General Chit Chat, some Recommendations & a Clothes Menu

January 17, 2019

As I trotted around the house yesterday I thought of a blog post for today, in my head it was a really good one. Now I can’t for the life of me remember what it was. I do that, if I don’t have a podcast or audiobook in my ears I think about blog posts, I type them out in my head and gosh they seem great, then – gone, unless I write it down.

Well we are off on holidays tomorrow, I am so excited. I am really looking forward to getting away. I was also thinking about this yesterday and thinking to myself – geez what is wrong with you girl – and then I remembered that it has been a month since I have been to town so I guess it is ok for me to want to get out.

I can’t wait to pack the car up and head off. Well our car in in Camooweal (on the bitumen) so first we have to get to it and then pack it up. Then it is Holidaaaaaaaay Roaaaaaaaaaaaaad.

Unfortunately we haven’t really had any rain so I really don’t think Mr Chardy will be able to relax and enjoy the holiday, he will be so worried about what is happening back here. He has had that many broken down bores lately and let me tell you – pulling a bore in 42 degree heat isn’t all it is cracked up to be. Lets just hope that no more break down in the next 2 weeks. Last night we had a pathetic shower of rain but nothing to write home about. When is it just going to set in, where is the wet season?

I have been busy getting ready to head off. Trying to bake a few goodies to leave for the small crew that is here, getting wages/office work done and the house tidy. Might need to jump on the mower again today – seriously it feels like that is all I do.

My house is finally tidy! I cleaned up all the school holiday filth and gosh it feels good. Boys are packet up and ready to go, so I am feeling very organised which is a good feeling to have.

Harry has been a little moody which it totally understandable, tonight is his last night here until he heads off for holidays and then boarding school. He is 12. That is pretty much it, he is gone then for good, just home for holidays.

I remember when it used to be time for me to go back to boarding school, I would be such a cranky bitch, poor DD – how did she put up with me for all of those years. I was such a cow to her, it is a wonder she didn’t just leave me there. And I loved boarding school, but I do remember that feeling that I would get, it is the same attitude I see in my boys, so I just grin and bear it, like DD must have done.

I think Harry is a little worried about the sports side of things, our kids don’t get much of a chance to play sports and he is worried about it, especially footy. I told him he will find his thing, and if Footy isn’t it that is ok.


Now lastly for some recommendations… what I have been reading and listening to? Thanks so much for asking, I am so glad you did. I am desperate for new podcasts so if you have any please let me know, I am up to date with all of my favourites. So here is my list…

Watching: The Bold Type on Stan. I can recommend it highly enough. I signed up for a free month but have a feeling that membership might stay. I am totally hooked on Stan. Think Devil Wears Prada as a series. I am loving it.

Reading: I usually have an audio book and an actual book on the go, I listen to the audio book by day and read the actual book by night. I am currently reading Don’t Let Her See Me Cry, it is a true story about a heroine addict who ends up in jail, she is pregnant when she goes to jail, has the child and then keeps her for 4 years in jail with her. I am not up to that part yet though and I must say I have been having strange dreams after reading it, so not sure it is a great one to read as I fall asleep but I am enjoying it. She is an Aussie, it is set in Melbourne.

Listening to: all of my favourite podcasts –

Mamamia Podcast Network – I have their app on my phone and my regular listens are: Mamamia Outloud, This Glorious Mess, No Filter & You Beaty. Other Podcasts from Mamamia that I have finished and love and waiting for more eps to drop: I Don’t Know How She Does It, Lady Startup, Just Between Us & The Well. If you haven’t listened to any of those I am so jealous, you have some serious binging to do!

Is the fact that I appear to have 16,586 unread emails on my phone making anyone anxious? And can anyone tell me how to make them appear as “read” if I have, in fact, read them on my computer? It really does astound me some days how I manage to pump out blog posts and manage my own website – probably not very well, truth be known.

My other regular podcasts are: Two Fat Expats, Australian True Crime, Conversations, Criminal, Death Sex and Money, Hamish & Andy (this is a great one to listen to if you have the kids in the car), One Fat Lady One Thin Lady, Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations, Oprah’s Master Class, Podschool, Show & Tell, Thank God it’s Friday, The Full Catastrophe and You’ve Gotta Start Somewhere.

Other Podcasts that I loved but have listened to the whole lot are: Believed, Better Off Dead, Bowraville, Dr Death, How Do You Sleep at Night, How I Built This, Little Girl Lost, Mum Says My Memoir Is A Lie, Mum Stories, Origins – the Sex and The City one, Phoebe’s Fall, S-Town, Serial season 1, The Adoption, The Dream, The Teachers Pet, This Is About, Unravel.

Wow, I really am jealous if you haven’t listened to any of those podcasts because you have some serious binging in front of you.

Audiobooks: I am currently listening to Becoming by Michelle Obama. Audiobooks that I have listened to and really enjoyed are: The Tattooist of Auschwitz, Boy Swallows Universe, Winging It, The 5 Second Rule, Crazy Rich Asians, Australia’s Most Murderous Prisons, The Trauma Cleaner and The Power of One.

Geez that should all keep you going for a bit.

I guess it is time for me to get to it. This nothing blog has ended up quite long. I am still really annoyed that I can’t remember what I actually wanted to blog about today. Oh well.

Now if you will excuse me I need to consult my “holiday clothes menu” and pack my bag. Does anyone else do that – write themselves a “clothes menu”? I find it makes packing so much easier and then I don’t end up with a heap of clothes I won’t wear. I have literally written down 2 weeks worth of outfits and all using just these clothes…

Oh god, I really do need to get off the station don’t I. This is even disturbing me! See what happens when I don’t have 1. people to talk to in real life and 2. places to go. Send help!!! Don’t worry, I only did 2 drafts of the clothes menu and didn’t type it up, so it’s all good.

Ed and I are trying to become a little regular with our Facebook Live Happy Hour – it happens on a Friday afternoon – 5pm NT Time, 5:30pm QLD time and 6:30pm NSW time (sorry if you are in a different state I have no idea what time you are on). We will be on the road tomorrow so will try and do it with her. Will see how we go.


Tickets for our Wild Spark Mount Isa Event can be purchased HERE


  1. Michele Davis

    Thanks for all those recommendations! Loved Boy Swallows Universe, the Tattoist of Auschwitz. Not so much the Trauma Cleaner.
    Podcasts, my favourite is ‘Don’t Shoot the Messenger’
    Caroline Wilson ( AFL footy journo) and Corrie Perkin, (journo, now bookseller)
    Lots of great chat, talk of books screen food all sorts of stuff. They even did a live podcast lunch in Melbourne, I was lucky to get a ticket, it was great. Have you listened to Dirty John? What a loser! Listened to Snowtown and wished I hadn’t! Shocking.
    You’ll miss Harry, poor Clancy might be a bit lonely. Enjoy your holiday, hope Mr Chards can relax a bit. Cheers.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Michele, will check out that podcast. Yes, did listen to Dirty John not sure why it wasn’t on my list. Oh Clancy is going to be so lonely.

  2. Katie Writes Stuff

    Ooh, thank-you for those podcast recommendations! I’m planning to listen to a lot of podcast on my drive to work this year, so those will come in very handy. Hope you’re enjoying your holiday!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh I am so glad to help – and also so jealous that you have all of those new podcasts to listen to.

    • Miss Chardy

      So glad to help you out, and a little jealous that you have all those new podcasts to listen to. 🙂

  3. Laurie-anne

    If you open your emails on your phone they should just disappear. Sorry if you’ve already tried this. If that doesn’t work you just have to delete again on your phone.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Laurie-anne, will give it a go.

  4. Sally

    Just finished Michelle Obama’s book poolside in hawaii… tough gig, but I managed. Loved the book, cried my heart out in parts of it. Just feel like they are such good people. Also read Crazy Rich Asians. Going to keep
    Going on that trilogy now.

    Shameless is my newest poddy recommendation. I think the two lady’s worked at MamaMia. MamaMia never recommends them so I am thinking something scandalous!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello Sally, I am in the middle of listening to Becoming on Audiobook. Enjoying it. I loved Crazy Rich Asians. I am off to check out Shameless – thanks a million for that tip.

  5. Sandra Jennings

    Have a great trip! And best of luck to your boy Harry starting boarding school.
    I hope the heavens open and the wet season I’m from Victoria I don’t know much about it, but does it usually come about October?

    I have listend to a lot of conversations podcasts and tried others, but my mind wonders. I just love Richard Fidler and struggle to get into others!

    Anyway, love your blog, first time I’ve commented.. my mate over at She Sows Seeds told me to be brave and comment on blogs haha, so I am!


    • Miss Chardy

      Hi there Sandra, thanks so much for saying hello and being brave! Really appreciate it. Harry is doing really well at school.


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