Easter: Camping with Friends

April 22, 2014


boat 1

We celebrated Easter with our good friends next door, camping, fishing and swimming up the top end of their station.  We all had a great time together, especially the children – Swimming, fishing, boating, shooting, spotlighting, eating, fighting, arguing, whinging….oops, I’m getting off track… making camp fires, turning their swags into cubby houses and of course – eating lots of chocolate on Easter Sunday, I think that is actually all they ate on Sunday, but that is ok…right?

Perhaps now would be a good time to introduce our neighbours…. I think we will call them Mr & Mrs Sauv Blanc, or even just Mr & Mrs Sav!  There are also 2 mini Sav’s, both boys, and just happen to be the same age as Tom and Harry.  Mrs Sav is like my Northern Sister, they are our family up here and their children are the closest things to cousins we have near by.  Mrs Sav is like my real sister in more ways than one.  Love them both.

It turns out Mr Chardy is quite precious and doesn’t like camping.  So we took the truck, so he didn’t have to “rough it”.  With a comfy bed on board  I wasn’t going to complain either.  Just one catch – I had to drive it.  I decided to head over on Friday and have the night drinking Chardy with Mrs Sav before heading up to camp on Saturday, of course the children had no complaints about this arrangement.  Mr Chardy would drive over Saturday morning in the comfort of his air conditioned ute.  We couldn’t possible drive somewhere as a family….that would be ludicrous…who does that?!?!

Mr Sav


Mr Chardy




Off we went, in the hot truck.  There were no complaints though, we were all very excited.

kids in truck 1


This is our Eastern Freeway, aka The Wine Road…. the main highway from Miss Chardy’s to Mrs Sav’s.

wine road


3 hours, 5 gates and one fence to drop



Nearly there… we have hit the boundary fence.  Just have to drop it, put a rock on it and head into Qld.  Watches have to be wound forward half an hour too.  Not a good time to be wearing a skirt, but it has been done.  8km’s to go, woo hooo.

fence 4


Miss Chardy with the “truckin’ dog” Rosie

last gate


The resort buggy met us at the station to collect our bags

resort buggy


Of course there was a drink on arrival



The boys ran off to play with their friends, but couldn’t kick start the little four wheeler

motor bike 1

Miss Chardy to the rescue, this old girl did the job and decided to go for a bit of a spin.  Perfect size for me too.

motor bike 2

It was then a big rush to get the boys sorted so they could head up to camp with Mr Sav.  We didn’t muck around.  Before long they were all gone and it was just the 3 of us left on the station, ahhhhh.  Clancy had an early night and we enjoyed wine and cheese for dinner, is there anything better?  The next morning we packed up and headed off to camp. We had a wonderful few days with friends.

harry fishing


Water hole


Border 2

fire kettles



clancy dinner





I hope you all had a fabbo Easter break.  Back to school here in the NT today.  Can’t say I am all that disappointed.

What did you do for Easter?

Do the School Holidays drive you nuts too?


  1. Ffhousemouse

    Looks lovely! Glad Mr C made it. Great pics, love the one of the boys in the truck. Had a FABBO Easter Picnic on Sunday. LOVE School Holidays but do not love the MESS! Especially loved the Sch Hols when I spent the year in the Schoolroom!

  2. Susan

    Hahaha Dan…whoops – misschardy…I just love your blogs. They lift my day. We had a lovely Easter with family and friends. And a few glasses of Sav as well. 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      O thanks Susan!!! Sounds like you had a lovely Easter. xx

  3. Dianne Sorley

    Thats great! Isnt it the most wonderful place in the world. Mr and Mrs Sav are wonderful hosts.

    • Miss Chardy

      They sure are, it is like my holiday resort over there.


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