Easy Banana Loaf Recipe

January 15, 2016

Can you believe it is Friday already?  Where has the week gone?  I say that all the time, but seriously… this is ridiculous.  Today I am sharing with you my easy banana loaf, out of the AACo Brief on Beef cookbook.  It is such a winner – one of my boys favourite snacks.   This was the first recipe I shared on my blog when I first started back in 2014, just thought I would share it with you again, in case you are new around here and missed it.

banana loaf

Banana Loaf Recipe

3 Ripe Bananas
2 Tbs Butter, melted
3/4 Cup Sugar
1 Egg
1 1/2 Cups SR Flour

Mash bananas, add sugar, beaten egg and cooled butter, beat well. Add flour. Bake in moderate oven for 3/4 hour in a loaf tin. It sometimes needs an extra five minutes. Serve with lashings of butter and perhaps even a sprinkle of cinnamon sugar if you are that way inclined. Yum!

So, do you have any plans for the weekend?  I plan on having a big sleep in tomorrow.  These 5am wake ups can make a girl tired, but gee you get a lot done, such a good feeling.

I am trotting out my favourite Hot Steak & Crunchy Potato Salad tonight – it is seriously good… if you haven’t tried it yet you are missing out.  So yummy and so easy.  One platter wonder and a real crowd pleaser! Just click on the link for the recipe.



I would also love to make a thai beef salad one day (when I get to town to get the right ingredients) – does anyone have a yummy recipe they could email me? hello@misschardy.com – would be forever grateful!

Have a great weekend my friends. x


  1. Kristy

    Miss Chardy, your Hot Steak and Crunchy Potato Salad is the best thing that has ever happened to us! It’s my go-to meal when we are getting visitors. So easy and so delicious, everyone loves it. I will email you some of my tried-and-trues. xx

    • Miss Chardy

      So happy to hear that Kristy – you are not alone either – I have had so many people say the same thing about it. I just love it, one of my favourite meals. I would love you to email me some recipes, that sounds great, thanks!:)

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Joolz, you are a legend. Thanks so much for that. Just checked out your yummy recipe and just did my veg order for next week making sure I ordered everything I need for this salad! Yum, can’t wait to make it. It is definitely salad season… too hot for veg. Gosh I love banana cake too, thanks for the link to that one. It is really nice to see some green grass around Joolz. 🙂

  2. Heidi

    Hi Chards! I just made your banana loaf and it is fantastic! The email came at the perfect time, as my younger son was coming home from college for the weekend. Thanks so much:)
    The recipe is a keeper b/c it is sooooo easy and delish.
    Have a fantastic day!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Heidi, I am so pleased you loved it, it is just way too easy isn’t it!!! Hope all is well over there!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Joolz, sound delicious!!! Will check it out. 🙂


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