Early Mornings {New Start}

May 7, 2014

Well here I am up and at it early for the second morning in a row.  Motivated by Kelly Exeter‘s post on Smaggle  I decided to give the early mornings a shot.  Yesterday I managed to get out of bed at 5am, this morning I nearly stayed there because I forgot to put the alarm on snooze, so it was 5:15 today, but I am here with my coffee, tip toeing around like I am robbing the joint, ready to go.


The past few months I’ve felt like things have been spiraling out of control.   The house is always a pig sty, I only just manage to get the washing done.  Sometimes I forget to put it on the line so it ends up in the dryer.  The kitchen is still a mess at lunchtime and there is just always seems to be crap everywhere.  I spend so much time focusing on all of this mess and fluffing around that I feel like I never actually achieve anything. So, after reading the post on Smaggle I felt motivated.  So many other people seem to have the same problem.  I like a challenge,  it was game on.

Clothes Dryer

My alarm went of just before 5am yesterday morning.  My husband thought I had wet the bed…..he wasn’t sure what was going on.  He said “You know it is only 5am, what are you doing”.  I told him I needed to start getting up earlier so the place didn’t look like such a dump.  I could get my computer/blog work over and done with before the children wake.  I can enjoy my coffee in my pj’s, child free.  So up I got and it actually wasn’t that hard, I was quite shocked. It has finally started to cool down up here in the NT (probably not a good time to decide to get up early) and I even had to put the split system onto heat!  I settled down in my cosy flannies and ugg boots sipping on my hot coffee and enjoying the peace and quiet.  I didn’t have to feel guilty that I should be doing something else.


So by 5 pm on Day 1 I was much further ahead than most days.  I felt a lot more in control and I was not even tired.  The house was even tidy when I went to bed – shock horror.  I can’t believe it – all of those early risers may actually be onto something!

I know I am probably one of the only Mum’s who is not normally up at this hour anyway……but just wondering if there is anyone else out there like me?  Do you find it hard to drag your sorry ass out of bed in the mornings?  Or have you already done 2 loads of washing as well as swept and mopped the floor by this hour?

Would you like to have coffee with me at 5 each morning or do you think I am a complete nut case? Once I actually manage to crawl out from under the warm doona it is actually not too bad and I feel so much better for it.

Can I keep this up?  Wish me luck!


  1. Christina Smith

    It certainly is the only time of the day when there is peace and quiet in this house of three boys, an early start does help with your achievements throughout the day. I think to have time to yourself early in the day, then helps you focus more on all the other things you do for everyone else the rest of the day. Jus wish I could get motivated to do exercise early too!

    • Miss Chardy

      I have been enjoying it Christina and have been surprised how easy it is to get up. I think in the past the only reason I ever got up that early was to go for a run, and I wasn’t that thrilled to do so, so I would just stay in bed. But this time I am getting up to have a coffee and sit alone. I do my exercises a bit later. It is great.

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, I have a house of 3 boys and I am really enjoying my morning alone time, my biggest fear is that they will all wake up and I will lose my shit.

  2. ffhousemouse

    Oh this is me too, I know I should but now the temperature has dropped it is even more unlikely! I bet you can keep it up, on weekdays at least!

    • Miss Chardy

      O weekends is definitely for sleep ins!!!!!

  3. Aggie Forrester

    Miss Chardy for years I did this so I could have a moment of peace…being in a schoolroom for 21 yearsteaching four children you def find a way to stay sane..I used to findit hard to cope if mess was all around me so in the mornings I’d do my watering, put a load of washing on, make a list up for the week and have a coffee on the verandah, all while the kids were asleep..Now they’ve all flown the coop and I sit here and wonder why I stressed so much!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Aggie, god 4 kids and 21 years in schoolroom I am surprised you are still sane, I would have probably run away from home if I had to teach my kids, or they would probably run away! I know I will look back and wonder why I stress so much about it…but that is what we do isn’t it. We are pretty tough on ourselves. Thanks for reading!!

  4. Freakishly big hands

    My god miss chardy !!! Have you lost your mind? Do you realize that winter is coming so mr chardy will stay in bed that bit later and the next thing you know he’ll be rising same time as you…… You know what happens next….. your having coffee together!!! .. crazy I known. Then you start talking, listening to each other, sharing. …. then all of a sudden you are feeling mutual respect for each other. …… shocking stuff I know. Your turning the world upside down. The sky will be green and the grass will be blue, chardy will taste like merlot and paisley will be the new black…….. you scary miss chardy. Next thing you’ll love horses …lol. but if it works for you then …….run that gauntlet. .. haha best of luck miss chardy.

    • Miss Chardy

      FBH – maybe you should start your own blog. You crack me up…. good god, coffee with Mr Chardy of a morning, nooo. You are funny.

  5. Fashionista

    The dog and I run (although this morning’s effort was more of a Cliffy Young shuffle) every morning at 5:15 for about 45 minutes. It is my alone time. I am one of those pesky morning people and I’ve always liked early mornings, mostly for the peace and quiet.

    • Miss Chardy

      I am on board,this morning was 3 mornings in a row, nearly a record. I am really enjoying the peace and quiet over a coffee and I am so much more organised. Gosh must be cold at 5:15 now!!!


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