Cooking with Chards – Weekly Meal Plan

July 6, 2020

Well my friends… I GOT OFF THE STATION on the weekend!!! It was a little surreal to tell you the truth – we had Barkly Women’s Day down at the Barkly Homestead (a roadhouse in between Camooweal & Tennant Creek). What a fabulous weekend but that is a whole other blog post, so stay tuned.

Now – back to our meal planning. You know how I sit down here each week and think, god, here we go again, same shit different week. Sometimes I think do people actually really care about my meal planning? But I was chatting with my friend Amanda, who lives on a remote cattle station to the north of me – also at bum truck nowhere, we were having a lovely catch up down at the Barkly Homestead and she told me she waits for the menu to drop each week so she knows what they are going to be having up there each week. So – it is all worth it. Amanda, this one’s for you – same shit different week and different month, ha ha ha.

I reckon you could probably have guessed what we were having this week Amanda!

It is lovely and cold up here this morning which I am loving, I have the air-con on heat and my fluffy pink spotty dressing gown and uggies, geez I love a little bit of cold weather.

This time next week I will be on my wait to Mt Isa to take the boys to the plane back to boarding school. Gosh it is going to be quiet here when they go. Clancy is already getting sad at the prospect and so am I. It has been so great having them home for so long, we are really going to miss them. But it will be great for them to be able to go back into a classroom to do their learning because god knows they weren’t doing much here.

Well, I had best go and get to it, no rest for the wicked as DD would say. After 2 nights of being away our house has definitely turned into a bachelor pad. Clancy said to me last night “Mum, when you go away the house falls apart”… I said “What do you mean Clance?” he said “Well, no one cleans anything up”… all I could do was laugh. No Clancy, they definitely don’t do they, ha ha ha. So it is time for me to get the station kitchen and our house back in order.

Have a great week my friends, I am feeling very refreshed after my fun weekend away and ready to take on anything. What’s on the menu at your place this week? Got anything exciting to tell me? Have a great day. Over and out.


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