Christmas 2016 & 2017 New Year Update

January 2, 2017

Happy New Year to you all.  I tell you what it was a quiet old affair in this household.  We watched Forrest Gump and then went to bed.  Don’t worry there was Chardy involved but that is about it my friends.  Oh and guess what – I have never seen Forrest Gump before, can you even believe it?  I remember when it was released, I think I was in year 10.  I had no desire to see it.  All of my friends used to watch it but no – not me.  Turns out I didn’t give into peer pressure, ha ha ha.  The funny thing is that I could recite lines from the movie, but had never actually seen it.  My friend used to call me Lieutenant Dan!  So there you go, I crawled out from under my rock for a few minutes.  I told you it was a quiet affair here.

Oh hang on, we did trot out a couple of Japanese Slippers during the day and watched Bad Moms with Georgie.  Oh dear lord… I haven’t laughed so hard in ages.  If you haven’t seen this movie and are always thinking you are such a bad Mum (like me – read this post to find out what I mean) then you MUST SEE IT.

It is just so spot on, you are going to love it.  Actually you have probably all seen it, I keep forgetting that most of you don’t live under the huge rock that I do.

How about you?  What did you all get up to?  Any wild parties?  Popping the champagne?  Please tell me you did something more exciting than us!!!

I have also just realised I didn’t do a Christmas Post… so this is a bit of a belated update (more for my own memories and records than for you… sorry)…

So this is what Christmas looked like.  The boys did quite well in the present department.  Me?  Well I didn’t do quite as well but better than expected.  Things were looking pretty dismal for me under the tree so I made myself a necklace, wrapped it up and popped it under the tree…

But it turns out Georgie came through with the goods and trotted out this fantastic present…

I have wanted a pink plaited belt for ages, so you can imagine the excitement when I unwrapped this and there was a bottle of bubbly to go with it, perfect.

And check out these fabulous slippers my sister sent up for me…

Don’t they just scream Chards!!!!  All of my favourite colours.  I cannot take them off my little tappers, I love them so much and of course they go with all of my outfits which is quite handy indeed.

Last week Mrs Savvy B and I swapped kids.  Mr SB brought Lachie over in the chopper and took Tom home with him.  I think that was last Tuesday.  It has been such a peaceful week – no fighting brothers.  Lach and Harry have had so much fun.   They have been outside most of the time which is quite novel for Harry… they have built a treehouse…

Explored down at the river, have been for many swims in the pool and yesterday they floated from the river crossing right down to the cattle yards on tyre tubes… just the two of them with Mr Chardy checking on them along the way.  Gosh they had fun, I reckon it took them a couple of hours.   Tom has had an absolute ball over at the Savvy B’s too, I am sure he will be very disappointed to be coming home to his nagging Mum.  They have just had to wait for some cloud to lift before they can take off.  We will be sad to say goodbye to Lach but it will be great to give Tom a hug.  And all is not lost my friends because we are holidaying together on the Sunshine Coast in a couple of weeks which will be fun.

I am once again trying to get my life in order for a fresh start in 2017.  Happens every year doesn’t it… I start off with great intentions and then it all turns to shit at some stage because something terrible happens.  But you know what I have realised, that is just life.  Crappy stuff is going to happen more often than not the older we get, isn’t it?!  It is just the cycle of life I suppose.  I just need to learn how to deal with these shitty events a little better without everything falling apart.

Well that is about all that has been happening around here, nothing terribly exciting.  We have had some lovely rain and it has just started to pitter patter on the roof, think it will be gone in a minute though.  Here are some photos from last week when Mr Savvy B took Mr Chardy up for a look around…

Here’s to a fresh start my friends.  A Happy New Year.

What are your New Year Resolutions?



  1. Heidi

    Happy New Year to you, Chards! Thank you for giving us a glimpse into your life (which I find awesome, you know how the grass is always greener….lol) Hope you have a fantastic 2017 and a wonderful vacation on the Sunshine Coast!

  2. MicheleDavis

    I’m a bit worried about your car ! What happens if you don’t get it out? Is there a Plan B?

  3. KezUnprepared

    Oh my gosh. I found out there might be a Bad Moms 2 coming out this year?! Best movie.
    Happy new year! x

  4. Mrs Rumbo

    You’ll be so proud to hear I had an alcohol free night last night……..(*koff koff* could be because our noo year was a little more exciting than planned……)

  5. Cooker and a Looker

    Happy new year Chards. Great photos. I haven’t seen Bad Mums yet, so you’re one ahead of me.
    Will we be catching up for a slipper while you’re in town?
    A x

    • Miss Chardy

      Happy new year to you too. Oh you are going to LOVE Bad Moms – get onto it. I think I need to start watching it on a weekly basis. Not sure if we will be able to catch up, we are only on the Sunny Coast for 7 nights…

  6. Anne@GritandGiggles

    My entire Christmas and New Year was alcohol free 🙁 but we still had a tonne of fun … well on Christmas day anyway. New Years was pretty quiet with Uno and then the midnight fireworks on t.v. Life of the party, I tell you.
    I am supposed to be heading to the Sunshine Coast in a few weeks too, just need to book flights!
    The views from above look amazing and it sounds and looks like you’ve had a great festive season.

    • Miss Chardy

      Gosh Alcohol free well done! Wish I could say the same. You did better than me on NYE… I didn’t even stay up until midnight. Have fun on the Sunny Coast.


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