Cooking With Chards: Weekly Meal Plan

July 2, 2017

Well it is that time of the week again… time to get sorted for the week ahead.  Have you got your meal plan sorted or would you like some inspiration? I have mine all done and ready to go.  Here it is…

Now, here are some links if you would like the recipes that I have on file for this weeks plan…

Lemon Meringue Pie
Butterscotch Pudding
Crumbed Steak
Potato Bake
Bread Twist
Chicken Curry

In other exciting news… DD & Rexy (my Mum and Dad) arrived yesterday.  So exciting, haven’t seen them for about a year.  Clancy is loving himself sick playing all sorts of fun games with Poppy Rex – lego, flight simulator, Uno – just generally tailing along behind him everywhere and never shutting up.  DD has slipped straight into her role as our housekeeper – this is her winter sport of choice too, which is lucky.  As I type this she is folding all the washing within an inch of its life, my washing machine hasn’t stopped since she arrived yesterday – what a legend.  Oh and she has her own set of purple washing up gloves over at the kitchen and has already done around 3 hours at the sink.  The crew were in today so we trotted out a big cook up breakfast at smoko and then taco’s for lunch.  It is beef curry & rice for dinner with chocolate mousse for dessert.

They are in again tomorrow too so I am planning on sausage rolls and ginger cake for smoko and not sure about lunch at this stage.

Now because I am such a bloody busy body I would love to know what you all do.  So, riddle me this:

Are you a station cook?
Do you live on a station? 
Are you the cook for your little family? 
Where do you live?
And… what’s for dinner this week?


  1. Mish

    Hey Chards,

    I am the main cook in my house, although I just had a week off with a bacterial infection in my ears/throat – not fun let me say 🙁 but I am well enough to go back to work tomorrow and take over some of the cooking.

    There is just the Mr and myself and his son who visits us about twice a month – his son is a growing teenager, so there is always pizza, cake and lots of food on the menu when he is around!

    Depending upon the time of year and how late I get home from work as to what I actually cook, at the moment it’s risotto and beef stroganoff and other casserole type meals. We have a pressure cooker that the Mr purchased May 2015, against my judgement and boy did he prove me wrong – I absolutely love using it … but lets keep that a secret!

    Good luck with having the whole family and all the staff around for meals – sounds like you are going to need a really long table!
    Mish 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Mish, thanks for the reply, love hearing a bit about other peoples lives. Sorry to hear you have’t been well, glad you are on the mend. Pressure cooker sounds good too!

  2. Fashionista

    Hey Miss Chardy. Loved the “winter sport of choice” line 😂
    My meal plan is not nearly as exciting as yours.
    Monday: lasagne + wedges + whatever veg No.1 son sorts out
    Tuesday: bangers & mash + whatever veg No.1 daughter sorts out
    Wednesday: cream of celery soup + sourdough bread
    Thursday: chicken schnitz + 3 veg
    Friday: pizza
    Saturday: I’ll think about that when I get to Saturday.
    No desserts here. 😕

    • Miss Chardy

      Judy that sounds great! We are basically having bangers and mash tonight too! Do you make your own sourdough? Love a good Pizza night too!

  3. asdmadventures

    I am truly amazed at what you pump out of that kitchen day after day AFTER DAY!! I don’t really like cooking and could never imagine cooking like you do as I have enough troubles cooking for my little tribe of four. At the moment our 17 year old and hubby (the fussiest eaters) are in Oz checking out Uni’s for next year so its just the 14 year old and I which is total heaven for me in the kitchen (and laundry). Cereal for dinner….no worries, toasted cheese sangers or eggs on toast….done. This is my idea of the perfect holiday…..although we are still waiting for Summer to kick in here in Moscow.

    • Miss Chardy

      Sarah, what you are pumping out for dinner at the moment really does sound like holiday heaven!!!! I never once thought I would enjoy cooking – used to hate it. Now that the kids are older and all at school and not under my feet I find it quite peaceful over in the kitchen. But then I come home and realise all the things I haven’t done here! Now, does Summer ever really kick in in Moscow? How hot does it get?


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