Friday Share: Things I am loving

May 29, 2015

It’s Friday….. AGAIN…. not to mention the fact that it is almost June.  Seriously, how can it nearly be June already?  I still feel like I am in February.  Bloody hell this year has flown by so fast it is scary.


You all know I have been hooked on podcasts lately.  Well one of my favourite part about some podcasts is when they share new podcasts they have been listening to or tell us what they have been reading.  So, today I am going to share a few things with you.


The Little Teashop on the Corner by Milly Johnson.  I am just over half way through and have been reading a little bit at a time, whenever I can, for a while now.  But it is good, I am really loving it.  A very easy read.


The Husband’s Secret by Liane Moriarty.  This was the last book I read.  I wasn’t sure about it at the beginning but then I couldn’t put it down.  A fantastic read.  Loved it and would recommend it.  Another easy read. (Thanks FF for being my personal librarian and loaning me some great books, you will get them back one day…)



Unfortunately I don’t really have time for watching TV at the moment but I will tell you my dirty little secret.  Every afternoon I head over to the kitchen to sort out dinner and get it ready.  I make sure it is all in the bain marie by 6pm so I can sit down, with a glass of wine and watch …… Neighbours.  It has become my new routine.  I really enjoy sitting down, by myself for that 1/2 hour of mindless viewing.  Apart from that I haven’t been able to watch anything.  So you need to tell me what you have been watching.

Listening: Podcasts

I have listened to that many podcasts lately that I have caught up on all of my favourites and now have to wait each week for a new one to be released.  So I have been searching the charts trying to find some newbies.

Death Sex & Money – this is my newest find and I am loving it.  So many episodes to be listened to.  Anna Sale is such a great interviewer.  Remember Sarah Koenig from Serial, well I think Anna is just about as easy to listen to as Sarah.  Onto it people.   They talk to some really interesting people about everything from death, sex and money.

Each week I wait patiently for the next episode of Two Fat Expats, because I think this would nearly be my favourite podcast.tfeAnd Chat 10 Looks 3 would come a close second to the Two Fat Expats.  Chat 10 Looks 3 is Annabel Crabb and Leigh Sales having a good old chat over a coffee and biscuits.  They keep it real and are hilarious.



Honey Joys – oh dear lord…. I have made myself so sick on these this week.  Talk about retro cooking.  I make a quadruple batch and cook them as a slice.  I add extra butter so they are nice an gooey. So much easier cooking them as a slice, rather than mucking around with patty pans.  I really do promise to put some recipes up on the blog one day soon…. one day!  But I am pretty sure most Cornflake boxes would have the recipe on them.  The recipe I use, I think from memory goes something like this:

Honey Joy Slice

2 tablespoons white sugar, 2 tablespoons honey, 4.5 cups Cornflakes and 90g butter (but I would use about 120g).  Melt butter sugar and honey in a saucepan until the sugar has dissolved, then pour over the Cornflakes, mix (I like to use a spatula).  Line and grease a slice tray and cook at 180° for about 10-15 minutes.  So that is a single batch, doesn’t make much and I don’t even think it would fill a whole slice tray.  Enjoy!


To Camooweal Campdraft this weekend.  The rest of the crew are already there.  The kids and I will head in today once I have done all of my jobs.  Oh and I still haven’t fully unpacked the car from when we were in town last, so that needs to be done.  It still resembles a rubbish tip.  Not pretty people.  I will be sure to take photos and Instagram and Facebook the happenings at a campdraft.   Well I will try anyway, we all know what happens when I mix with real people, I forget about my virtual world.  ha ha ha.


Exhausted….. and can’t wait to get into Camooweal and just sit…. I would be happy to just sit by myself, maybe read a book… but I am sure there will be wine with friends.  Mrs Savvy B will be there, looking forward to seeing her for a quiet one.


That I have cracked over 20,000 views on my blog this month.  I am going to keep things real on here and share my stats with you all.  I have no idea what stats other bloggers are getting and I have no idea if these stats are good or shit, so I am just going to keep it real and share it.  So if you are a blogger out there you might care, otherwise you won’t give a toss.  And that’s ok.  I know they say you shouldn’t look at your stats, but I just can’t help myself.  I am so bloody competitive.  ha ha ha.  I compete with myself really.  I was going to be happy if I could do 10,000 views per month with blogging 3 times a week, so this is wonderful.  And I have done it all myself.  Usually when I have had huge views it was due to one of my blogging idols (yes I am looking at you Baby Mac, Mrs Woog and Have a Laugh on Me) sharing a post and hence my views sky rocketed for one or two days, or something out of the ordinary has happened. But I think this month it has all been pretty steady and I think I may well have cracked this one on my own.  I might just go and pour myself a glass of something…ok, so I will wait until I get into Camooweal, 6:12am may be a little early for a wine, but my coffee has gone down a treat.  Thanks so much to all of you for reading my rambles.  God I go on, I have no idea how you put up with me sometimes.  So thanks!!!

So pleeeeeeease tell me if you have any new Podcast recommendations.  Please!!!  It is your turn to share what you have been doing.

Have a great weekend you bunch of spunks!


  1. Cooker and a Looker

    Have a great weekend at the Campdraft. It’s show day here, so we’re sitting in our pyjamas taking things s l o w l y this morning! I loved The Husband’s Secret and have lined up another of her books, Big Little Lies, to read in Melbourne.
    P.S. Fab stats lovely. Congrats! x

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh, Big Little Lies, yes, I would like to read that one. Thanks for the reminder!!! Enjoy the show (if you are going). 14 sleeps to go. 🙂

  2. Cate

    Happy Friday! It’s still thursday here, but life is good and I am in bed watching telly with a vodka and bitter lemon. Your weekend sounds wonderfully restorative, we’re off to Leipzig for a friend’s 40th at a Polish Bar where I will read from Adrian Mole (everyone has to provide something creative) and enjoy some lovely beverages, Have a lovely weekend x

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, Adrian Mole – too funny! Have a great time at the 40th, sounds like fun.


    You are going to have to educate this city chick. What is a campdraft ???

    • Miss Chardy

      Stay tuned…. I will educate you!

  4. Heidi

    So I just got home from work, get on the Ipad, see your post, start reading and get all excited because…it’s Friday! Took me a minute to realize, shit, it’s Friday in Australia, but still Thursday here! Bummer:( I hope you have a fantastic weekend. Get some rest, drink some wine with your friends and have fun.

    • Miss Chardy

      Sorry I got your hopes up about it being Friday, ha ha ha. Hang in there it will be Friday soon.

  5. SarahAbby

    My favourite US blogger, has a podcast – elise gets crafty. It could be up your alley! She speaks about blogging, goal setting, small business, motivation etc. with guests who have aced a particular field. Not you’re typical light hearted stuff, but it is inspiring, especially on a blogging front 🙂

    I’ll tell you what is an even better read than Laine Moriarty (who’s Big Little Lie’s is awesome btw)… Me Before You, by JoJo Moyes. Just make sure your jobs are done and the kettle is full before you crack it open – I REFUSED to stop once I had started.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much for those suggestions Sarah, I can’t wait to check out that podcast!!! I read another book by Jo Jo Moyes earlier this year, can’t remember want it was called but it was good. So thanks for that book suggestion too.

  6. Evie Jean

    This week has been our biggest audit week of the year – but there weren’t any tears so that was good!!
    Reading: my bedside table is full of half read books, I am a huge reader, but the last few years I have got slack! I used to make time to read, now I sleep!
    Watching: my TV reception is shit, so I wait for TV shows to come out on DVD. Love Child, Grey’s, Sons of Anarchy (finished now!!) and Hart of Dixie (also finished now!!) are my faves.
    Listening: 2 Fat Expats and Love Life
    Cooking: not if I can help it 😉
    Going: hopefully to see my man, long distance blows.
    Feeling: TGIF!
    Excited: If I am not driving to see my love tonight, I will be at home, rum in hand, on the phone to my bestie (cause she is my other long distance love!!), either way I have an entire 2 days off, which is currently a rare occurence!
    Have fun at the draft! 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Evie, thanks for your great run down, I am off to check out the Love Life podcast. How good are the Two Fat Expats!!! I also loved Love Child, can’t wait for it to come back on (it hasn’t already come back on has it???). Hope you had a lovely 2 days off.

  7. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    You’ve probably already left but have a FABO weekend- crazy busy with actual paid work here so no time to waste on blog, but I can’t miss a post from you – and look at your go with those stats! WHOOP. When you’re famous don’t forget wee mere mortals 😉 LOVE your work xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, you are too funny Em. We had a pretty good weekend. Now – onto more important things….11 sleeps to go!!!!! Yipppeeeeeee. 🙂 🙂 🙂

  8. KezUnprepared

    Those are awesome stats!!! Haha my TV guilty pleasure is watching stuff while on the treadmill or I watch Masterchef while cooking. Makes me feel like a master chef too haha

    • Miss Chardy

      Nothing better than watching a show while you are on the treadmill, I rolled the whole series of Sex and the City.

  9. Anne@GritandGiggles

    Holy jeabous … that is a lot of views especially compared to my measly nearly 3000 views last month (I just had to go look). Well done! T.V … whatever crap is on when I am home. Actually I am a bit into house rules but again with the when I am home. Books … love Monica McInerney but have read them all, so until the next one. Also just finished the latest Fleur McDonald book, ahhh she does well. I’ll have to find your reads, I am always up for a new book. Pod casts … you are making me want to give them a go. CAMPDRAFT … you are making me a little envious. Have a great time and enjoy chilling with friends.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Anne, you definitely need to get on board with the podcasts. So many interesting things to listen too. I just love them. Have you read any of Margareta Osborn’s books. She has sent me one that I am looking forward to reading once I finish my current book. It is called Mountain Ash but she has quite a few. My favourite read of all time is Matthew Flinders Cat by Bryce Courtenay.

  10. cat@thatbettiething

    Honey Joys as a slice! Now you’re talking! I made a double batch last weekend (3rd birthday party plus extras for lunch boxes). Patty pans are such a drag.

    • Miss Chardy

      You will never look back once you start making it in a slice tin, bugger those patty pans!!

  11. Bronnie - Maid In Australia

    They are great stats. I read a book for the first time in months this week – it was Nicky Pellegrino’s One Summer In Venice. That was because I was in hospital overnight for surgery on the lady parts. Sad when you have to go to hospital to get a read isn’t it? I hope you enjoyed a good break and a glass or two of chardy. I missed out on a nearby local pumpkin festival because I was still feeling delicate … oh well, I guess there is next year!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Bronnie. That is too funny that you had to go to hospital for a rest and read – I am totally hearing you. I had my tubes tied a couple of years ago and took myself off for a child free trip to Brisbane, It was so great, the nurses thought it was hilarious that I had to go to such extreme measures for a trip away, ha ha ha. Hope you are feeling a little better now!!!

  12. Sublime Finds

    This is great Chards – love that you’re doing Neighbours me-time! Also excited as I have just downloaded The Husbands Secret on the iPad am about to start it! Whoop! And last but most of all – those stats! Way to go! I am very impressed, totally not surprised and just the right amount of jealous 😉 Go you good thing! x

    • Miss Chardy

      The Husbands Secret is really good, hope you enjoy it.


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