Cooking with Chards: Weekly Meal Plan & A Surprise 40th

July 20, 2020

Here we are again… you know what it is time for – our weekly meal plan and I reckon you could even guess what is up for dinner tonight – yep that’s right, good old fashioned corned beef, veg & white sauce.

We hosted a surprise 40th birthday for our best mate Clint on the weekend – and the worlds best neighbours. A fabulous time with the best friends anyone could ask for. He was definitely surprised. Anyway – I trotted out quite a few dishes from Miss Chardy’s Guide to Station cooking – actually they are all in the cookbook! The menu looked like this: Starters – cheese platters, mexican dip and cobb loaf dip, Main – Kevvie’s baked ham, Ed’s roast veg salad & Di’s cous cous and pumpkin salad, Dessert – Aunty Theresie chocolate log in individual cups – with the choice of coffee or choc mint.

You can find the recipes in the cookbook…

Mexican Dip – Page 125
Cobb Loaf Dip – Page 124
Kevvie’s Baked Ham – Page 130 (I don’t use the cloves or cherries)
Di’s Roasted Pumpkin & Cous Cous Salad – Page 103 (I added some dried cranberries, sunflower seeds and philly cheese)
Ed’s Roast Vegetable & Beetroot Salad – Page 106
Aunty Theresie’s Chocolate Log – Page 122 (I made them in little individual cups and had a choice of choc mint or coffee, I also added some chopped strawberries to the top – they were delicious)

If you would like to get your little paws on a copy of my cookbook you can just click this picture and bam, you can purchase online.

Ok, I suppose I had best let you know what is on the menu here this week…

What’s on the menu at your place this week? I highly recommend that cous cous salad, it is so yummy and so easy!!! Let me know what you think.

Have a fabulous week.


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