Cooking with Chards – Weekly Meal Plan

June 15, 2020

Hello there my friends. How are you? How is life out there in the land of the living? I wouldn’t know because the last time I was in town was that quick trip I did when Tom broke his wrist. I have nearly lost count now but I think we are going into our 14th week of this Covid19 bullshit. I am over it – I wish our borders would open, “I just want to go some place where we know someone who can plug me into the social pipeline!”

My boys really need to go back to school, things have hit an all time low on the home learning front with Tom and Harry. It is not good. I feel so sorry for them, I wouldn’t have any motivation either – sitting there by themselves day in and day out, it would be so lonely. If they can’t go back to boarding next term I don’t know what to do.

It has actually been so great having them home (apart from their lack of learning) – I am going to miss them so much when they do go, I have gotten used to Tom turning up in the kitchen every 5 minutes sniffing around for food, trying to annoy me and flopping all over me to try and make me bite. It is going to be so quiet when they go.

My motivation levels with the weekly menu is probably right up there with Tom and Harry’s schooling. Monday really does come around fast – it is crazy, you would think time would go so slow but each week I blink and it is mail plane day again. Anyway, here is my menu for this week – yep, same shit different week. I am so over food. Thought I would do an easy meal last night, that I could just leave in the bain marie but it ended up being quite the contract – turns out making 8 pizza’s does not count as a “quick meal” ha ha ha ha. But I was able to just leave it all and bring our dinner home – so that was a bit of a treat.

So there it is my friends. I seriously need some new cooking inspo. I think I might head over to the kitchen and make an apple plaited tea-cake. Ok off to put the dough in the bread-maker.

Have a wonderful week. Can you believe we are half way through June? Crazy!!!


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