Cooking with Chards: Weekly Meal Plan

August 31, 2020

I have a little side kick here with me this week. My friend & Wild Spark partner in crime – Ed – is up here visiting. So excited that she is finally here. But it has upset my whole routine, ha ha ha. But in a good way!

So I forgot about my meal plan post. Here is it – this is what Ed and I are cooking this week…

She is such a great little backpacker – can and will work!!! And guess what – she is Intermittent Fasting with me!!! Well it is only day 2 but she is doing very well.

I am excited about the food we will be eating during our feasting window! Yummo. It is so great to have a little friend to hang out with, visitors have been very few and far between this year!

Nearly everything on the menu this week can be found in my cookbook which you can purchase HERE.

What is cooking at your place this week? Got any questions for us to answer on the podcast – we will get to record together this week which will be very strange indeed!!!! We would love to hear from you if you have any questions or if there is anything you would like us to chat about on the podcast.

Have a great week everyone!! I know I will!!!


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