Cooking with Chards – Weekly Meal Plan

April 12, 2021

Well hello there strangers… how on earth are you all? Far out is has been a while between posts, hasn’t it?!?! How is it nearly the middle of April already? How? Our boys are home from boarding school for holidays and it is so great to have them back but that was no easy task. With the lockdown in Brisbane we had to drop everything and try and find them a flight out… we ended up getting them on a flight to Townsville where they stayed with a friend in Tom’s year (I don’t know the family but they were so kind having the boys to stay)… they stayed there for 2 nights and then flew to Mt Isa. At that stage they were not going to be able to come into the NT due to Brisbane being a hotspot… so the plan was to leave them at our neighbours’ place just in QLD – Mrs Savvy B! Can you even believe it – CRAZY. Of course I didn’t tell the boys this news until I collected them from the plane and we were on our way to Shelly’s! They were not happy and didn’t I cop it for 3 hours. We stayed the night with Shell and then I hung around the next day for a fair while too. After lunch I thought I had better get going but I was also checking the NT Government website constantly… I refreshed it one more time and it seemed that they had lifted the hotspot status on Brisbane. We checked and we checked again but yes – they boys were able to come home. What a bloody saga.

Anyway, here we are, another Monday and I thought I had best do up a meal plan. The boys have given me all their meal requests that they want to eat before they head back to school. So I guess I had best try and sort that out.

But before we do I need to discuss a problem I have… it turns out I have a baking addiction. I can’t stop baking bread, bread rolls, anything yeast related I am there. If I am not baking it I am watching YouTube videos on how to bake it. I am totally obsessed. What is wrong with me. Last night we were just having an easy sausage sizzle here at the house – sausages and onion on a piece of bread – easy right? But no, I couldn’t help myself, I decided I might like to give hot dog rolls a whirl. I can confirm they were delicious (even though I over proofed the rolls).

Here is the recipe:

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fresh bread rolls

Soft Burger Buns

5 Stars 4 Stars 3 Stars 2 Stars 1 Star 5 from 1 review
  • Author: Miss Chardy


I have this yummy super soft recipe that I have been using for my rolls, it is so easy and the rolls are honestly so soft and delicious. 10/10 reviews from the people!



1 1/2 cups warm milk

1 egg

60g butter – melted

2 tablespoons sugar

2 1/4 teaspoons instant dry yeast (I use Lowan)1 1/2 teaspoon salt

3 1/2 cups plain flour


In a pyrex jug warm 1 1/2 cups milk – mine usually takes about 35-40 seconds on high, whisk to allow it to heat evenly, it should be warm and not hot

Add the sugar and whisk up mixture

Whisk 1 egg into the milk mixture and then add the melted butter whisk together

Add yeast, whisk and set aside in a warm spot for about 5 minutes until foamy

While the milk mixture is developing place the flour and salt in the bowl of your mix master and whisk the salt through

Add the dough attachment and add the milk mixture once it has become foamy, mix on medium until combined, you will need to scrape down sides and help it along a bit

Once combined mix for about 3 minutes

Turn mixture out onto a floured surface (the mixture will be very soft – this is how you want it)

Sprinkle flour on top and knead for about 1 minute, form mixture into a ball and place in an oiled large pyrex bowl, cover with glad wrap and allow to rise in a warm spot for 60 to 90 minutes, or until double in volume

Once it has risen punch out gas from dough and turn the dough out onto a floured surface

Divide bread into 12 – 15 pieces depending how big you want the rolls (15-18 for dinner rolls or 12 for normal burger buns)

I use a large rectangle pyrex dish to bake mine – I spray it with oil and then line with Glad Bake

Roll each piece of dough into a ball – to do this use a lightly floured surface and knead each piece into a ball

Place each ball into your lined tray allowing room for them to expand, they will join up eventually

Once you have rolled all the pieced cover with glad wrap and allow to raise for about 30 – 45 minutes in a warm place

Pre-heat oven to 190-200 degrees C (it will depend on your oven and may need a lower heat for fan forced)

Brush each bun with an egg wash when they are ready to go into the oven and sprinkle with sesame seeds if you like

Bake until golden brown

When you take them out of the oven brush the top of the rolls with some melted butter

Turn the rolls out onto a rack and cover them with a tea towel

Now the trick with rolls is to allow them to cool for about 20-30 minutes before serving, if you serve them straight out of the oven they may be a little doughy. When you serve them they will still be lovely and warm and just perfect, you will be amazed.

After I have pulled the rolls out of the oven I brush them with melted butter. You can thank me later!

Ok on with the show… what are we going to eat this week?

I think that covers all bases… Tom wanted steak, pad Thai, roast beef & burgers. Harry wanted devilled sausages, bread twist and chicken Penang. Tick!

Right now I really had best get myself to the kitchen… there is seriously no food over there. They are mustering close to the house today and there was nothing for them to pack, so the smoko van is going to hand deliver sausage rolls to them and then I need to get make bake on. Whip up some cake, slice and biscuits.

What have you been up to? I would love to hear from you. Let me know how you go with those yummy soft bread rolls. Trust me you will not be sorry. Have a great day.


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