Cooking with Chards: Weekly Meal Plan

March 19, 2019

That’s it, i’m bringing it back – the weekly meal plan. It has been too long. Since having our kitchen renovated I just love being in there. Seriously – who am I.

If someone had have told me 10 years ago that I would be loving station cooking I would have laughed in their face. But it is true my friends. Turns out when you don’t have toddlers at your feet and ten thousand pieces of lego to clean up each time you sweep it is actually quite enjoyable. Having the dishwasher is a serious game changer and the freshness of the kitchen makes it a pleasure to be in there. But mainly it is the fact that I no longer spend all day everyday at the sink washing dishes. If you have no idea what the hell I am banging on about you can read all about our new kitchen HERE. And you can see just how fabulous my dishwasher is in this Facebook live I did HERE.

Ok, so what’s cooking this week (thanks so much for asking) ….

We have a really fabulous crew here this year and they are such a pleasure to cook for. So well mannered and appreciative. I am happy to cook anything for them.


This week I have also made:

Today for smoko it is sausage rolls (always a hit) and then left over roast chicken for lunch. Don’t you just love it when there are heaps of left overs, makes lunch so easy.

Apparently they are also in for smoko and lunch tomorrow so I might do chicken, cheese and mayo toasted sandwiches for them tomorrow for smoko.

What’s cooking at your place this week? At the moment I am cooking for around 12 people. Give or take a couple. Have a great day my friends.


  1. Toni Jenkinson

    Wow you are so lucky to have so much beef at hand while here in suburbia we pay through the nose. But other than beef and chicken, do you ever eat pork, fish, lamb? Or is that saviours for the times you hit the burbs? Just curious really. And loving that kitchen. It’s always a pleasure to cook in a well designed kitchen with mod cons. Enjoy the feeling. Loving your creativity.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Toni, yes we are very lucky to have so much beef. SO MUCH. Sooooooo much. We don’t ever really have fish come to think about it. Sometimes I will buy some lamb when I am in town and bring home as a treat.


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