Cooking with Chards: Weekly Meal Plan

September 14, 2020

Wow, I feel like I have been missing in action forever! We were in town all of last week for a school week. Clancy had not really been anywhere since the beginning of March so it was super exciting for him to get to town and mix with other kids for a whole week! I was also very excited about the prospect of a haircut and colour… I had not had one since the beginning of March, things were not pretty. I also managed a massage, facial and even got our last 2 years worth of tax done – image that!!!

But, it seems that while I was away the cleaning fairies did not arrive to clean the mess I left my house in. It was a very hard thud back to reality on Saturday… straight back into the kitchen to cook dinner… again, the thud was so hard it hurt. I felt very overwhelmed yesterday thinking of everything that needs doing. It is all well and good cooking and being able to stay on top of everything else when you don’t go anywhere for 5 months but as soon as you do the wheels fall off and shit gets real. How on earth does one do everything and maintain some form of sanity, and not end up with ugly tears? Asking for a friend.

Ok, so having said that I guess I had just cut to the chase and put the menu up for the week and get moving with all the shit I need to get done to restore some sort of order in my life. All I can say is THANK THE LORD the crew are out for most of this week so I can get shit sorted. So here is the menu…

What’s cooking at your place this week? I hope you have a great week. We flew our kids home from boarding school early – last weekend – so it is great to have a full house and a couple more tummies to feed again.

Have a wonderful day, wherever you are.


  1. Fran Hoad

    Hi Miss Chardy,
    Currently in Melbourne under stage 4 lockdown, which is probably similar to your normal life. Thought you would relate to this. You know you’ve been in iso too long when you find your 6 year old boy on his bed having a staring competition with his stuffed toys!! Sweet baby cheese, let us re-join the world😂😂

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha ha, oh dear lord, that is the funniest thing I have heard all day, at least you still have your sense of humour Kimmoi!!!!


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