing a Cert III in Agriculture as a trainee. We met you at Yelvertoft draft.

        • Miss Chardy

          Oh bummer Sandi, I was looking forward to seeing you next year at School. Loved meeting you at Yelvertoft!!!

  9. Cat@Life through the haze

    Sounds like a very lovely weekend. I always wanted to go to Boarding School though I suspect the reality of it compared to the romanticised Enid Blyton version I had in my head would be very different. xoxo

    • Miss Chardy

      I always wanted to go to boarding school too Cat, finally did and LOVED IT.

  10. jac7star

    It’s all happening!
    So glad Tom enjoyed his weekend! And glad you made new friends!
    The scenery down there is divine!

    • Miss Chardy

      Isn’t it just beautiful.

  11. Anne@GritandGiggles

    It sounds like an awesome weekend and I am sure it helps a little with the thought of Tom heading off next year knowing that he had a ball during his sleepover.

    • Miss Chardy

      Such a huge relief Anne, he is counting down the days until we drop him off (79 i think) – does that mean we are a terrible family to live with? ha ha ha.

  12. Penelope

    I’m looking at you Miss Dan Chardy! Sooo fun to see you and Marty at the nags on the weekend. I’m loving the blog – bringing back soooooo – oooooooo many memories!#toolongago. Can’t wait to see more of you guys in Brisvegas, #thatglassofvino. Xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Can’t wait for more visits to Vegas!!! 🙂

  13. Penelope

    Regards to my buddy, Marty – miss those days Preg testing all day and collecting heaps & heaps & heaps of data!

    • Miss Chardy

      We miss you coming up too.

  14. Cate Lawrence

    so interesting to read! My mum went to an all girls boarding school in Sydney and hated it whilst I always wanted to go (big Enid Blyton fan)

    • Miss Chardy

      I am hearing you Cate!!


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