Cooking with Chards – Weekly Menu Plan

May 4, 2020

Yep… we are here again… look I am not going to lie – things aren’t great. As we head into our 8th week on the station I am feeling pretty flat and not that excited about anything really. 8 weeks for goodness sake – I reckon even the most introverted of introverts would struggle with that. All I am saying is that the extroverts are definitely NOT OK. 

How are you guys all going? Are you feeling like me? Surely I am not alone. I reckon even the introverts have had it with this staying at home business… although I think out there in the actual world things are starting to open up again… but I wouldn’t know. They reckon this feeling is the third trimester Covid Blues – and I would have to agree with whoever “they” are. Am I ever going to be allowed back into QLD? I might have to go and camp at our boundary fence just to say hello to my friend, Shelly, otherwise I might explode.

I am not sure where to find this “sprinkle of happiness” I keep telling everyone to add to their food… I am really going to have to dig deep for it, but I am sure I will find some.  There must be a shaker of it in the kitchen somewhere!

Ok, so as promised here is my meal plan, I am trying to find the love…

Harry is going to be beside himself, all of his favourites – Cruella deVilled sausages (and a fave for me because they are SO easy), crumbed steak, pad thai & penang curry AND spaghetti bol and bread twist… gosh he has really hit the jackpot this week.

Oh and a lovely friend – hi Rachael – suggested we start a hashtag to share all of our cooking from my cookbook – Miss Chardy’s Guide to Station Cooking (you can purchase one HERE). So let’s do that – share on social media using this hashtag:

Mr Chardy just told me that the bore drillers will be in today, moving camp, so we have decided to have a bbq – because: DIFFERENT PEOPLE TO TALK TO!!!!!! Even a little boy for Clancy to play with. How bloody exciting!!!! Visitors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I might pee my pants!!!!! Oh and it is even cold enough now to light the fire over there!

Anyway, as I keep saying – I am off to have a meeting with myself to cheer up. Spoiler alert: these “meetings” don’t seem to be working. I may need a written warning. Sorry for being such a Debbie Downer.

Hope you are all ok, hang in there and please tell me if you have also had it with this whole shitty situation. I need things to look forward to living out here – outings to keep me going, but I have nothing. I am looking forward to 2021! In other news, I can’t believe it is May!!!

Over and out my friends… go forth and cook and all of the food.


  1. Robbsie

    Oooohh Miss Chardy. I hear your pain. Yes. Even I would be thinking about busting through the border gate.

    • Miss Chardy

      Feeling a little trapped Robbsie

  2. Merry-Anne Brennan

    My son is at Gallipoli and needs to go to Mount Isa for his MS treatment in a couple weeks. Not sure if he’ll be allowed back in to the NT. Here’s hoping you are get free soon.

    • Miss Chardy

      It is so tricky. Is he able to have treatment in the NT? Gosh it is hard.

  3. Linda

    Hi Miss Chardy,
    You poor thing! I am a massive introvert and even I am starting to feel like I would like to get away for a few days for a break from the station. Might have to organise a catch up with the neighbour 🙂 You definitely need to do your boundary fence catch up/wine camp out with your friend xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh I am hearing you Linda – you know it is bad when even the introverts are over it.

  4. Jean

    Definitely feeling your pain. Somebody new to talk to, please!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, anyone!!!!!


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