Cooking with Chards – Weekly Meal Plan

November 30, 2020

Gosh it has been a while between posts hasn’t it?!! Sorry about that. We have had a bit on and have actually been going places! Who’d have ever thought. We even flew down to Brisbane! That was fun. Some much needed shopping, saw the boys and went to a fabulous wedding at Warwick.

I have just returned from 3 nights in Mt Isa. Clancy had 2 School of the Air Activity Days. Tom and Harry flew back from boarding school on Thursday so it is all happening. We had a lovely few days in town seeing our friends. A long ladies lunch with the Mum’s on Thursday was just what the Covid Doctor ordered! Geez it was good to catch up with everyone. It is so good for Clancy to get in and mix with other kids too!

But… now we are back and here to stay which actually feels good. I can’t believe I am about to say this…. but I think I got used to not going anywhere with Covid. So am quite happy to think that we don’t have to go anywhere now until next year. We are having Christmas here and don’t have a holiday planned for January. Hopefully it will be that wet we won’t even be able to leave the house. If only it would start raining.

We have all of our Christmas decorations up. I love it when they are up and I love turning the lights off in the house at night and just having all of the Christmas lights sparkling.

Now to the reason for my post… this is what I will be trotting out this week…

I have found a fabulous website with amazing recipes… it is called Recipe Tin Eats – so many recipes and so much detail in each post – even a video clip to go with each one. I am a little obsessed with all things Thai at the moment. While I was in town I stocked up on every ingredient that I might need to trot out some new Thai recipes – I even went to the Asian food store. I am growing quite the little Asian garden… who even am I??? One of the ingredients that I wanted to get in town was a Thai Basil plant… guess where I found one… in the fruit & veg section of Coles!!!! What are the chances. So in my little garden I now have: Vietnamese mint, a kaffir lime tree, Thai Basil, normal Basil & mint… I just need to get some coriander going.

Recipe for: Drunken Noodles

Of course you can find most of these meals in my cookbook. It would make a great Christmas present and there is a multi-buy discount.

What is cooking at your place this week? What are your plans for Christmas? Going on holidays? Tell me everything.

1 Comment

  1. Robbsie

    I grow ginger in a pot. You could do it easily. Get a large pot (50 cm) fill it with some good quality potting mix. (Not that cheap stuff) Ask your Fruit & Vege people to pick out a few fresh looking Ginger pieces that have the little growing eyes or tips evident. Plant them in the pitting mix. And don’t Forget to Water consistently.


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