Conversations: With Miss Chardy

April 15, 2016

Not quite as impressive as Conversations with Richard Fidler but lets chat shall we?! Β Are you all chanting in your head “Thank god it’s Friday, Friday, Fridaaaaaaay”? Which reminds me I really do need to get my Chardy into the fridge. Β How can someone by the name of Miss Chardy be always running out of either the stuff entirely or just cold Chardonnay? Β I really need to get my act together. Β But it is indeed Friday and I will be having a Chardy or 3 tonight. Β How about you? Β Do you do Friday night drinks at a nice bar in the City? Β Or perhaps share a drink with your neighbour? Β Me, well I just sit on the lounge and drink alone…. ha ha ha ha. Β Kidding (kind of). Β When I lived in Sydney and worked in the City the law firm I worked for used to provide drinks for us on a Friday evening, then we would often hit the town, of course I was 21 back then, not 37 with 3 kids living in Bum Truck Nowhere. Β ha ha ha. Β If anyone would like a Japanese Slipper for Friday Night Drinks, or FND as I prefer to call it, then here is the recipe my friends…

Japanese Slipper

The weather is FINALLY cooling down up here. Β I love this weather, not too cold and not too hot. Β It also means I can start going for my morning walk outside instead of on the treadmill. Β Mr Chardy has graded the walking track back in for us, so we are all set. Β It has been so lovely too. Β Cruising around the track, listening to my podcasts enjoying the peace and quiet. Β I even had to put a jumper on the past couple of mornings. Β Yay!


The boys are growing by the minute. Β Tom will be as tall as me soon and Harry is even growing and starting to eat a bit more (a tiny bit more). Β Clancy just won’t stop. I took his cowboy boots to the last campdraft and then tried to get his foot into them with no luck, he had grown out of them without me realising. Β  The trouble was I didn’t have another pair there for him. Β And lord knows I have boots in every single size – hand me downs from the other boys. Β Anyway, I pulled them out of the cupboard yesterday and he was wrapped to the back teeth to be able to finally fit into these suckers….

New Boots Clancy's New Boots

It was so lovely reading all of your comments over on the Miss Chardy Facebook page about where you are all from. Β Wow, I was blown away by the response to that little question. Β It is so wonderful to know where you all live and I was so thrilled to hear from all of those readers who don’t live in Australia, I didn’t realise there were so many of you. Β There were people from Taiwan, Germany, Moscow, Texas, Oklahoma, Zambia, Toronto, New Zealand, Manilla, The UK, Singapore, Papua New Guinea, The Netherlands and Qatar!!! Β Not to mention all of my fabulous Aussie readers from every State and Territory in Australia, all over the place I tell you, country towns, Cities, farms, stations, near & far. Β It was so great to hear from you all. Β Didn’t see anyone from my home town – Mudgee. Β Do we have any Mudgee readers out there? Β Anyway, thanks for letting me know where you are all from.

We have another lovely quiet weekend at home. Β It will be the last one for a while which I am a little bit happy about because I am starting to go a bit nutty… need to see some people from the outside world.

What are your plans for the weekend?
Are you going to whip up a Slipper?
Crack open some wine?
Catch up with friends?





  1. Cooker and a Looker

    I’m not at all surprised that your readers come from all over the globe Chards – you give us an insight into a life we had no idea about. I love it when you talk logistics! πŸ™‚

    We’re taking our carrot van on its maiden voyage this weekend. Not too far though, the Dicky Beach Caravan Park. I can tell the kids are excited because they’re twice as annoying as usual! πŸ˜›

    Have a great weekend,
    A xx

    • Miss Chardy

      I thought you had already been away in the van??? How exciting – have fun!!!

        • Miss Chardy

          Have a wonderful time, how exciting!!!!

  2. Ruth

    I actually have some tequila slammers organised for FNDs this evening…no actually, I don’t. I’m going to attempt to take my babes on an outing to the Social Club. I will be there with my soda water coveting everyone’s beers!
    Must be the week for little boys in boots. My old boyfriend had a trip to Darwin this week and came back with the first pair of bona fide cowboy boots to grace the younger members of this household! Very swish in the Chris Le Doux kinda way!
    Will enjoy some telepathic pub time with you this eve. Xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Ruth…. we will have a tequila slammer one day…ok (ok, maybe not, maybe just a Chardy, ha ha ha). One day when those gorgeous little girls are a bit older and you have your body life back. Very exciting about the new boots, the boyf has done well. I will have a drink for you tonight. Now you go and get ready to get yourself out of that house and enjoy some time out, play pass the baby – or perhaps they will be asleep!!!

  3. proseccoprincess

    Definitely love Friday drinks. Prosecco for me of course!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      You just had me at “Prosecco Princess” – just tried to check out your website… can’t get on, it is probably our dodgy internet. Will try in the morning. Enjoy a prosecco tonight!!! πŸ™‚

  4. Em @ Have A Laugh On Me

    You are a much loved Vegemite! This weekend I will recovery from Vegas baby. Still a bit jet-lagged and could do with a day of chilling with my babies. Have a lovely one my friend xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Em, I see that you have been to Vegas, how bloody exciting! Need to catch up on your blog. Looks like you had fun. Rest up old girl. x

  5. Mish

    Yes I am rather late to this party but better late than never!
    I didn’t realise you had a FB page … I know doh, because the symbol is at the bottom of every post you put up. In my defence, I read your posts on my phone in the mornings, while I eat breakfast and my partner goes over his work emails that have come in while we sleep – the joys of working in multiple time zones!
    So I didn’t realise there was a page until tonight … but I have already liked it πŸ™‚

    A Japanese Slipper sounds good right about now, I have just submitted another assignment and now I get to prepare for the exam next Thursday and then it’s four weeks off … well actually it will be slowly read the next two textbooks before starting again!

    • Miss Chardy

      ha ha ha ha, so glad you found it!! πŸ™‚ Perhaps you can look forward to a slipper during your 4 week break!

      • Mish

        I like that idea, I shall put the ingredients on the shopping list and enjoy away!!!

        • Miss Chardy


  6. Mel

    I would absolutely love to be able to walk with a sunrise like that in the mornings and so peaceful. My peace is broken on my early morning walk is tradies utes going to work early and barking dogs! talking about exercise, have you seen the new magazine out called Graziher! It is the brain child of a couple of women I know from Central Queensland and it is all about women in the country. The Autumn issue has just come out and has a story on your Personal Trainer friend Joy McClymont. The Summer issue that was the first ever is had a story on a lady from the NT that you might know, Marie Muldoon. It is a great read!

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, my walking track is the best and so lovely and peaceful, I feel very lucky. A few people now have told me about Graziher… I am going to have to get it. Yes I sure do know Marie. πŸ™‚


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