Fine Art of the Arm Fart

May 1, 2014

Harry 2

The arm and leg fart.  There is no finer art.  Once perfected it can entertain the most refined audience for hours.

Harry 1

With 3 young boys in my house there are normal farts, arm farts and leg farts happening constantly.  Now I know you may think you are above this caper but come on….lets get real – farts are always funny no matter how they happen.  Don’t tell me you don’t laugh.

Harry 3

Harry – my 7 year old – has definitely perfected this sport.  There is the normal arm fart, then there is the squeaker.  The squeaker has a high level of difficulty and only the most talented of arm farters can perfect this one.  The slow squeak is even harder and requires dedication and concentration.  It is the Slow Squeak that cracks me up every time, I can’t help myself, even if I am cranky I have to laugh.  Now, you know that I am quite an amateur at this whole blogging business, so I hope you can see these little films, it is my first try at inserting them into a post….so here goes….

Arm Fart 1


Then there is the leg fart.  You can crack this one off either standing or sitting.  For the single leg fart it is preferrable to be standing.  If you would like to attempt the more difficult “tandem leg fart” you will need to sit.

single leg

tandem leg

Now Harry is quite shy and unassuming so it was hard to convince him to let me video this, but I did manage a few quick shots (and had to negotiate a price….$3.00 is the going rate).  Clancy thought it might be fun to give the arm fart a try.  He is what you would class as a beginner.

ClancyWe needed to call in a professional to teach him a thing or two.  Harry is a great coach and very patient too.  And yes, I know – don’t even get me started on the dummies…..


Harry & Clancy

Clancy 2

Have you perfected the arm or leg fart?  I have tried but it is clearly not my thing and really quite hard.

Get your kids to demonstrate, I promise you that laughter shall follow.  

Any suggestions about movies and blog posts will be accepted. 


  1. Margie Jenkinson

    Miss chardy you and your boys are hilarious. Yes a great laugh!

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks for reading Margie, glad you could get a laugh out of it.

  2. NPOT

    I am glad to see you call them farts. I gringe when people call it a “fluff” or “popping off”. A fart is a fart, it is not meant to have a politically correct name. It is what it is.

    • Miss Chardy

      I agree, we weren’t allowed to say “fart” when we were little, ha ha ha. It is what it is.

  3. KezUnprepared

    Hahaha what fun 🙂 It’s good to get silly x

  4. Fi

    You never fail to get a laugh out of me Miss Chardy! Keep the entertainment coming! Looking forward to your Ladies Day Blog. Xoxo

    • Miss Chardy

      Glad I got you laughing with the old arm fart (I bet your brother used to do these all the time…probably still does). Harry looks even funnier when he does it while going cross eyed. Just working on the Barkly Women’s Day post now.

  5. Fi

    Yes, he was right in amongst the best of them 😉

  6. Michelle F.

    I’m a mom of five (4 boys) in the U.S. and found this hysterical. Our mini-van is usually a non-stop fart machine. Worse yet, four-year-old baby sister thinks it’s a rite of passage to perfect the technique as well. Fabulous entry. Thanks for sharing.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Michelle, all the way from the USA! Great to hear from you. I just don’t think there is anything we can do about it when there are so many boys….boys will be boys. I find it very funny though.


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