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Butterscotch Pudding

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  • Author: Miss Chardy


Units Scale

2 cups self raising flour

1.5 cups sugar

100g butter (melted)

1 cup of milk

4 tablespoons golden syrup

50g butter

3 cups hot water


  1. Mix flour and sugar in a large bowl.
  2. Melt butter and add milk to melted butter.
  3. Pour over flour and sugar and beat well with wooden spoon.
  4. Grease a large pyrex dish – it does puff up quite a bit – and pour in batter.
  5. To make the sauce just pop the butter and golden syrup in a large jug and add the 3 cups of hot water to melt the butter and syrup.
  6. Pour over the batter mix, hold a large spoon over the mixture and pour the sauce over the spoon so it doesn’t disturb the batter too much.
  7. Bake at 180 degrees celsius for 40 minutes

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