Cooking with Chards – Weekly Meal Plan

May 11, 2020

Remember on my meal plan from last week I put down “day off” for the Sunday because it was Mother’s Day? Well guess what – I really did have the day off. I think it was my first real full day off in about 8 weeks and gosh it was good! And by real full day off I mean it went like this:

Slept in until 9:57am, got up had a leisurely coffee and toast IN MY PJ’S (what a treat) with my boys. I did manage to make my bed, do a load of washing and even put some makeup on (even if it was at 1pm). I left the house once at about 2:30pm as I thought I had better move the sprinklers but I didn’t really leave the house yard once all day. I didn’t even go out to the clothesline – I put the washing on the clothes horse in the laundry and the dryer!!! Harry, Clancy and I had a bit of a Modern Family mother’s day marathon – or as I was calling it: Mother’s Yay!! I even had a cheeky glass of wine at about 3pm – let the boys have some chips and soft drink and just generally slothed around on the lounge all afternoon eating bad food. Gosh it was good. Mr Chardy insisted on a bbq at our house that night – I told him he could do whatever he wanted but I wasn’t cooking, so we had a sausage sizzle and the most I did was carry the sauce and bread outside. That was a bit of a stretch and I was quite puffed afterwards. So that was my day, I didn’t go to the kitchen once.

So how was your Mother’s Day – what did you get up to?

And now here we are back at Monday – going into our 9th week of Iso. I hear that Australia is slowly opening back up, but I wouldn’t know about that. I wonder if the NT/QLD border will ever open up again. Will I ever be able to visit my neighbour again? Look I am not going to lie – I am not feeling the cooking love this morning as I try and decide what to cook on my meal plan, but here it is my friends – same shit different week:

Of course all of the meals can be found in my cookbook – which is for sale right here. Miss Chardy’s Guide to Station Cooking…

What’s on the menu at your place this week? We would love to see what you are cooking. Share your meals out of my cookbook and use the hashtag #cookingwithchards so we can all see.

Have a great week. Ok week 9 – game on, let’s do this!

1 Comment

  1. Jean

    My day was lovely. A line from this song sums it up: Sunday is my don’t have to run day. My Mother’s Day was exactly that!! Just wish it was true every Sunday….


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