Cooking with Chards: Weekly Meal Plan with a chat on the side – Easter 2019…

April 22, 2019

Another Monday… and a late meal plan. I am seriously losing motivation and feel like I just cook the same old thing week in and week out – that is probably because I do. But it seems to work and I think they are getting fed properly, maybe it is just boring to me. Do you ever feel like this? Here we are – Monday again which means corned beef and white sauce. I have it cooking in the slow cooker with some mustard and honey on top, it is so yummy. DD gave me this hot tip and gosh it is delicious.

I hope you had a fabulous Easter. We had a very quiet weekend, nothing overly exciting to report. We did get away briefly for a bit of a family campfire dinner on Saturday night which was lovely. Some time together – just us, even if it was only a couple of hours.

We then came home and watched The Greatest Showman – absolutely loved it! Watched it again last night. So good!

Ok, now back to our job at hand… the weekly menu that has me so bored it isn’t even funny…


Ok, so there you have it my friends. It is time for my boys to head back to boarding school tomorrow which is a bit sad, although I am super bloody excited about getting off the station for a night in town. This little extrovert needs her batteries recharged SO BADLY. It might be a little reunion at the airport, I have a feeling the plane may well be loaded with bush kids heading back to boarding school.

Where ever you are I hope you had a lovely weekend. What is on your menu this week? Please give me inspiration!!!


  1. Gen

    Hi Miss Chardy, maybe you should throw in some Porcupine (you onow those rissoles with rice in them baked in tomato soup) for something different? Or a beef massaman curry😉 just to spice it up a little

    • Miss Chardy

      Sounds good!!


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