Cooking with Chards: Weekly Meal Plan

July 23, 2017

Well my friends, it is that time of the week again.  Time to sort out our meal plan for the week ahead.  Gosh it comes around quickly doesn’t it.  Are you a station cook?  Perhaps you are a Mum cooking for a family of 4.  I don’t think it matters if you are cooking for 4 or 24 a plan is always helpful.  It means you are prepared and know you have all the ingredients you need.  You know you have enough meat in the freezer to get you through the week and you can plan for when you need to get your next killer (if you butcher your own meat) or what you need to buy at the supermarket.

I have been very lucky this week – settling back into life on the station after our little stay in hospital.  The crew have been out all week so that means I have only had to do dinner, I have been able to catch up on a few things and settle back in.

This week I have the crew in on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday so there is going to be food coming out my ears.  So much food.

So here is my plan of attack for the week…

Get your free printable template here: Weekly Meal Plan Template

Recipe Links

Cinnamon Teacake
Crumbed Steak
Potato Bake
Lemon Meringue Pie
Butterscotch Pudding
Apple Crumble

Now tell me, what is on your menu this week?  
Are you a Station Cook?
Or a Mum cooking for her family?


  1. Mish

    The Mr is traveling again with work, so it’s just me Tuesday to Thursday night, so it will probably be savoury scrambled eggs again. Lucky I like them haha

    • Miss Chardy

      Gourmet!!! Sounds good actually, I love a good scrambled egg!

      • Mish

        There’s left over roast chicken, so tomorrow nights scrambled eggs is going to be five star haha

  2. Bron

    So far this week it has been pumpkin soup and risotto. Who knows what will happen in the kitchen for the rest of the week?! Possibly good old spag bol. My daughter has had a hankering for pasta carbonara lately, so that might get trotted out again too.

    • Miss Chardy

      Bit slow replying sorry Bron… yum, Pumpkin Soup and Risotto sound delicious.


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