Easy Pavlova Recipe – Seriously Easy!

October 30, 2015

A few of you have asked me exactly how I make pavlova, so today I am sharing this recipe with you.  It is seriously the easiest recipe in the world.  If I can do it then surely anyone can.  So here you go…


4 egg whites
1 cup of white sugar (it says castor sugar but I never have this, so I just use normal)
cream for topping


  1. Pre heat oven to 150°c.  Separate egg whites, be careful not to get any yolk in the bowl.  Ensure the bowl and beaters in the mix master are perfectly clean.
  2. In a mix master, beat the egg whites until they form soft peaks when the beaters are lifted.
  3. Start to add the sugar verrrrrrrry slowly…. a spoonful at a time and beat in after each addition.  Once the sugar is all in beat for another 5 minutes until thick and glossy and all of the sugar has dissolved.
  4. Spread onto a tray with baking paper on it.  I like to do a rectangle as it is easier to cut and serve…Pavlova 1
  5. Run a knife up the edges to help stabilise the pav.Pavlova 2
  6. Place in oven for 30 minutes.  After 30 mins reduce heat to 120°c and bake for a further 10 minutes.
  7. Leave to cool in oven with the door ajar.
  8. Top with cream and fruit.  I like to whip some cream with icing sugar and vanilla.  Top with strawberries, banana and passionfruit… or anything your little heart desires!

It is always a hit.  Sometimes it might look a bit rough and caved in when it comes out of the oven, but don’t let that worry you – make a heap of cream and this will cover any imperfections and make it taste delicious!



  1. Miss Twinings

    Nom nom nom!! Delish! Have a good weekend Miss Chardy 😊x

    • Miss Chardy

      So yummy. You have a great weekend too Miss Twinings. 🙂

  2. Karen

    I use this same recipe for all pavlovas – just use the same ratios eg 1/2 cup castor sugar for each 2 eggs – so for a humungous Christmaa Day one that will
    Cover the whole baking tray -8 eggs & 2 cups of castor sugar. Sometimes I add a teaspoon of white vinegar & teaspoon of cornflour but spends whether there is some in the cupboard !

    • Miss Chardy

      So easy isn’t it Karen. What does the vinegar and cornflour do to the pav? Thanks for sharing this with us. 🙂

  3. Little Munch

    I’ve always made my round, cause that’s the way my mum taught me BUT a rectangle pav makes so much more sense for serving purposes!!! I sometimes make two and sandwich them together with loads of cream and fruit – it makes it look quite impressive, especially at Xmas lunch.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh wow, 2 sandwiched together, I love it!!! So much cream too, nothing better! Yum. Yes, rectangle is the go, I have only just started making them this way since my friend Linnie was up here and made one like this – smart lady!!! Haven’t looked back, so much easier to serve.

  4. Mrs T

    You’re a smart lady putting a pav in a rectangle! Makes sense, and yet I never would have thought of it myself! I’m all for easy recipes with a big show pony factor!! Nothing worse than slaving in the kitchen for a mediocre ‘yeah, it’s ok’.
    And, ps I love recipe posts. Im always a bit inspired by what someone else has cooked rather than trying to think up a menu plan all by myself. Which is also why I like cooking shows and recipe books with nice pictures.
    Have a good weekend!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, makes serving so much easier. And it tends to stay together better rather than crumbling everywhere. I love a bit of SHOW PONY too!!! We have chicken curry on the menu tonight here in the Chardy Kitchen HQ.

  5. Jo

    Well Dani, I’m so pleased to report that my guests absolutely loved the pavlova today! There were only 4 of us for lunch, but we almost demolished the lot. I wasn’t sure I believed you when you said how easy it was. How could I have doubted you 🙂 Thanks for a super recipe and your encouragement to give it a go. Love Jo

    • Miss Chardy

      Yay!!!!!!! So excited you loved it…. it is UNBELIEVABLE just how bloody easy it is isn’t it!!!??!!! Well done. 🙂



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