Cooking with Chards – Weekly Meal Plan

June 8, 2020

Here we go again… another meal plan. I would love to just get back into bed, to tell you the truth, but it is Monday morning and time to do it all over again. So here it is… this is what will be cooking in my kitchen this week:

The second edition of Miss Chardy’s Guide to Station Cooking has nearly sold out, time to have some more printed! Thank you so much to every single person who has bought one, I hope you are loving it.

Well I guess it is time to start the week. Hang some washing on the line, try to motivate the year 8 and year 10 boys (who are still home from boarding school) to do their work, cook up a storm in the kitchen and fill all of the cake, slice and biscuit containers. As my friend Kirsten from Bettyquette would say – “The glamour never ends”. It really doesn’t!!

Over and out my friends. Have a great week, what is cooking in your kitchen? I would love you to share all of your creations from my cookbook using the #cookingwithchards over on facebook.


  1. Jo@JoSimplyWill

    It’s all about pumpkins on my menu at the moment Dan! That’s about all I can grow in abundance. Pumpkin Spice Cake, Pumpkin and Lentil Fritters, Pumpkin Macaroni Cheese, Spicy Pumpkin Soup. All recipes on my blog if you wish to try some. That would have your workers asking ‘but where’s the meat?’!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, well at least you can grow pumpkins, you are doing better than me!!! All sounds yummy!!


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