Cooking with Chards – Weekly Meal Plan

October 12, 2020

Our freezer is looking very empty at the moment, we need a killer and we need it now… we are down to chicken, chicken or mince. But don’t worry – I like a challenge. There is still so much I could trot out… pizza, pies, spaghetti bol, rissoles, roast chicken, sweet’n’sour chicken, curried sausages… but seriously Mr Chardy… we need a killer.

I am taking Clancy into town this week for 2 School of the Air activity days which will be great for him, he really needs to spend more time with kids his own age. We are taking a little friend from next door with us so that will also be great for him. This also means the crew will have to fend for themselves… that will make them get a killer, surely!

Ok, so this is what is on offer this week…

Have a great week and happy cooking my friends. Don’t forget do add a cup of love and a sprinkle of happiness to everything you cook.


  1. Aitch

    What is a killer?

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi There, a “Killer” is where they kill a steer for us to butcher for meat. We kill, butcher/cut up all of our own beef here, can’t just pop down to the local butcher shop as it is 5 hours away. We make all of our own sausages, mince and make silverside too.

  2. Jeanine

    You’ve inspired me to start IF and I’m loving it. Two and half weeks in and going well. Thank you so much for sharing your experience xx

    • Miss Chardy

      This always makes me so happy to hear. I am so excited that you are loving it too. You will never look back.


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