
November 18, 2015

Hi there – Wednesday already?  What the hell.  But yes please, i’ll roll with that because that means it is only ONE MORE SLEEP until I head off with Mrs Savvy B & Miss Plonk (who is actually now Mrs Plonk and up the duff, so there will be no plonk for her) for our Mystery Trip.  Well it is a mystery for Mrs SB, not so much for me and Mrs P.


I am only slightly excited about driving out of here tomorrow CHILD FREE.  And gee I will feel so guilty about leaving my gorgeous children behind, but I am hoping that the immense guilt I will be feeling will pass by the first grid*.  I will have the car to myself, the podcasts will be pumping and life will be good.  Mrs Savvy B …. here I come.

*First grid is only 50 meters from the house

Just a little bit of advice for Mrs Plonk before her baby arrives in February – some medical advice if you will…

Keep away from children


Sorry Mrs Plonk – I am sure I will love seeing your newborn and wiping his or her butt!  Can’t wait….hmmm

Guess what… I finally have a helper.  Annabel – my little angel – arrived last Wednesday.  I drove down the stock route to meet her at the highway and I am telling you now that it was the best trip down that 160km of dirt road I have ever done.  It is amazing what you can achieve with an extra set of hands…. someone to help out with all the little things that need doing each day, you only realise how much you actually have to do each day when someone else comes to help.   It is no wonder I wasn’t getting everything done, why on earth did I think I could do it all.  Anyway, Annabel is just here for a month to help out and I am so thankful for that.  Oh and did I mention that I always wanted a daughter named Annabel?

Miss Gabby has headed off today for a whirlwind trip to Brisbane… this is what’s going down people… she headed off at about 5am this morning to drive to Mt Isa: that is a 5 hour trip (no biggie), she will then fly to Brisbane at midday, see Florence and the Machine tonight and fly back to Mt Isa in the morning then drive home…. a quick overnight trip to Brisbane.  That is dedication isn’t it.  If she were to drive from here to Brisbane it would be a 4,600km return trip.  So I reckon she is doing pretty well.  It is amazing to think that you can leave from here at 5am and be in Brisbane by 3pm isn’t it?!  Have fun with your mates Gab.

I really don’t have much to tell you today, just wanted to say hi and let you know just how bloody excited I am about my trip away, in case you couldn’t tell.

Girls weekend

Don’t worry DD – I promise to keep my wits about me, just like you always tell me to.

Happy Wednesday to you all.  I look forward to taking you on the Mystery Trip with us and can’t wait to tell you what we get up to.



  1. Mish

    Enjoy the concert Gab and have a fun mystery tour too!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Mish!!!

  2. Mrs Plonk

    Just a bit excited over here too!
    Can’t wait for our mystery tour!!! Are we there yet??

    PS Thank you so much for the lovely first time mum advice!?!?!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, you are so welcome on the advice – I will give you further lessons on the weekend. ha ha ha. One more sleep to go. Yippee… two more sleeps until we see you!

    • Miss Chardy

      Thank you – we WILL have fun… so much fun.

  3. Fi

    Girls trips are so much fun! Enjoy DD – you deserve it!

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Fi, I can’t wait.

  4. Em @ Have A Laugh On Me

    Have a ball – you deserve the time away and NO GUILT!!!!!!!!!! x

    • Miss Chardy

      NO GUILT!!! None, zilch. 🙂 Can’t wait.

  5. KezUnprepared

    Woohoo! I am excited for you!! I am excited to go to a wedding with just the girls this weekend. My first SOCIAL outing child free in a long time 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Kez, that will be such fun! Anything child free is exciting. Enjoy the wedding!

  6. Therese

    Go Dan. I always wanted to go on a mystery trip. Have fun💄👠👗🙋🏼😇😍 a Therese xoxo

    • Miss Chardy

      No more sleeps to go Aunty Theresie…. I can’t wait. Going to be such fun. xxxx


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