Friends & Campfires

July 13, 2015

Are you up packing lunches and getting ready to send your kids back to school?  Back to the grindstone.  How have you been?  My boys head back to school today after a fun weekend with friends.

Mr & Mrs Savvy B and Co popped over for the night on Saturday.  I was so excited, haven’t seen them for a month and I was having withdrawals.  It was a very easygoing night…. a campfire, a cheese platter, some marinated prawns and some wine.  There really is nothing better than sitting around a fire with friends.  I would do it every night if I could.






We waved them off Sunday morning.  It was then time for DD and I to whip around and make up some more beds…. Housekeeping…  as we had more visitors arriving.  This time is was Grandpa Chardy (Mr Chardy’s Dad) and 4 others.  Mr Chardy’s cousin, second cousins and Captain Greg…. they all flew up from Victoria and are here for a few days.  It is so great to see them all and we haven’t seen Grandpa Chardy since January 2014, so really great to see him.   They travelled in style…..




So last night DD and I trotted out dinner for 18.  I had already thawed some mince out and Mrs Savvy B suggested giant meat pies.  So I had my first crack at making a meat pie – 4 of them actually and they went down a treat with some mashed potato, peas and gravy.


The cold weather has finally arrived up this way and I am sitting here in my winter pi’s with the Air Con on heat. I hope you are all staying warm!

How was your weekend?  
Are you freezing?  Is it snowing in your part?  



  1. Fashionista

    There is nothing like a campfire. As Victoria decided to emulate it’s neighbour Antarctica over the weekend that called for our open fireplace to be pressed into service. Lucky I had a tonne or firewood delivered on Friday. And it was a real measured tonne, not just me exaggerating. The firewood was tipped out into the driveway so then had to be stacked under the house and in the garden shed. Saturday morning saw me with soreness in muscles I didn’t even know I had, let alone could be exercised enough to be sore! Thankful for small mercies though, the wood already comes split so I didn’t need to do that. And I got to practice yet another of my obscure skills, making a stable woodpile.

    So we had a fire going all weekend. As well as the central heating. I even sat in front of the fire yesterday afternoon and crocheted. Ignoring Mt Folding and Creeping Ironing Pile.

    Have a fabulous week with you visitors.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh an open fire place, you lucky duck! How lovely!!! Well done with the wood, ha ha ha.

  2. Lisa Vaughan

    Nothing better than a campfire. Love reading what you all get up to. Love seeing pictures of my brother and hearing what’s happening have a great week

    • Miss Chardy

      Thought you would like that sneaky photo of Dan.

  3. Sandra Scott

    I’m having a real lazy start to the day, my daughter also back on the school routine with her family woke me with a phone call at 9.00am. We have constant drizzly rain here in Victoria and it’s cold.

    • Miss Chardy

      I bet it is cold down there! Cold enough up here. Nothing better than a lazy start to the day.

  4. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    I miss bonfires and chats around them! Kids off to school without a hiccup today – just my ‘baby’ and I having a rest day and doing a spot of baking and chilling – I’ll work when he sleeps! Have a great week ahead x

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Em, please don’t tell me he still has a daytime sleep? So jealous. 🙂

  5. KezUnprepared

    Those pies sound AMAZING! My weekend was lovely. We had a big Sunday roast (although not quite for 18 haha) to celebrate my dad’s birthday yesterday and the baked cheesecake I made went down a treat 🙂
    I am spending today praying the Little Mister will be well enough to go to day care tomorrow so I can get stuff done! x

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Kez, Sunday roast sounded like fun and yum to baked cheesecake. Hope the Little Mister was ok to go to Daycare.

  6. Anne@GritandGiggles

    This sounds like a lovely way to spend the weekend. We are even having a bit of the chill here in Cairns.

    • Miss Chardy

      Anne I noticed on the weather that Cairns seemed to be having quite low temps too.

  7. Hannah Doyle

    Hope Dad and Kevin are behaving!

    • Miss Chardy

      It was great to have them, your Dad is a legend! Was great to meet your sister and brother too.

  8. Miss Twinings

    You have been having such a great month with visitors etc, how wonderful. As for us, Oh wow, hit the ground running – that’s the name of the game when it becomes a new term here!! Back to school, back to work, back to dropoffs and (yawn) school lunches. However, i have found a simple, great biccy recipe which you can make in bulk & freeze (could suit your gatherings where u feed the 5000!!)! I will email it when i get a chance. So, anyway, these are great lunchbox fillers i have discovered. Thank u also for the teacake recipe btw. So, yes – busy crazy term time again. Gosh u must love not having such a thing as lunchboxes haha, and of course my kids like totally different foods in lunchboxes incidentally! U Lucky duck Chards!!! x

    • Miss Chardy

      I absolutely LOVE not having to worry about lunch boxes Miss Twinings! Would love the biscuit recipe. That tea cake recipe is so yum, I made a triple batch yesterday and it was to die for, smothered with extra butter and cinnamon sugar. YUM. Good luck with the school juggle.

      • Miss Twinings

        Yum! I have just emailed thru that biccy recipe to you now!

        • Miss Chardy

          Thanks so much for that!!!

          • Miss Twinings

            No probs, just let me know if it doesnt come thru. 🙂

  9. Cate

    meat pies are definitely something I miss in Germany!


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