Cooking with Chards: Weekly Meal Plan

April 1, 2019

Yes that’s right my friends… another weekly meal plan means the start of yet another week… and the start of another month. It’s April already. Somebody slap me. That also means that term one is nearly over already and my boys will be home from boarding school this week. I honestly can’t believe it.

It seems all I do lately is cook and sleep, I think I need to get off the station. Haven’t been anywhere since our Wild Spark event in Mt Isa. Feel like it is ground hog day with these meals plans but don’t really have much else to talk about, ha ha ha. So here it is my friends…



Not sure how I don’t have the Sweet’n’Sour Beef recipe on here, will be sure to put it up once I cook it and take some pics.

So there you have it my friends. That is what is cooking at Chardy Central this week. What’s on the menu at your place? Many people ask me how many I am cooking for, at the moment it is 14 but will go up to 16 once my boys are home. We won’t all fit around the table.

Have a great week. If you have a great recipe we would love to see it.


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