Camooweal Races 2015

August 25, 2015

There is nothing better than a good old fashioned bush race meeting and they don’t get much better than Camooweal Races. ย Would you like to know what went down? ย The who’s who of the north frocked up, dusted off their ties and headed to town for the annual races.


Of course Clancy was beside himself with excitement because Camooweal is his everything, his favourite town, it doesn’t get much better than this folks… poor little bugger has led a sheltered life. ย He had his tie on before we even left home and kept it on for the 3 hour drive. ย Tom was also dressed to the nines and Harry was dressed for comfort, like he usually is – footy shorts, t-shirt and thongs, that kid couldn’t care less, he is all about the fun, god love him. ย And fun he had. ย Here is Clancy with Russell, the “Unofficial Mayor of Camooweal” – that is his official title. ย Quite regal isn’t he. ย Almost royalty in the ‘Weal.



Lisa… this one’s for you…


It was such a great day and a wonderful crowd. ย Perfect weather for catching up with long lost friends who we haven’t seen for months.




Here is Mr Savvy B (who also doubles as the President of the race club) & Mr Chardy… Mr Chardy doesn’t like appearing on this blog, so shhhhh – don’t tell him.


And here is Bad Uncle Chardy – that would be Mr Chardy’s twin brother, featured here with none other than our favourite outback plumber – Stretch or FBH as he calls himself in my comments.



Here is Russell with his bestie Bruce, who likes to refer to Russell as The Group Leader…. these two are the funniest blokes I have ever come across, their dry sense of humour is second to none and I could listen to them all day long, HILARIOUS!


Of course what would a race meeting be without Fashions on the Field?



Footwear varied on the field…


We partied on into the night and camped at the grounds in our horse truck – because that’s how you roll out here.



The next day we were apparently leaving really early, but that didn’t eventuate, after Mr Chardy announced we would just head to the pub for a “snappy one”. ย Of course after a few snappy ones we ended up staying and heading off very early the next morning. ย You can’t beat a Sunday Session at our favourite watering hole – The Post Office Hotel.







Clancy spent most of the day exploiting his cuteness and robbing people blind for all of their gold coins so he could have a solid day playing Big Buck Hunter…


And here is the CEO of the POH – Chris, our local publican. ย He is one patient man and very generous, he even gives free ice with your drinks and sometimes offers patrons a complimentary straw, I think this is why we love him so much and keep coming back.


I even managed to earn a free Chardy after stacking the fridge and cleaning up a few spills. ย Bloody messy Jackaroo’s!!! ย DD would haveย been saying to them: “Keep your wits about you!”


All in all it was a fabulous weekend – we really are so lucky to be part of such a fabulous community. ย DD & Rex stayed back at Chardy HQ to manage things and when I walked back into my house I said “this place has been DD’ised” – DD & Rex had cleaned the place while we were away, it doesn’t get much better than that does it folks?!

Now it is time to get back into it and prepare for our annual Camooweal Mini School which we will head in for on Sunday for the week.

Did you head to the races on the weekend?
Catch up with some long lost friends?
Have you been to Camooweal?


  1. Sew Crafty Deb

    My parents were just in Camooweal and really wanted to stay for the races but time was short and they had to keep moving. They said it was a lovely town and so friendly. That little Clancy of yours is one gorgeous looking little dude. What a fun weekend!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh what a shame Deb. It was such a fun day.

  2. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    It’s so nice living in such a close-knit and friendly community – have a great day lovely x

    • Miss Chardy

      It is wonderful Em. You have a great day too. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Kirsten and co.

    How cute is Clancy, all dressed up in his tie?! The races look like a lot of fun!

    • Miss Chardy

      Always a great day Kirsten, and yes, that Clancy can rock a tie.

  4. Ms Styling You

    I hope you wore your pearls Miss Chardy! What a fun weekend out. x

    • Miss Chardy

      Of course I did, what do you take me for? Ha ha ha ha ha. It was a fun weekend! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Miss Chardy

      It was such a fun weekend Nicole. Hmmm yes, Clancy is a bit cute and could get away with murder just quietly. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Melissa Macrae

    Looks like you guys had fun! Wished I lived closer. Yep stayed in Camooweal in the early 90’s when I headed to the NT with my parents and we even patronised the pub. Trying to convince my husband to do a road trip next June/July school hol’s to NT. I finally made Japanese Slippers last week and aren’t they morish! Bring on summer. You should try “Illusions”. They are nice too!

    • Miss Chardy

      Camooweal is a great little place with even better people! So much fun. Hope you can convince your husband to do the road trip, what fun. So happy you tried the Japanese Slipper, yes – very moorish. Yes, Illusions are nice too aren’t they. ๐Ÿ™‚


    I must of missed the mopping thing๐Ÿ˜‚ had an awesome week end and I do love the Sunday session, always the highlight of the weekend for me๐Ÿป๐Ÿป๐Ÿป๐Ÿท๐Ÿท๐Ÿท

    • Miss Chardy

      It was so much fun wasn’t it. And after all of those photos I didn’t even get one of you! Hope you had a good trip home yesterday, we made it home in time for the boys to do their On Air’s so we were on fire.

  7. barbiewalkerBarbie Walker

    Hello Miss chardy, you’ve done it again my what an awesome time at Camy races. We were hoping to go out to the “Simpson Desert Racing carnival” but hubby has not been well. As like your local races it is also a blast at Betoota, Birdsville, Bedourie its times like this which brings the community together. Everyone plus granny goes to Birdsville (OK not every one’s cup of tea) but you can dance on the tables and it stays out there. look forward to your next blogg

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Barbie – god love you – you are a total party animal, I love it! What a shame you can’t make it out to the Channels for the racing carnival. Hope your husband gets better. Thinking of you. ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Cate

    Loved reading this! How cute is Clancy with his little tie! Love to no footwear sign in the pub. I horrified a neighbour the other day by going out with no shoes to put the recycling in the recycling bin in the courtyard. She literally gasped and shouted out ‘Ah! Bare fuรŸ!’ Not the done thing here hehe

    • Miss Chardy

      Too funny Cate, how hilarious is that.

  9. Little Munch

    One of the main things I miss about living in the bush is the local picnic races! Such fond memories – our local one was called the Woop Woop Cup! I think I’m going to add the Camooweal Races to my bucket list – oh and country pubs I so miss them – city pubs are just too fancy pants these days!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      You just can’t beat a bush pub can you!

  10. Jo

    Where is a picture of you in your frock Miss Chardy??? Love to see you all dressed up. The boys look great – did all the kids win a prize in the Fashion on the fields? Must put this event on my bucket list.

    • Miss Chardy

      Of course I forgot to get a photo of me. Sorry. The kids all got some lollies.

  11. Erica Hanwright

    I’m going to the country music race day at Doomben this Saturday. I real treat for a country girl who lives in the big city.

    • Miss Chardy

      How was in Erica? Hope you had fun.

  12. Mel in Rocky

    R. U. OK! Haven’t seen a blog or FB comment for a while.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there, thanks so much for worrying about me. I will have a blog post up tomorrow to fill you in on what’s been going on. I am ok. ๐Ÿ™‚


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