Cooking with Chards – Weekly Meal Plan

October 5, 2020

Well it has been a while between meal plans, hasn’t it? The crew have been to campdrafts the past couple of weekends so meals were hit and miss and not really worth planning for. The poor buggers haven’t really been anywhere for months on end so it was great for them to be able to get off the place and mix with other people.

We have had Tom and Harry home from boarding school which has been so great, but they fly back tomorrow, which will be very sad. I already have one very very sad little Clancy on my hand… there have been tears this morning. We are all feeling the same way Clance!

My main kitchen coldroom broke down the other week which was quite a treat. So we had to shift all the gear way across the lawn to the coldroom near the rec club… it is a total shit fight but at least everything is cool. Things aren’t looking so good in my freezer either as I think we are in desperate need of a killer so I am not really sure how much beef we will be eating this week. Thankfully we have some chicken on hand. Might be chicken, curried sausages and mince this week! I just need to pop over and check out exactly what we do have…. hold the line please caller while I go and have a look…. ok here we go…

No matter how depleted my freezer looks I can always pull something out of thin air… but we really will be living on chicken and mince if we don’t get a killer toot sweet.

So what is on the menu at your place this week? Let’s get to it my friends.

1 Comment

  1. Amanda

    – Mongolian beef with coconut rice
    – Pork belly with pickled carrots, cucumber and capsicum and rice
    – silverside, mashed potato and pumpkin, peas and broccoli
    – honey soy wings with kale slaw and corn on the cob
    – pot roast
    -spanokopita, Greek lemon potatoes and Greek salad
    – egg and bacon pie, smashed potatoes and salad


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