Get Sorted with Chards – # 5 The Last One

February 23, 2015

Do you think you can fly solo after this week?  Go and print out our little motto (“Don’t put it down, put it away”) and stick it on your fridge.  Or just write it on a post-it and stick it everywhere if you have to.   2015 is shaping up to be a much better year than 2014, and I know I am not the only one who feels this way.


I have now been clean for 27 days.  This is an all time record for me.  I even put it to the test on the weekend and went away.  This is usually the straw that breaks the camels back.  Whenever I go away I always seem to be back to square one and in the biggest mess ever.  Not sure why.  I even left Mr Chardy and the 2 older boys here for 2 nights.  This whole cleaning thing must be rubbing off on them too because when I got back the house was tidy and there was even washing on the line.  Usually there is crap everywhere, the kitchen is filthy and the washing is piled up.  I was so excited.   I even unpacked my gear straight away.   The big test will be when I go to town.  I feel confident that I can do it.  I have had a taste of the tidy life and I am not going back into the mess.

How did you go with your goals last week?  Did you get something ticked off your list?  Did you do something that has been bugging you for months?  Did you EAT THAT FROG?  My goal for last week was to get on top of my ironing pile – that has been sitting there for months.  I am happy to report that it is DONE!  Didn’t even take that long.  I am going to iron as I go this week.  Which is actually pretty easy for me as I don’t iron any station clothes, so most days there is NO IRONING!!!

If you are only just joining us on the get sorted journey, don’t worry – you can do it.  It is a new week, a fresh start.  The perfect time to eat some frogs.  So what is it going to be for you?  I am going to join in with Baby Mac and her  #maintenancemonday – and will try to do this each week, first thing, over and done with by 10:30am – I wonder if I can do it?

eat that frog

This is our last Get Sorted with Chards post.  If you would like to catch up on any of my Get Sorted posts, here is a link to each one:

Get Sorted with Chards #1
Get Sorted with Chards #2
Get Sorted with Chards #3
Get Sorted with Chards #4

I think we can go it alone from here.  I may need to check in with you from time to time and ask for a virtual slap to kick me into line, but I feel pretty good about things.  My kitchen, pantry, office, desk, bedroom and bathrooms have all been clean and tidy for 27 days.  This is huge.  Normally I get on top of one thing and about 10 others slide and become out of control.  Who would have thought that all of you Virgo’s OCD types were actually onto something with this whole put it away thing.  So, I think to finish things off we will all say it together – loud and proud….


Fist pump INDEED!!!  We can totally do this people.  Come on, lets eat 3 frogs this morning – seeing as though it is Monday and all.  For me it is going to be Maintenance Monday, I will vacuum, mop, clean toilets and bathrooms, like a woman possessed, and I am also going to wash the sheets – I know – STOP!!!!  Just call me Sadie.

Onto it people.  Stay strong.  And thanks so much for helping me get my act together!  One last funny before I sign off….





  1. Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me

    Love those memes my friend. Now if you’re bored you could fly over to my tiny, humble and non-flash abode and come and sort me out! Although you’d probably have your Slipper Kit in tow and we’d just get smashed in the pool the entire time. Seriously though, proud of you x

    • Miss Chardy

      God, I would love to, always way more fun sorting other people stuff. Ha ha ha ha, so true about the Slipper Kit (I don’t think Andrea from Sublime Finds realises just how big that term is going to become, ha ha ha) yes, we would just park ourselves by the pool and after a few slippers the house would look perfect, ha ha ha. How did you go with the toys?

  2. Mrs T

    Still ON TOP of the ironing, thank you very much. I think for the first time in the last four years there is no ‘to do pile’ under the stairs.

    • Miss Chardy

      Ohhhh, me too, me too!!!!! Well done to you!!! I am so on top of my ironing that I even ironed my pj’s yesterday….god help me, I don’t even know who I am anymore….but gee it feels good doesn’t it.

      • Mrs T

        The more you do the more you realise there still is to do! Next thing is you’ll start ironing your undies before you fold them because they’ll sit more flat. Ditto tea towels.

        • Miss Chardy

          ha ha ha ha, no I think we can rest assured I will NEVER iron my undies…. although strange things are happening…. send help fast if that ever happens, even my Mum doesn’t iron undies…. yes, sure she irons pillow cases, tea towels and the like but not undies…. but you are right, they would sit better, oh god….I need to stop now…


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