Chardy Central: What’s been happening in my neck of the woods

February 20, 2017

It’s been a hard thud back to reality yet again after returning from holidays.  They seem like a distant memory now, yet we have only been home for a few weeks.

Remember how we didn’t manage to get our car out and down to the bitumen for holidays because it was too wet?  Well guess what… Mr Chardy got it into Camooweal last week.  How hilarious… now that we are back from holidays he has managed to get it out.  Not really sure why, but our car is down there, safe and sound on the highway!

Last week Miss Pip (our Governess) headed into Mt Isa for a Home Tutor Retreat to learn all things distance ed related.  Hints and tips on how to teach the curriculum and a great chance to meet some other Govies.  I tell you what, she was lucky that things dried up enough to get her out.  Luckily her car was still in Camooweal.  The weather of course turned stormy again and I didn’t like her chances of getting back in.  But she put her big girl pants on, and drove that beast in (ok so she may have had 1 bogging incident but we won’t mention that).  Mr Chardy went down and met her at the bottom of the stock route to make sure she made it back in ok, thank goodness he did because the road was a little wet.  Better her than me is all I can say… so Pip had a good old fashioned welcome to our road and the trials and tribulations of getting in and out.  But she made it and didn’t complain once.   Oh and can we just mention that this little pocket rocket is only 17!!!  She has a bright future ahead of her, and it may involve driving monster trucks through mud.

Oh and guess what…. look what she handed me when she arrived home….

That girl deserves a pay rise.  What a champ.  I could have hugged her (and I did!!!!).

In boarding school news Tom seems to be settling in really well.  We haven’t had any tears and he seems happy.  Of course he complains about the food but it wouldn’t be boarding school if you didn’t complain about the food would it??  But that’s ok because apparently they have a deal with Pizza Hut and can get cheap pizza and garlic bread on a Saturday night, thank god someone is feeding them, ha ha ha.

He is loving being able to play cricket all the time.  On the weekend he got 3 people out – not bad for a boy from the bush who hasn’t played much cricket.  Way to go Tom.  They sure do keep them busy.  On the weekends they go here there and everywhere.  They have been to Wet’n’Wild, Mooloolaba to the beach, Chermside Shopping, Slip & Slide at the school, Trivia night with one of the girls schools and yesterday they went to the Gold Coast.  Talk about living the life.  Hands up if you wish you had a life this tough!!!

I love it when he sends through photos.  Hasn’t the internet/mobile phones just made it so easy to stay in contact even when they are a 3 day drive away.  I really must teach him to turn the phone on the side to take photos though, these are just not working on my blog sorry Tom.

Life with only 2 children at home is quite peaceful (should I be saying that?).  I reckon it is ok because I know all the fabulous opportunities that are available to Tom.  Anyway, this Mumma has been a whole lot calmer with only 2 kids kicking about the house.  There hasn’t been any fighting and with Clancy at school everyday the house has managed to stay a whole lot cleaner.

Now I am a little embarrassed to tell you this but I haven’t had any Chardy in the house since we returned.  I am not really sure what I was thinking coming home without any.  That was just STUPID.  I have only been having the odd little drink on a Friday or Saturday but have really missed my Chardy.  Good old Mrs Savvy B came through with the goods though.   We got her son, Lachie, over for the weekend.  You see his brother has gone off to boarding school too so he is a little lonely.  Danno (our Bore Runner) ducked over and collected him on Friday while he was out that way on a bore run.  He returned with 4 bottles of wine that Mrs Savvy B had sent over.

She apologised saying she was sorry there wasn’t any Chardy amongst them but to tell you the truth I couldn’t care less.  Obviously I got a little too excited and drank a little too much on Friday night because I woke up on Saturday morning feeling quite average.   I’m sorry but I just can’t do hangovers like I used to.  No thanks, such a waste of a day isn’t it.  When will we ever learn?  Probably never!

Meanwhile I have been thinking so much about all those terrible fires down in NSW.  I have no words… just heartbreaking.  I can’t even imagine.  It is so lovely to see everyone pitching in to help, all of those trucks taking hay for the farmers.


All I can say is thank goodness for bloggers and their recommendations.  All of the things I am loving at the moment are thanks to some of my favourite bloggers.  Here they are…


We have been looking for a series to binge on watch of a night time and decided to give SUITS a go.  We are loving it and have nearly finished Season 2.  Thanks so much Mrs Style & Shenanigans for your recommendations.

Listening To

Another fabulous recommendation came from Sublime Finds.  I am always on the hunt for a new Podcast to listen to and she told me to give How I Built This a go.

Well thanks a million Andrea, I am loving it.  The first episode I listened to was with Kate & Andy Spade (of Kate Spade New York), then I listened to the SPANX episode with Sara Blakely (who invented SPANX) now I am listening to the blokes who invented Instagram.  Gosh they are interesting.  Absolutely loving these podcasts.


Now lastly I am so in love with this app that my friend Kirsten from Kirsten & Co wrote about (head on over to her blog and read her post: “5 helpful fashion apps you will want to download” – you won’t be sorry).  Anyway, it is called Stocard…

It is for all of those annoying store cards you get when you sign up to their programs… you know the ones – Country Road, Susan, Myer One.  But it is also for cards like Frequent Flyer, your Library Card… anything with a barcode on it really that you usually have to sift through your wallet to find and then realise you don’t actually have it with you.  All you do is hold the card under your phone and it scans the barcode and BAM there it is on your phone.  You don’t need to clog up your wallet with 724 different cards anymore, they are all there on your phone and the store just scans them from your phone (at least I think that is how it works).  All I know is that I am very excited about this app.  Thanks Kirsten!

That’s about it from me.  I think I have filled you in on all the exciting goss from my part of the world.  How about you?

What’s been happening in your neck of the woods?
How are your kids going at Boarding School?
Found any cool new apps?
Been watching any great TV shows?


  1. Sandra

    Great to hear Tom has settled into boarding life, as a mum and nanna I was wondering how he was going (still get a little lump in my throat when I think of boarding school), however it seems like he’ll have loads of fun stories to tell his brothers.

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, I think he will have lots to tell his brothers.

  2. Carol

    Good on Tom, what a little trouper, as a Nanna too it tugs at the heart strings and hope you’re coping! Thoroughly enjoy all your stories and wonderful tips and hints, we can always learn new things. We are also loving Suits, just finished Season 2. Love a Chardy too, Cheers!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Carol, you sound like a woman with good taste! ha ha ha. We are nearly finished season 2 too!! Cheers to a chardy. x

  3. Mish

    The podcast sounds interesting – downloading now!

  4. Jo@JoSimplyWill

    Dan I’m totally hooked on This Is Us which started a few weeks ago on Channel 10. I don’t normally like American shows because they are so contrived, everyone is too perfect-looking etc. Wow this is just so different. The unexpected happens every week as the story of 3 siblings unfolds. Do watch it from the start however. Glad to hear Tom has settled in and you are all adjusting well.

    • Miss Chardy

      I am hearing you Jo. I have watched the first 2 eps, need to watch the third. Love it. I was crying like a baby. xx


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