Miss Chardy’s Guide to Station Cooking – Part 3 – Savoury Smoko

February 17, 2017

I think a savoury smoko would nearly be one of my favourite meals to make.  When the crew are in full swing, working their backsides off, they love nothing more than coming in for a delicious, cooked, morning smoko.

Now, i’m not sure about you, but here at Chardy Central we don’t have an official afternoon smoko but the first station I worked on, when I came to the NT, did.  Oh it was like a feetlot.  I thought I had died and gone to heaven, then I realised I had best start exercising before I became the size of a house.  On that station morning smoko was always savoury and afternoon smoko was sweet.

Generally, here on our station we prefer something hot and savoury cooked for smoko with baked goods such as cake, slice and biscuits always on hand for people to either pack and take out with them if they are working away from the homestead or just something to snack on.

If you get into a bit of a routine you will find your groove.  You might make Monday your baking day where you ensure your biscuit, cake and slice containers are full, hopefully this will then last you the week.

Get your free printable here: Morning Smoko Template

Here is my favourite smoko recipe.  The first cook we  had when we moved here to Chardy Central – Susan – used to cook these and I fell in love with them.  I had to have that recipe.  It was like walking into a gourmet cafe every time Susan dished up a meal and these little pies were a real hit.   Note: you can also substitute the pastry with bread and use muffin tins to make larger pies.


Now because it will only let me add one printable recipe per post here is the link to another winner when it comes to morning smoko – Robyn Jenkinson’s Toasties.

What is your go to savoury smoko dish that is always a winner? 
Do you have afternoon smoko on your station?
Any hot tips for cooking for crowds?

Do you have a fabulous savoury smoko recipe you would like to link to?  Go ahead… add the link in the comments section, we would love to see it.





  1. Jodie

    Where do you buy the pastry on the roll? I need that in my life!!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh it is the business… so good. We get all our stores through wholesalers in Mt Isa – Gulf Wholesalers (who get their gear from Bidvest in Townsville) or PFD Foods. Good luck. You WILL hunt it down.

      • Judy

        Miss Chardy…love to get your sausage roll recipe.

        • Miss Chardy

          Hi Judy, when we are making sausages we put a few bags of sausage mince aside and just use this for sausage rolls… I sometimes add some bits and pieces too it – onion, sauces etc but sometimes I just whack it in puff pastry and cook.

          • Judy

            Thanks sounds good……


  1. Guide to Station Cooking - […] check out the rest of this series: Part 1 – So you want to be a cook Part 2…

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