Get Sorted with Chards #3

February 9, 2015

Wow, we are into week 3 already.  How are you all going with this whole Get Sorted thing?  Are you on fire?  Are you just starting? This is where I am up to:





  • Beds: made!
  • Dining Table: Clear!
  • Kitchen: Spotless!
  • Benches: Clear!
  • Washing: Done!
  • Verandah: Tidy
  • Garden: Flowers Planted (who am I?)

I have stayed on top of these things for the past 2 weeks.  Don’t forget, for it to become a habit we need to do it for 30 days!  I am ready to do this for the rest of my life…it feels so bloody good!

Also after reading this post and this post over at Baby Mac it was game on – challenge accepted.  Beth has been trying to do “one thing” of her big lists each week… I managed to change the 5 light globes that had not been working for months – obviously my jobs are not from my big list!  Then yesterday before commenting on her post, I raced off and cleaned my fridge out.  Set the stop watch (on my phone, don’t worry I didn’t have one hanging around my neck, that would just be weird) and got to it.  I have been thinking all week that I need to do it.  And I did it properly too, no fluffing around, took me 27 minutes and 45 seconds from go to woe, included washing up containers and leaving the kitchen spotless!!! Next on my “one thing” list will be the freezers.  Thanks for the motivation Beth!

But… I am starting to feel like I am losing a little of my initial motivation so I think I need to kick it up a gear this week and keep moving.  We need to look back on the goals we set in week 1, or we need to think about what it is we would like to achieve.  Even if it is just one goal for this week.

On the weekend Mrs Savvy B & her crew came over.  It was so great.  All the boys went fishing and Mrs SB and I got stuck into my verandah.  You can read all about it here if you missed out.   So thanks to her help and motivation (actually she did most of it to tell you the truth…) my verandah is looking so much better.  The verandah always seems to get a little neglected but now that we have sorted it and chucked a heap of crap out I am really keen to stay on top of it.  Now that I feel in control of the inside of my house I am confident that I can move to keeping the verandah sorted too.  I know – don’t fall off your chairs…Chards is going OUTSIDE!!!  Will I be ok?

So, onto our goals.  What is one thing, or even three things you would like to achieve this week.  Don’t set unrealistic challenges for yourself.  Lets keep it real people.  It won’t happen overnight….but it WILL happen.  Just one step at a time, keep moving forward.

My goal for this week

I am only setting myself one goal for this week and it is this my friends:

1. Sort out the station office.   It isn’t really bad and looks worse than it actually is.  Which is what puts me off.  I know that once I start it will be done in no time and I really want to stay on top of it all, just like the house!  I am going to be a crazy, efficient, organised maniac I tell you!!!! Little bits at a time and our favourite saying must apply in the office too:


And after 36 years I have finally realised this:


This was my “aha” moment…. it really was… Oh god, come on Chards, now you just sound like Oprah.  But that’s ok, I love Oprah! I have finally stopped taking short cuts and have figured out that, no – hang on – I don’t have time NOT to put stuff away.  This is the key my friends.  Put the shit away…who’d have thought it would be so simple….????

So lets kick our own arses and pull ourselves into line!  Just like in Liar Liar where Jim Carey is in the bathroom, beating himself up, and someone asks what he is doing…….. “I’M KICKIN’ MY ARSE!!!” …. so I am off to kick mine into gear.  I need you all to keep me in line.  Come on, please tell me what you have achieved over the past 3 weeks, or even just over the past 2 days.  It doesn’t matter if you are just starting.

I would love to see your photos on Facebook or Instagram – #getsortedwithchards.  You see, I am quite competitive (if you hadn’t already figured that out from my challenges), so I ask you – set me a challenge. Go!  Just give it to me straight people.




  1. ffhousemouse

    Put it away or put it in the bin is going to be my new motto! I think staying on top of the Station office is tricky when it is a ‘shared’ space. Well Done, I truly think this is IT! X

    • Miss Chardy

      I like it – put it away or put it in the bin…..yes, I do like it. I am onto the Station Office… desk clear…..Mr Chardy’s to go, but he does get cross when I tidy up….as soon as I tidy up he decides he needs to find a scrap piece of paper with an important number on it that I have probably tossed out…..arggghhhhhh. Ok, filing time now. This really is IT!!!

  2. Joy

    Miss Chardy you are truly getting me sorted! Over the weekend I banned myself from my online business (computer work) and washed, put away, cooked and played with kids all day. My ultimate! Love also the PWK info which I’ve picked up many a tip from. I realise now that 4 kids have totally deteriorated my organisation/productivity brain synapses. Time to start giving the CPR! Thanks Groover

    • Miss Chardy

      Go Joy!!! So proud of you. How good does it feel?? Ummm what is PWK??? We can totally do this Joy….well, you have 4 young kids so maybe don’t be too hard on yourself……xx

  3. Annie Capel

    I got a lot sorted when told contractor crew could be arriving earlier than planed (motivation needed) – house sorted still waiting for crew a day later!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, nothing like a bit of forced motivation…I love it. Of course you are still waiting!!

  4. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    You are totally rocking it! We attacked the overgrown natives in our backyard, did some pruning and now I’m planning on planting some lemon trees for my vodka drink, speaking of I’m nailing AFD Mon through Thurs! Now to get some washing on, proud of you lovely xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Go you! The lemon tree is a good idea. And as for the AFD’s – I did Mon & Tues last week, and thought I probably shouldn’t put that sort of pressure on myself, ha ha ha. I might have one tonight. No pressure, ha ha ha. Now go and sort that washing.

  5. cloverandtwine

    I like it!!! “I don’t have time not to put that away”! Let that ring in my ears. Something in the air this week? I am currently blogging about my desk. Once you start… its is liberating! If I had a paper shredder I would have giggled with delight.

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, those saying have been ringing in my ears for the past couple of weeks. Works a treat. Can’t wait to see your desk!!!

  6. JessBargie

    Thanks so much Chards, My life is much better now just from doing a few simple tasks each day. we were away for the whole weekend, and the house wasn’t a bomb site, within 1 day all the jobs were done and dusted! I find I have more time now to do those niggling jobs like cleaning Venetian blinds/windows and screens! 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh, I know, I am right there with you, I have a clear head and SPARE TIME…. who’d have thought, but I am actually getting way more done, go figure. I even have time to have a little half hour of down time in the afternoon and …. READ A BOOK….shit!!!! May not stay this way when it gets busy but I hope I can keep on top of it all. Well done, I am so glad you are feeling better for doing it….SO GLAD!!!


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