Cooking with Chards: Weekly Meal Plan

July 16, 2017

Well… update: we escaped hospital yesterday – Clancy is now on oral antibiotics and doing well – and headed down to Cloncurry for the Stockman’s Challenge, which is where Mr Chardy and the crew were.  Had the night there and a few cheeky Chardy’s with friends and I am now perched up on a gorgeous deck in Winton to collect Grandpa and Grandmarg Chardy… road trip home tomorrow via the hospital in Mt Isa so Clancy can have a little check up and get the all clear to head home.  No rest for the wicked, as DD would say!!!

Clancy is having a ball playing with his cousins.

So, truth be known, a meal plan is the last thing on my mind.  I feel like I am on holidays (should I be saying that out loud?).  But in an effort to stay consistent… here is the weekly plan….

And if you would like your own blank printable planner then here it is: Weekly Meal Plan Template

Now tell me, have you planned your week?  What is on your menu this week?  What have you been up to?


  1. Jocelyn Keast

    Glad to hear that he is out of hospital. Take care of everyone.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Jocelyn 🙂

  2. Amy Ryder

    Oh the kids ward will miss your smiling faces – was a pleasure to meet you and look after that cute little fella of yours – take care and best wishes. P.s we should have done some styling you posts in your pjs ha ha


    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha ha, oh god we so should have done a #everydaystyle photo, what a treat that would have been, ha ha ha. Thanks so much for looking after us Amy, we are still talking about how lovely you all were.

  3. Mish

    Sounds like Clancy is on the mend – yippee!

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes Mish, he is doing really well.

      • Mish

        That’s fantastic to hear!


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